How do you know it's not just a phishing site to gather personal information. Will be interesting to see if anyone actually gets a card. Please keep us posted.
Something is not right - I went back and registered my wife and she won a $30.00 gift card as well. With my luck I will receive the card and it will be something like a $30.00 coupon for every $1000 I spend. They are also probably selling our email address' to every online casino that they can find.
Something is not right - I went back and registered my wife and she won a $30.00 gift card as well. With my luck I will receive the card and it will be something like a $30.00 coupon for every $1000 I spend. They are also probably selling our email address' to every online casino that they can find.
Actually, I think this is how Gamblers Anonymous gets their mailing lists.
"Ya wanna gamble, dooyaa!!"