Definitely Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Steven Wright..
Oh, and Rodney Dangerfield!
David Cross and Patton Oswalt are two contemporary comics I like..
I miss Colin Quinn's show where he'd have 4 stand-ups on (usually Jim Norton, Nick Di Paolo, Greg Giraldo and Patrice O'Neal) and they'd just sit around and talk about stuff. That was a good show..
Last night I spent at least an hour watching as many Brian Regan clips as I could, and that guy is still really hilarious after all these years. It baffles me how someone can keep up such great material.
That's me and Louis CK - he's the man.. but my all time favorite for off the cuff stuff is Lil' Jimmy Norton - his prewritten stuff comes off a little stilted sometimes, and I don't think he should be trusted around anyone unarmed, but the guy cracks me up with some of the shit he comes up with on the fly
Other greats:
Burr - that man is funny
Regan - "What position do I play? Grape..."
Patton Oswalt - a funny, funny gnome - "I'm not husky, that is protective karate fat!"
Stanhope - awesome guy
- and of course: Hicks
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