Originally posted by RobsanX
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Funny, because it seems the boss is always republican at every company I work at. And so are most small business owners. I think that everyone wants an educated workforce, I would be hard pressed to find a single person who doesn't want that, be they republican or democrat.
Re: Taxes: Taxes are necessary, I don't mind paying them. What I do mind is how they increase constantly and yet nothing around me gets better. If I could pay 50% of my paycheck and llive in a socialist paradise with free healthcare, a guaranteed job and pension, roads that weren't broken, etc etc, than that would be fine. But like here in CA for example, we give them more money each year and et our schools get worse, our roads lie in ruins, our public parks are never properly funded, transportation money is squandered, and quite frankly I am tired of giving them more money. They don't seem to know how to spend it right. That's why I am against tax increases.
As for the rich, I don't care, I am voting for my interests, which are lower taxes for me, a fair tax for the rich, but done in a way that can still make a business friendly environment. I think we should all be pying a flat tax if you ask me. Raising tax on the rich just means they get smarter at evading them. Charge it at point of sale and you will no longer have that problem.