Pharmaceutical Industry .. some thoughts ....

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
    No, it's not. There is a lot of crap out there that puts people in danger, but the concept of using herbal or natural remedies instead of synthetic pills is very real. I have had much success with it many times in my lifetime. Just don't listen to the crazies that tell you to pray it away lol.
    Check out the wiki link someone posted above. Homeopathy is different than natural medicine.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by Darwin View Post
      Homeopathic meds will "work" in the sense that a certain percentage of people using them will get better--the same percentage that gets better doing nothing at all. Lot's of "home remedies" are that way. They worked on someone at some time in the past so "logically" they must work now. At least herbs have actual chemicals in them that might do something such as willow bark, the original source of acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin. Botanicals will always be a great source for med development. That's why the Amazon basin,among other fecund tropicalities, is being combed for exotic botanical chemical sources. There's gold in them thar swamps.

      Prescription meds are the same. They "work" only slightly better than the sugar pill in many studies.

      Natural remedies to things have been used for thousands of years, and many of these natural remedies are the basis for many pharmaceuticals. Natural remedies do work, often times just as well as pills. In my personal scenario, I have found they work more often than pills, but that may just be my body and/or my mindset which causes it to work.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        Check out the wiki link someone posted above. Homeopathy is different than natural medicine.
        Okay, maybe I am using the wrong word. I think homeopathy is more for those witch doctors out there who will have you buy expensive wheetgrass to cure cancer or somethign lol. I just mean that natural remedies of the non-synthetic type can be effective at treating certain symptoms of certain diseases.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          I've been using both homeopathy and classic drugs to treat two severe conditions ....

          One is anxiety/depression and the other is sinusitis...

          The latter can't be treated completely ... it's a life-time condition ....

          But anyway my point is that the classic drugs are only for a short-time relief .... and sometimes not even that...

          Whilst the natural homeopathic treatment has been a lot more effective....

          A lot of people that I know and spoken to are in a terrible health condition ... and have been seeing dozens of doctors over the years ... pretty much useless.... They don't know that smoking and don't want to understand that smoking can devastate the whole body and make you feel like a zombi, lol ... I've been there .... and yet most people that still smoke don't believe... me ...

          I believe that in 99% of the cases of people that feel bad .... smoking is the main issue.... that's a fact... that they don't believe until they quit completely ....

          Someone was mentioning weed to treat anxiety/depression.... to a certain extent... weed can actually induce anxiety.... in the withdrawal ....
          And I know some people that have anxiety because of weed ....


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            If medical MJ became legal in my state I would ask a doctor for a prescription for occasional insomnia. It would have to be a strain that does not bring on panic attacks though. I smoked something called "white rhino" years ago and never felt more calm.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
              If medical MJ became legal in my state I would ask a doctor for a prescription for occasional insomnia. It would have to be a strain that does not bring on panic attacks though. I smoked something called "white rhino" years ago and never felt more calm.
              You can buy more white rhino here ...

              Be careful it contains THC, don't smoke it while driving ;-)


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                I've been using both homeopathy and classic drugs to treat two severe conditions ....

                One is anxiety/depression and the other is sinusitis...

                The latter can't be treated completely ... it's a life-time condition ....

                But anyway my point is that the classic drugs are only for a short-time relief .... and sometimes not even that...

                Whilst the natural homeopathic treatment has been a lot more effective....

                A lot of people that I know and spoken to are in a terrible health condition ... and have been seeing dozens of doctors over the years ... pretty much useless.... They don't know that smoking and don't want to understand that smoking can devastate the whole body and make you feel like a zombi, lol ... I've been there .... and yet most people that still smoke don't believe... me ...

                I believe that in 99% of the cases of people that feel bad .... smoking is the main issue.... that's a fact... that they don't believe until they quit completely ....

                Someone was mentioning weed to treat anxiety/depression.... to a certain extent... weed can actually induce anxiety.... in the withdrawal ....
                And I know some people that have anxiety because of weed ....

                The problem is people smoke large quantities (im not talking about cigs) and it brings out issues you already have and exacerbates them, hence panic attacks. I used to get that too when I smoked, but when I switched to smoking small, theraputic quantities, I never had one again. I am currently prescribed med mj by my Dr to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia and lack of apetite, and it works better than any of the other drugs I have taken from a Dr. I went to him and told him that I am sick of pills and their side effects, and asked if there was a more natural way to fix these issues.

                Literally, it has worked so much I am amazed. For years I smoked and had all kinds of bad problems because I was smoking "to get high". I just recently started taking it as a "medicine" in very small quantities, and it is a miracle. It has completely gotten rid of my anxiety or depression I have, and I can sleep and eat like a regular human being now. Plus, since it's in small quantities, you can't even notice when i'm on it. It's just like taking a pill.

                I am just saying that not everything works for everyone, but in some people's regiment, natural plant derived substances can be of medical benefit.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                  If medical MJ became legal in my state I would ask a doctor for a prescription for occasional insomnia. It would have to be a strain that does not bring on panic attacks though. I smoked something called "white rhino" years ago and never felt more calm.

                  They have it all broken down to a science. They have certain strains that target certain ailments, and even target certain parts of the body. I use romulan or master kush for insomnia. I used to have heavy panic attacks, but i've figured out which strains are perfect for me and I have yet to have one yet since i've been prescribed it by my Dr.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    The problem is people smoke large quantities (im not talking about cigs) and it brings out issues you already have and exacerbates them, hence panic attacks. I used to get that too when I smoked, but when I switched to smoking small, theraputic quantities, I never had one again. I am currently prescribed med mj by my Dr to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia and lack of apetite, and it works better than any of the other drugs I have taken from a Dr. I went to him and told him that I am sick of pills and their side effects, and asked if there was a more natural way to fix these issues.

                    Literally, it has worked so much I am amazed. For years I smoked and had all kinds of bad problems because I was smoking "to get high". I just recently started taking it as a "medicine" in very small quantities, and it is a miracle. It has completely gotten rid of my anxiety or depression I have, and I can sleep and eat like a regular human being now. Plus, since it's in small quantities, you can't even notice when i'm on it. It's just like taking a pill.

                    I am just saying that not everything works for everyone, but in some people's regiment, natural plant derived substances can be of medical benefit.
                    I doesn't hurt that you don't have to worry about cops beating down your door either. That does wonders for reducing anxiety :^D


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                      The problem is people smoke large quantities (im not talking about cigs) and it brings out issues you already have and exacerbates them, hence panic attacks. I used to get that too when I smoked, but when I switched to smoking small, theraputic quantities, I never had one again. I am currently prescribed med mj by my Dr to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia and lack of apetite, and it works better than any of the other drugs I have taken from a Dr. I went to him and told him that I am sick of pills and their side effects, and asked if there was a more natural way to fix these issues.

                      Literally, it has worked so much I am amazed. For years I smoked and had all kinds of bad problems because I was smoking "to get high". I just recently started taking it as a "medicine" in very small quantities, and it is a miracle. It has completely gotten rid of my anxiety or depression I have, and I can sleep and eat like a regular human being now. Plus, since it's in small quantities, you can't even notice when i'm on it. It's just like taking a pill.

                      I am just saying that not everything works for everyone, but in some people's regiment, natural plant derived substances can be of medical benefit.
                      If you're really taking it ... as a medicine ...
                      Then you are surely experiencing withdrawal pangs...
                      Unless you smoke it once a month.... only..
                      the withdrawal from Weed is quite severe in some cases..

                      Here's just a few I'm aware of...
                      physical tension
                      decreases in appetite and mood
                      stomach pain
                      physical tension
                      increased aggression / anger
                      strange dreams ..

                      Pretty much as you would get from tobacco smoking... but a bit more severe..
                      P.S You're feeling well because you're either hooked on it... or smoking way too little.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                        If you're really taking it ... as a medicine ...
                        Then you are surely experiencing withdrawal pangs...
                        Unless you smoke it once a month.... only..
                        the withdrawal from Weed is quite severe in some cases..

                        Here's just a few I'm aware of...
                        physical tension
                        decreases in appetite and mood
                        stomach pain
                        physical tension
                        increased aggression / anger
                        strange dreams ..

                        Pretty much as you would get from tobacco smoking... but a bit more severe..

                        False. First of all, there is no physical addiction to weed and therefore no physical withdrawal. Not only is not not even close to being MORE severe than nicotene withdrawl, but there in fact exists NO withdrawl. Once it wears off, that's it. I have certain sativa strains for the day time and indica for the night time. The daytime ones don't make you tired and when they wear off you don't even notice it untill it's gone. The night time ones make you tired but that's it. No bad dreams or other signs of withdrawl like what you get from going to bed drunk.

                        It's different for everyone I suppose, but I am only consuming .1 grams every 4-6 hours, so it's essentially like taking a little nug about 2-3x the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen, or the equivalent of maybe 1 or 2 puffs of a joint. It is great, I feel great, and there is no withdrawal or negative feelings which is great. All in all I am happy I started it.

                        I had smoke a lot when I was younger. A LOT. I stopped for 6 years and now am prescribed it by my DR and it's a completely different world from what I remembered it. I used to have bad side effects like couldn't eat unless I had smoked, or couldn't sleep unless I had smoked etc. But this does none of that, and is literally like snus for me. I had been kind of self treating by drinking alcohol to feel good/relax/go to sleep/eat, and it was making me feel like shit. With this, I have no need to drink alcohol anymore and have obstained from it all together. It's all about risk reduction for me, it's like snus. And it's both more effective and less side-effect inducing than any of the various pills I had been on. So for me it works and has 0 negative side effects. Better than can be said about my experience with pharmaceuticals.

                        @PP: Yah, it's awesome that I can grow 100 plants or drive around with 5 lbs of pot in my car if I wanted to and not get hassled by the police lol. Definately helps with the anxiety.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          False. First of all, there is no physical addiction to weed and therefore no physical withdrawal. Not only is not not even close to being MORE severe than nicotene withdrawl, but there in fact exists NO withdrawl. Once it wears off, that's it. I have certain sativa strains for the day time and indica for the night time. The daytime ones don't make you tired and when they wear off you don't even notice it untill it's gone. The night time ones make you tired but that's it. No bad dreams or other signs of withdrawl like what you get from going to bed drunk.

                          It's different for everyone I suppose, but I am only consuming .1 grams every 4-6 hours, so it's essentially like taking a little nug about 2-3x the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen, or the equivalent of maybe 1 or 2 puffs of a joint. It is great, I feel great, and there is no withdrawal or negative feelings which is great. All in all I am happy I started it.

                          I had smoke a lot when I was younger. A LOT. I stopped for 6 years and now am prescribed it by my DR and it's a completely different world from what I remembered it. I used to have bad side effects like couldn't eat unless I had smoked, or couldn't sleep unless I had smoked etc. But this does none of that, and is literally like snus for me. I had been kind of self treating by drinking alcohol to feel good/relax/go to sleep/eat, and it was making me feel like shit. With this, I have no need to drink alcohol anymore and have obstained from it all together. It's all about risk reduction for me, it's like snus. And it's both more effective and less side-effect inducing than any of the various pills I had been on. So for me it works and has 0 negative side effects. Better than can be said about my experience with pharmaceuticals.

                          @PP: Yah, it's awesome that I can grow 100 plants or drive around with 5 lbs of pot in my car if I wanted to and not get hassled by the police lol. Definately helps with the anxiety.
                          Is cannabis legal in your state ?! How did the doctor prescribe it ?


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                            Is cannabis legal in your state ?! How did the doctor prescribe it ?

                            Yah, i live in California. It's the one good thing they've done here. I have the pharmacy deliver it right to my door, and I can pick from the world's best and purest strains of high-grade MJ at a low price. Additionally I can legally cultivate plants if I want, and I can also transport several pounds on my person or in my vehicle at any time. The highway patrol cannot question you as long as your paperwork is correct and current.

                            I used to feel the same way about MJ, which is why I quit. It gave me panic attacks (well, brough out ones I already had), and I felt there was a withdrawal etc. That was because I was smoking for leisure and just staying high all day. Staying high all day is a strain on the bodies "feel good" systems and results in generally negative side effects. Now, however, I am not smoking to get high and use only small quantities at regular intervals. I can't sit around high all day, I have a kid and a family and a job, so this works great for me because it is unnoticable to random observers and also makes my dinner taste great

                            I have no short term memory loss, no giggles, no looking and talking stupid etc like I used to, no looking inebriated, no red eyes etc. I just feel great all the time. And it's awesome.


                            • Mykislt
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 677

                              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                              The problem is people smoke large quantities (im not talking about cigs) and it brings out issues you already have and exacerbates them, hence panic attacks. I used to get that too when I smoked, but when I switched to smoking small, theraputic quantities, I never had one again. I am currently prescribed med mj by my Dr to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia and lack of apetite, and it works better than any of the other drugs I have taken from a Dr. I went to him and told him that I am sick of pills and their side effects, and asked if there was a more natural way to fix these issues.

                              Literally, it has worked so much I am amazed. For years I smoked and had all kinds of bad problems because I was smoking "to get high". I just recently started taking it as a "medicine" in very small quantities, and it is a miracle. It has completely gotten rid of my anxiety or depression I have, and I can sleep and eat like a regular human being now. Plus, since it's in small quantities, you can't even notice when i'm on it. It's just like taking a pill.

                              I am just saying that not everything works for everyone, but in some people's regiment, natural plant derived substances can be of medical benefit.
                              It depends a lot on strain. Sativa strains for me induce anxiety/panic, dysphoria even (sometimes), Indica just makes me stoned, it doesn't alter my anxiety.

                              If you're really taking it ... as a medicine ...
                              Then you are surely experiencing withdrawal pangs...
                              Unless you smoke it once a month.... only..
                              the withdrawal from Weed is quite severe in some cases..

                              Here's just a few I'm aware of...
                              physical tension
                              decreases in appetite and mood
                              stomach pain
                              physical tension
                              increased aggression / anger
                              strange dreams ..

                              Pretty much as you would get from tobacco smoking... but a bit more severe..
                              P.S You're feeling well because you're either hooked on it... or smoking way too little.
                              Withdrawal means cessation of use. Since it has been proven that weed can only be psychologically addictive, the withdrawal symptoms are, in fact, psychological.


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                                Yah, i live in California. It's the one good thing they've done here. I have the pharmacy deliver it right to my door, and I can pick from the world's best and purest strains of high-grade MJ at a low price. Additionally I can legally cultivate plants if I want, and I can also transport several pounds on my person or in my vehicle at any time. The highway patrol cannot question you as long as your paperwork is correct and current.

                                I used to feel the same way about MJ, which is why I quit. It gave me panic attacks (well, brough out ones I already had), and I felt there was a withdrawal etc. That was because I was smoking for leisure and just staying high all day. Staying high all day is a strain on the bodies "feel good" systems and results in generally negative side effects. Now, however, I am not smoking to get high and use only small quantities at regular intervals. I can't sit around high all day, I have a kid and a family and a job, so this works great for me because it is unnoticable to random observers and also makes my dinner taste great
                                I know how it feels

                                Be careful with the long-term use of cannabis thoough in particular... it causes psychosis .. IF largely consumed... it's not necessarily something that will happen to everyone..

                                Here;s an article -

                                Well known member of Pink Floyd went psychotic from cannabis and LSD..

                                To be honest I though cannabis was used as a prescription drug as a pain killer not to alleviate anxiety..

                                As a sidenote.....In romania the legal herbs have been legalized and ever since... it's been one year now.... over 100 teenagers have died from smoking legal buds.. I've personally tried these as well .. pretty much everything that's out there...

                                And suddenly stopped ... since this night I smoked 2 CRANK's and literally my body was burning like hell for like 10 minutes... I though I was going to die.... lol .... and I'm not the only one that felt this shit... to date I don't even know what herbal mixture is in the cigarettes ... They're saying it's salvia in most of them... but hell sometimes you can be literally nuts from a single cigarette.


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