Pharmaceutical Industry .. some thoughts ....

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Pharmaceutical Industry .. some thoughts ....

    Ok guys.... I'm watching this documentary right now on television about the whole mafia that is standing behind the pharmaceutical industry and happens that I've been going through a major episode of anxiety and depression since I was 19 .... thanks God I'm a lot better now...

    I though this is an interesting subject since the documentary I'm watching is literally scary ...
    I've mentioned my conditions because I've been taking roughly 30 - 40 different kinds of drugs in 5 years and I was only feeling like hell every single day .... and they've mentioned Xanax (alprazolam) that I have been taking for 3 years and only I and God knows what the withdrawal from xanax feels like ....

    They've said that Xanax to some extent is more dangerous than heroine ...

    ..... A lot of medications are causing tumors, and other diseases ....

    My point is that the pharmaceutical industry seems to be killing people rather than helping them ..... Since I quit taking meds I started feeling a lot better ... it's over 2 years now ... and it's not only a coincidence...

    Bottom line ........ It's better going natural all the way....

    Sometimes ... I wonder how evil can some people be ....
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Well, that's what you get when people in charge of your health's primary interest is making money for shareholders. There's plenty of good that comes from pharmaceutical companies, but you have to use your own brain. Don't take anyone's word on anything, even if they're wearing a spotless white coat. You have to do your own research, and make your own judgment calls, Tumors might be an acceptable trade off if the drugs fix a severe enough problem. Imo, simpler is always better, and those solutions should be tried first before bringing out the big guns.


    • truthwolf1
      • Oct 2008
      • 2696

      For a few miracle drugs that they have created there is a whole sloth of "make life just a little bit easier if you take this medication" types, (which probably should be avoided). Currently taking 150 Zantac which I know is not good for me.
      I had extreme anxiety/panic attacks for years but never received any treatment but found 2 advil cured it 100% of the time. Pretty much stopped drinking as heavily on weekends and the main symptoms went away and after I switched to snus the rest of symptoms went away. Honestly dont even remember what those attacks felt like anymore. Kinda miss them.


      • raptor
        • Oct 2008
        • 753

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        Well, that's what you get when people in charge of your health's primary interest is making money for shareholders. There's plenty of good that comes from pharmaceutical companies, but you have to use your own brain. Don't take anyone's word on anything, even if they're wearing a spotless white coat.

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        You have to do your own research, and make your own judgment calls, Tumors might be an acceptable trade off if the drugs fix a severe enough problem. Imo, simpler is always better, and those solutions should be tried first before bringing out the big guns.
        Doing personal research is next to impossible. Drugs aren't tailored to our specific genetics (this will happen when RNA/DNA drugs come out), so one drug may kill one person but be perfectly fine for another. The travesty is that companies only do trial research to satisfy the FDA which might not be enough to know the fullest implication of a drug's side effects. Of course there is a trade off between development time and determined safety.

        A lot of drugs are simple derivatives of illegal drugs. A lot of prescription painkillers are opiates, some drugs are cocaine based (hell, even pure cocaine is a prescription drug). Addiction is something which is hard to avoid because of the relief some drugs provide.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          For a few miracle drugs that they have created there is a whole sloth of "make life just a little bit easier if you take this medication" types, (which probably should be avoided). Currently taking 150 Zantac which I know is not good for me.
          I had extreme anxiety/panic attacks for years but never received any treatment but found 2 advil cured it 100% of the time. Pretty much stopped drinking as heavily on weekends and the main symptoms went away and after I switched to snus the rest of symptoms went away. Honestly dont even remember what those attacks felt like anymore. Kinda miss them.
          Great you're good now... I've only had 4 anxiety attacks back in 2004 and never had them anymore ever since... but the anxiety went on for quite a few good years..... to be honest I've tried all kinds of medications for anxiety and depression they're only a short time relief... soon to discover than quitting smoking was the 'real relief' from anxiety...... Alcohol is another factor that triggers anxiety .... and depression ... studies show that every single person experiences depression after drinking a whole night....

          Doing personal research is next to impossible.
          Yep, it's impossible....
          I don't have the tools and knowledge to research a certain drug on my own ..... Just like you've said above..... everyone should avoid taking medication blindly and only take the big guns out when there's nothing left to do ...


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Y'all need to just smoke some weed. Cures all that shit and doesn't require pills or terrible side effects/withdrawls


            • ratcheer
              • Jul 2010
              • 621

              I get a (negative) kick out of watching the pharmaceutical industry ads on TV. Just about every new drug they advertise has this glowing lead in about how wonderful it is. Then, a voice over starts telling you about all the nasty interactions, side effects, and even new (often more serious) medical problems it can cause. They leave me wondering who would want to accept all the risks of taking their drug?



              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
                I get a (negative) kick out of watching the pharmaceutical industry ads on TV. Just about every new drug they advertise has this glowing lead in about how wonderful it is. Then, a voice over starts telling you about all the nasty interactions, side effects, and even new (often more serious) medical problems it can cause. They leave me wondering who would want to accept all the risks of taking their drug?

                I think the exact same thing :^D

                The whole thing is pure cheese. They want you to go badger a doctor into prescribing you some drugs for a dubious ailment that many times is just a part of human existence. You can't feel great all the time, and feeling good wouldn't feel good if you didn't feel bad on occasion for a point of comparison :^)


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  I think people assume drugs mus tbe safe since the government and Dr's and everyone keeps pushing it. I mean, you have to figure it's someones job to make sure everything is safe before you swallow it, right? That's what people assume at least.

                  Literally, if you were to do blow every weekend for 20 years, and if you were to tax oxycontin for 20 years, the results would be about the same, if not worse for the oxycontin.

                  Xanax is a pretty powerfull drug and has a pretty nasty withdrawl if you are on it for a while. It's just like being addicted to anything else. Literally, homeopathic remedies work a lot of the time, and I don't mean the whacky stuff. There are lots of natural ways to remedy illness without taking the extreme risks that come with being on meds for the rest of your life. They destroy your liver, you often beocme dependent, and they can cause strokes and heart attacks. I'm not joking, some some weed in small thereputic (not to get you high) doses, it cures anxiety, insomnia, appetite loss, depression etc, plus it's an anti-oxidant and helps reduce the spread of cancer. Plus it and doens't come with any of those side effects that other drugs have.


                  • Jwalker
                    • May 2010
                    • 1067

                    Yeah I think it''s funny how people will say the the country has a prescription drug problem when it's 90 percent oxycotton, perkoset, and ritalin which are synthetic versions of cocaine and heroin. My cousin was diagnosed with ADD and was given ritalin for like 6 years and then when he stopped taking it he was normal, maybe being energetic and not paying attention at age 10 aren't a sign you're abnormal. When I was in school they talked about "pharming" parties where kids would just take all of the drugs in a cabinet and mix them and take them randomly which I had trouble believing was a large trend since I doubted kids were that stupid to just start popping tylenol one after the other.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Xanax is a pretty powerfull drug and has a pretty nasty withdrawl if you are on it for a while.
                      The withdrawal from xanax (if you're on 2 or 3 mg a day) is much worse than the alcohol withdrawal and even heroine...
                      Hallucinations occur, terrible anxiety, trembling, vomiting....


                      • MGX
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 127

                        I'm no expert at medicine but homeopathy is 100% baloney.


                        • Jwalker
                          • May 2010
                          • 1067

                          To an extent it is, the this natural plant from yada yada will cure cancer or aids is bs, but stuff like chicken soup helps a cold or vitamins help this and that works more, the ingredient in aspirin used to be a homeopathic cure for headaches you know.


                          • raptor
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 753

                            Originally posted by Jwalker View Post
                            To an extent it is, the this natural plant from yada yada will cure cancer or aids is bs, but stuff like chicken soup helps a cold or vitamins help this and that works more, the ingredient in aspirin used to be a homeopathic cure for headaches you know.
                            But that's not homeopathy, that's giving your body the rest and nutrients for natural response to disease. Homeopathy is diluting "poisons" to the point where the products are driven 100% by placebo. Aspirin is not homeopathic medicine because it's not diluted to the point of mathematical ineffectiveness.

                            I agree that in many cases allowing the body to fight is the best way, rather than doping up on some medication (just like the parents who take their kids to the doctor when they start coughing or have a fever, only to find out it's a common virus without a medicinal cure).


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              I'm not sure of the strict definition of homeopathy, but a lot of it is under the principle that extreme dilution of herbs/extracts will cure illness. When I say extreme, I mean there's nothing left of the original chemical/ It's diluted down to nothing. I think that style is a load of crap. There may be a less extreme definition of homeopathy, and if so, I'll vote undecided. The placebo effect can be quite large, and while it may be a bogus way of curing problems, if it works, it works, eh?


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