Trying soo hard to keep myself the fu*k out of jail right now... :^(
My fuxing neighbor ran over and killed one of my dogs. She came flying down the driveway and got him with both tires. Now where I live - I live out on 10 acres of northern California forest land. I have 2 neighbors, who each have 10 acres on either side of me. We share a long, roadbase driveway, which then branches off to each of our three driveways/houses. All three of us have always looked out for each others dogs and kids, as there is no reason to have a fence when its just our three yards for miles. So NO - my dog was not just running loose. And I really only let them out to go to the bathroom, 99% of the time they are inside.
Everybody that comes down that driveway knowing there are kids and dogs present, does a reasonable 5MPH or so, everyone except her. We have been complaining to her for years about her speed, and it is the reason my kids are not allowed anywhere near the driveway - sucks for them, but its better than being ran over like my dog. Police/Sherrif won't do anything, as its all private property.
Anyways, my wife had just let them out when she saw the neighbor coming down the driveway. My wife said she was easily doing 35MPH down the driveway. She came around the curve in the driveway, swerved around to avoid HER dog that was actually IN the main driveway, and flat creamed mine, right at the end of our driveway, but INSIDE our driveway. I was in the shower when it happened, and I heard the dog scream all the way inside the house with the water running.
The worst part? She got out of the car with a fat joint in her hand, smoke just pouring out of the truck, obviously stoned out of her mind. She is a medical marijuana patient, but constantly drives around smoking, and thinks she has the right to (which it is still DUI in CA). I didn't even get so much as a sorry from her, she just goes "aaahh, looks like I just got his foot - he'll be alright." Well my wife and I are both in the medical field, and we could both tell he had massive internal damage at first glance, with the abdominal swelling and blood running from his penis.
So we rush him to the vet, and x-rays showed a badly crushed pelvis, in like 6 peices, his femur had been pulled clean from the socket and broken in three, he had a Pneumothorax - which basically means he got to choke on his own blood for the last two hours of his life, a collapsed lung, and his heart was displaced about two inches. They said we could bring in an Orthopedic Surgeon (yes, a people surgeon), to put him back together, but they said he would probably hardly ever be able to walk again, and that more than likely hed be in excruciating pain the rest of his life. And all this for $10,000 plus. I just couldn't do it. It wasn't really the money as much as I could't bring myself to make a dog live in pain and be unable to walk the rest of his life. We stayed to stroke him and comfort him while they put him down, my wife just cold bawling her eyes out, and when they administered the Sodium Pentothal, and his lungs relaxed, all that blood from the Pneumothorax all came running from his mouth/nose at once. It was just sooooooo much blood. Seemed like over hald the blood that could possibly fit in his little body. The vet then told me he would not have survived the surgery anyways, as that was far more blood than they saw on the x-rays..
As I said, the cops can do nothing, as its private property, and as far as being stoned, the CHP I alked to said since they didn't observe her driving/in the car, there was nothing they could do either, as she'll just say she smoked after she got home.
Though he DID say that they have had reports of a woman in the area in the same type truck driving around and pulling up to buisinesses while smoking, so he said they were going to post an extra patrol in the area to look for her. Hopefully this will make her wake up and slow the fu*k down when she know there are kids and pets present.
The dog she hit was our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which was more my wife and daughters dog, so I wasn't even really that attached to him. And I still want to burn her fu**ing house down. And its sad for me to say, but if it had been my Boxer she hit, I would probably be in jail right now - seriously. Or my kid - I'd definately be in prison right now, thats for damn sure.
Its been three days, and I still have not recieved so much as a sorry. I came home yesterday to a note on my door, her offering to get us a new dog from the pound. She couldn't even face me in person, that cowardly cu*t. Number one, how does that even begin to replace my dog? Number two - that was a $1000 dog, that I now owe $1200 in vet bills on. And my dog is still dead. He was only 8 months old. Stupid bit*h.
Anyways sorry for such a long ass post, I just needed to vent somewhere, I'm still sooo freakin' bummed.
See you on the other side, Cooper!
This sucks.
My fuxing neighbor ran over and killed one of my dogs. She came flying down the driveway and got him with both tires. Now where I live - I live out on 10 acres of northern California forest land. I have 2 neighbors, who each have 10 acres on either side of me. We share a long, roadbase driveway, which then branches off to each of our three driveways/houses. All three of us have always looked out for each others dogs and kids, as there is no reason to have a fence when its just our three yards for miles. So NO - my dog was not just running loose. And I really only let them out to go to the bathroom, 99% of the time they are inside.
Everybody that comes down that driveway knowing there are kids and dogs present, does a reasonable 5MPH or so, everyone except her. We have been complaining to her for years about her speed, and it is the reason my kids are not allowed anywhere near the driveway - sucks for them, but its better than being ran over like my dog. Police/Sherrif won't do anything, as its all private property.
Anyways, my wife had just let them out when she saw the neighbor coming down the driveway. My wife said she was easily doing 35MPH down the driveway. She came around the curve in the driveway, swerved around to avoid HER dog that was actually IN the main driveway, and flat creamed mine, right at the end of our driveway, but INSIDE our driveway. I was in the shower when it happened, and I heard the dog scream all the way inside the house with the water running.
The worst part? She got out of the car with a fat joint in her hand, smoke just pouring out of the truck, obviously stoned out of her mind. She is a medical marijuana patient, but constantly drives around smoking, and thinks she has the right to (which it is still DUI in CA). I didn't even get so much as a sorry from her, she just goes "aaahh, looks like I just got his foot - he'll be alright." Well my wife and I are both in the medical field, and we could both tell he had massive internal damage at first glance, with the abdominal swelling and blood running from his penis.
So we rush him to the vet, and x-rays showed a badly crushed pelvis, in like 6 peices, his femur had been pulled clean from the socket and broken in three, he had a Pneumothorax - which basically means he got to choke on his own blood for the last two hours of his life, a collapsed lung, and his heart was displaced about two inches. They said we could bring in an Orthopedic Surgeon (yes, a people surgeon), to put him back together, but they said he would probably hardly ever be able to walk again, and that more than likely hed be in excruciating pain the rest of his life. And all this for $10,000 plus. I just couldn't do it. It wasn't really the money as much as I could't bring myself to make a dog live in pain and be unable to walk the rest of his life. We stayed to stroke him and comfort him while they put him down, my wife just cold bawling her eyes out, and when they administered the Sodium Pentothal, and his lungs relaxed, all that blood from the Pneumothorax all came running from his mouth/nose at once. It was just sooooooo much blood. Seemed like over hald the blood that could possibly fit in his little body. The vet then told me he would not have survived the surgery anyways, as that was far more blood than they saw on the x-rays..
As I said, the cops can do nothing, as its private property, and as far as being stoned, the CHP I alked to said since they didn't observe her driving/in the car, there was nothing they could do either, as she'll just say she smoked after she got home.
Though he DID say that they have had reports of a woman in the area in the same type truck driving around and pulling up to buisinesses while smoking, so he said they were going to post an extra patrol in the area to look for her. Hopefully this will make her wake up and slow the fu*k down when she know there are kids and pets present.
The dog she hit was our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which was more my wife and daughters dog, so I wasn't even really that attached to him. And I still want to burn her fu**ing house down. And its sad for me to say, but if it had been my Boxer she hit, I would probably be in jail right now - seriously. Or my kid - I'd definately be in prison right now, thats for damn sure.
Its been three days, and I still have not recieved so much as a sorry. I came home yesterday to a note on my door, her offering to get us a new dog from the pound. She couldn't even face me in person, that cowardly cu*t. Number one, how does that even begin to replace my dog? Number two - that was a $1000 dog, that I now owe $1200 in vet bills on. And my dog is still dead. He was only 8 months old. Stupid bit*h.
Anyways sorry for such a long ass post, I just needed to vent somewhere, I'm still sooo freakin' bummed.
See you on the other side, Cooper!

This sucks.