Food prices are getting pretty ridiculous. Every time I go to the store I feel like I spend at least 50 bucks, even if I'm just getting things for dinner and a few things with a longer shelf-life like coffee and TP. Sometimes I feel like going out to cheap restaurants all the time would be more cost-effective, then I remember how much I like to cook and eat leftovers for breakfast.
Now I'm not one of those people who eats only food from a 100 miles radius by any means; I quite like imported food items of a particularly high quality or relative scarcity. But what drives me nuts is this: increasingly, big chains (QFC where I live, but the distributor is Kroger) are cutting costs by importing damn-near everything. Washington State is literally world-renowned for our apples (we sell lots to Asia and beyond), yet when I'm shopping for apples, all but one variety hail from California or New Zealand. WTF would I want or need with an apple that was shipped across the mighty Pacific from New Zealand? Especially after reading in the Seattle Times that the apple farmers just over the Cascade Mountains, less than 2 hours away, reported a bumper crop this Summer! All I want is a goddamn Washington apple. How can it be cheaper to send them from New Zealand?
I'll bore you with some more examples. The last time I was on the Oregon Coast in Seaside I went to Safeway for some groceries. I knew I was going to stop at the little fish monger afterward for that day's catch but thought I would check the seafood prices at the grocery store to maybe save some money. The shrimp they had were labeled as being from Indonesia and Vietnam... Are you shitting me? The Pacific Ocean was a 5 minute walk from a seafood counter selling Vietnamese shrimp? How about ground beef? if you look at the fine print you might find something similar to the following: "Product of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand". All in one single-pound package? That is ****ing disgusting. I do not need my beef to be frozen and shipped from neighboring countries and the ****ing South Pacific! For God's sake this is the "Wild West" is it not? If I need ground meat I will gladly pay a couple dollars more for a single-source product. I often buy Bison actually (as GoVegan sheds a loan buffalo tear) because it's tastier, more healthy, and is produced in relatively small quantities.
I wish I could afford to buy the best products all the time. Every now and again I splurge and stop at Pike Place Market on my way home from work and buy some fresh, local Chinook or King salmon and vegetables from the local farmers who set up and take down their stands every day. Fresh, high quality ingredients make a very satisfying meal. We also have a lot of farmers markets in various neighborhoods around town on the weekends, some of them selling interesting meats like duck and goat and hand-cut bacon, but at a premium.
Anyone have any thoughts on the matter? Or have I just reached a new level of boredom this evening?
Now I'm not one of those people who eats only food from a 100 miles radius by any means; I quite like imported food items of a particularly high quality or relative scarcity. But what drives me nuts is this: increasingly, big chains (QFC where I live, but the distributor is Kroger) are cutting costs by importing damn-near everything. Washington State is literally world-renowned for our apples (we sell lots to Asia and beyond), yet when I'm shopping for apples, all but one variety hail from California or New Zealand. WTF would I want or need with an apple that was shipped across the mighty Pacific from New Zealand? Especially after reading in the Seattle Times that the apple farmers just over the Cascade Mountains, less than 2 hours away, reported a bumper crop this Summer! All I want is a goddamn Washington apple. How can it be cheaper to send them from New Zealand?
I'll bore you with some more examples. The last time I was on the Oregon Coast in Seaside I went to Safeway for some groceries. I knew I was going to stop at the little fish monger afterward for that day's catch but thought I would check the seafood prices at the grocery store to maybe save some money. The shrimp they had were labeled as being from Indonesia and Vietnam... Are you shitting me? The Pacific Ocean was a 5 minute walk from a seafood counter selling Vietnamese shrimp? How about ground beef? if you look at the fine print you might find something similar to the following: "Product of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand". All in one single-pound package? That is ****ing disgusting. I do not need my beef to be frozen and shipped from neighboring countries and the ****ing South Pacific! For God's sake this is the "Wild West" is it not? If I need ground meat I will gladly pay a couple dollars more for a single-source product. I often buy Bison actually (as GoVegan sheds a loan buffalo tear) because it's tastier, more healthy, and is produced in relatively small quantities.
I wish I could afford to buy the best products all the time. Every now and again I splurge and stop at Pike Place Market on my way home from work and buy some fresh, local Chinook or King salmon and vegetables from the local farmers who set up and take down their stands every day. Fresh, high quality ingredients make a very satisfying meal. We also have a lot of farmers markets in various neighborhoods around town on the weekends, some of them selling interesting meats like duck and goat and hand-cut bacon, but at a premium.
Anyone have any thoughts on the matter? Or have I just reached a new level of boredom this evening?