Nice! Yeah someday I will re-read them too. My girlfriend and I were traveling through China and went to a foreign language bookstore in Shanghai and bought books 6 and 7. For the rest of the trip we were vying for possession of the books, our own little skøldpadda, and having to make sure we stopped reading in the mornings and went outside the hotel to see China lol. Daruckis is a big fan I know, and I'm sure there are others. Stephan King is the shit, I don't care what anyone says. He is a brilliant story teller. Back to the topic, did you hear some movies are in the works? I always knew that movies would ensue... seems like a bad idea to me. You know Viggo Mortenson or whatever will be Roland. Ugh. Also, there is a new book in the works, to take place between books 4 and 5. Book 4 was probably my least favorite though. I was also a drunken freshman in college when I read it... Maybe I'll give it another try.
Edit: I don't know about Viggo, that was speculation. Eastwood is too old.
The ending was perfect! haha. it was though. The protagonist turns out to be a borderline evil, deeply self-centered man, to the end that his loved ones were plainly sacrificed for his pointless mission. How can you not love that?
OK I'm going to move this over to the Tower thread
Wait, you can move posts? Are you a mod? OT, I think I should have stopped reading when Stephen King said too. I really need to reread the last two books, but something didn't sit well with me with the ending. I believe J.J. Abrams (Lost guy) is making the movies.
No I'm not a mod, I would make a poor moderator. I posted that in your other thread, then decided to copy it, delete it, and paste it here. Pretty ****ing innovative, wouldn't you say? lol just kidding. I'm not surprised that people didn't like the ending. I did love it though, I couldn't see it happening any other way. King has always had a tendency to shit the bed with endings on occasion, and I'm glad he kept it simple with this one. Although, that was one hell of a run-up to just find out that it's basically all for NOTHING. It does leave some doors open to further speculation though... like to what degree did Roland's world really influence ours, and how real was any of the Tower mythology within the story itself? If it's just Roland's own self-inflicted Hell, how does that affect the experience of the other characters? OK I'm really nerding out on this right now. Work beckons....
I was pissed it was all for nothing. Over the years I've excepted it, and can see now there really was no other way for it to end. What I really like about the Dark Tower though was all the connections to his other books. Especially IT. When I finished It I was like wth was that? After The Dark Tower, It made so much more sense.
Yeah, and I love how he wrote HIMSELF into the books! That is just plain fun. "It" was an amazing book. I read it as a 12 year old, the perfect age and introduction to Stephen King.
I was around that age too when I read It. That miniseries made me want to read it. Scared the hell out of me! Did you read the DT comics? I still need to pick those up.
I loved the series, but I haven't read it in years, so anything I could add to the discussion would be weak. My favorite book of the series was Wizard and Glass.
I also really enjoy the way King worked elements of DT into many of his other books.
Lol unhackeable? The first time someone logs onto the net on their gov computer some 16 year old kid in the US is going to take down their whole server....