Pharmaceutical Industry .. some thoughts ....

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Mykislt View Post
    It depends a lot on strain. Sativa strains for me induce anxiety/panic, dysphoria even (sometimes), Indica just makes me stoned, it doesn't alter my anxiety.

    Yah, different strains work better for different people. Some have an almost alergic reaction to 1 of the 2 major types (indica/sativa) or both. Most people with the panic issue tend to use strains specific for treating that. I have figured out the perfect strains for myself and have yet to notice any panic attacks or other side effects, even though I used to get them every single time I smoked when I was younger.

    Withdrawal means cessation of use. Since it has been proven that weed can only be psychologically addictive, the withdrawal symptoms are, in fact, psychological.
    Withdrawal also means short term cesation of use. For example, when one gets drunk and goes to bed, the withdrawls often affect dreams or sleep paterns due to acute withdrawl. And in my opinion, MJ is all psychological. You get used to smoking before you eat or sleep, so if you choose not to smoke at all than your brain has to break the corrolation between smoking and those activities.

    I wouldn't really characterize any of this as withdrawl though. I personally never feel anything, and didn't feel anything even when I quit smoking, other than feeling like I wanted to smoke to make my food taste better or to sleep better. Withdrawl is what you get from drugs like cocain and heroin or alcohol, and those can be terrible. Those are real withdrawals, smoking MJ is in a completely different universe than those drugs. When we say "withdrawl" for MJ, we are refering to minor inconveniences that are psychological in nature, as opposed to your body demanding more.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      Well known member of Pink Floyd went psychotic from cannabis and LSD..
      It was that second one. Acid is a schizophrenia simulator, and with some people it sticks, especially if they weren't wrapped too tightly to begin with ;^)


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
        I know how it feels

        Be careful with the long-term use of cannabis thoough in particular... it causes psychosis .. IF largely consumed... it's not necessarily something that will happen to everyone..

        Here;s an article -

        Well known member of Pink Floyd went psychotic from cannabis and LSD..

        To be honest I though cannabis was used as a prescription drug as a pain killer not to alleviate anxiety..

        It does not induce psychosis, however it does bring out and attenuate psychosis in individuals who already had it. This is why I generally advise against people with serious mentla problems from smoking, because it can bring out existing conditions and exacerbate them. For normal people it is fine though. I've never felt psychosis even after smoking rediculous amounts for years and then quitting cold turkey.

        "To be honest I though cannabis was used as a prescription drug as a pain killer not to alleviate anxiety.. "
        It is an extremely effective pain killer, but it is prescribed for a wide range of things it has been proven to treat. It treats hundreds of medical issues, from pain, to diabetes, to tumors, to cancer, and even multiple sclerosis. It also lowers blood pressure, is an anti-inflamatory, an analgesic, and helps lower cholesterol.

        Here you can get it prescribed for anything which it can help treat and which has medical literature to back it up. Since it has no documentable negative side effects, and no proven long term health risks, they prescribe it for minor things like insomnia, allthat way up to cancer.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
          Yah, different strains work better for different people. Some have an almost alergic reaction to 1 of the 2 major types (indica/sativa) or both. Most people with the panic issue tend to use strains specific for treating that. I have figured out the perfect strains for myself and have yet to notice any panic attacks or other side effects, even though I used to get them every single time I smoked when I was younger.

          Withdrawal also means short term cesation of use. For example, when one gets drunk and goes to bed, the withdrawls often affect dreams or sleep paterns due to acute withdrawl. And in my opinion, MJ is all psychological. You get used to smoking before you eat or sleep, so if you choose not to smoke at all than your brain has to break the corrolation between smoking and those activities.

          I wouldn't really characterize any of this as withdrawl though. I personally never feel anything, and didn't feel anything even when I quit smoking, other than feeling like I wanted to smoke to make my food taste better or to sleep better. Withdrawl is what you get from drugs like cocain and heroin or alcohol, and those can be terrible. Those are real withdrawals, smoking MJ is in a completely different universe than those drugs. When we say "withdrawl" for MJ, we are refering to minor inconveniences that are psychological in nature, as opposed to your body demanding more.
          Like all addictive drugs cannabis has an agent provocateur. The main active ingredient is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. That's what you get addicted to ... it's also psychological addition like with any other drug....

          It was that second one. Acid is a schizophrenia simulator, and with some people it sticks, especially if they weren't wrapped too tightly to begin with ;^)
          It was surely a combination of both... Sid Barett was smoking mountains of cannabis all day like no one does today.... it those days no one taught them about the serious effects of cannabis and LSD...
          LSD however is damn nasty :| If anyone wants to see how a schizofrenic feels should take LSD ... the trip is literally an illussional/hallucinogen scarry shit ;-)

          Bottom line drugs aren't safe in any form or matter....
          And besides the mental illness I believe that every individual has a disposition to psychosis if he/she goes psychotic.... but definitely some drugs are stimulants.

          I'm not saying cannabis can't be used to treat/ameliorate a certain condition .. I'm not a doctor... but how can you treat anxiety with an anxiety inductor ? ....

          Just like with xanax ... that I was speaking earlier... about it ... probably you are aware of the xanax addition ... too few people know that xanax in large quantities can have severe side effects....

          Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); confusion; decreased urination; fainting; hallucinations; loss of coordination; memory problems; menstrual changes; muscle twitching; new or worsening mental or mood problems (eg, depression, irritability, anxiety); overstimulation; red, swollen blistered, or peeling skin; seizures; severe dizziness; severe or persistent trouble sleeping; suicidal thoughts or actions; trouble speaking (eg, stammering, stuttering); yellowing of the eyes or skin.
          Yet doctor's still prescribe even 6 - 8 grams a day to certain patients...


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            Like all addictive drugs cannabis has an agent provocateur. The main active ingredient is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. That's what you get addicted to ... it's also psychological addition like with any other drug....

            It was surely a combination of both... Sid Barett was smoking mountains of cannabis all day like no one does today.... it those days no one taught them about the serious effects of cannabis and LSD...
            LSD however is damn nasty :| If anyone wants to see how a schizofrenic feels should take LSD ... the trip is literally an illussional/hallucinogen scarry shit ;-)

            Bottom line drugs aren't safe in any form or matter....
            And besides the mental illness I believe that every individual has a disposition to psychosis if he/she goes psychotic.... but definitely some drugs are stimulants.

            Can you provide some peer review literature from a prominent medical journal to support your claims perhaps? I have 7 pages of stuff in my favor refuting your claims which i will post later once I am off work.

            Marijuana is less harmfull than cofee, and also less addictive. Of all drugs, including things like caffein, MJ scores the least harmfull and least addictive. Eating cheese every day is more unhealthy for your body than consuming MJ. Preferably one should use a vaporizer so not as to inhale the combusted carbon, but even in an unfiltered joint there has been no signs of cancer or anything negative like one would find on the back of a bottle of pills.

            THe LSD is what made him crazy, not smoking pot. If smoking pot did it, we would see that occuring in a MUCH larger sample of the population, yet we do not. He probably also drank cofee all those years, why do you not tie it to his cofee use? This is the same tactic the tobacco nazi's try to apply to snus. If a guy smoked crack and smoked cigs for 70 years, then started snusing in his 71'st year, people would try to say snus caused his cancer. It's just not fair, nor is it scientific or factual to make such claims.

            People will try to point out the negatives of MJ, but all of the negative equal nothing when compared to almost any other substance. Eating fatty foods or cheese is both more addictive and more harmfull to your health than MJ is. THC has no negative or lasting side effects for those who are mentally stable, but since it makes you feel good so there is of course a potential for abuse. Just like icecream or chocolate.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              I'm not saying cannabis can't be used to treat/ameliorate a certain condition .. I'm not a doctor... but how can you treat anxiety with an anxiety inductor ? ....
              Easy, it is not an anxiety inductor. What it does is allows you to think to much, and since panic attacks are psychological in nature, some people get too high and freak out. That is why, when used medicinally, the point is nto to get blasted and freak out. The point is to mellow out through small controlled quantities. This reduces anxiety.

              It's just like saying, "How can aderol help people with ADD, aderal is a stimulant and people with ADD are already too hyper!". The answer is that it works differently for different people. Stimulants for people with ADD calm them down. Same with weed and people with anxiety.

              Just like with xanax ... that I was speaking earlier... about it ... probably you are aware of the xanax addition ... too few people know that xanax in large quantities can have severe side effects....
              Xanax was a popular recreational drug in my youth, though I abstained from it for the most part as I hate pills. Xanax imo is worse than most drugs, too many of my friends would turn into complete retards after taking a few xani-bars. Plus the withdrawls are TERRIBLE, like with most anti-depressants or anti-psychotics. It's litte different than doing hard drugs to be honest.


              • raptor
                • Oct 2008
                • 753

                There's nothing wrong with cannabis, either used recreationally or medicinally (of which there are many valid uses), although inhaling the combusted vegetal matter I imagine produces the same potentially carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in cigarette smoke.

                Hence, use a vape.

                I still don't use the stuff due to employment ineligibility, black market economics and perhaps health reasons.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by raptor View Post
                  There's nothing wrong with cannabis, either used recreationally or medicinally (of which there are many valid uses), although inhaling the combusted vegetal matter I imagine produces the same potentially carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in cigarette smoke.

                  Hence, use a vape.

                  I still don't use the stuff due to employment ineligibility, black market economics and perhaps health reasons.
                  Yah, vape is the way to go. All in all, it's less harmful than snus. If you have a problem with MJ being unhealthy, than you have no business using snus, as it is both more addictive and more harmfull than MJ is. Nicotene is more harmfull than CBD or THC.


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    There's information all over the place that backs up my claims...

                    The source I've mention above ... ...

                    That's a .gov domain... should say a lot..


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Precious, cannabis is not addictive in any way. I don't care where you get your information. Perhaps the weak-minded may develop a mental dependency, but the word addiction does not apply. Sometimes I use it daily for months on end. Sometimes I don't use it for weeks because I don't feel like it. About once a year I travel for 3 or 4 weeks, and I don't think about it all -- it just does not cross my mind. There are no withdrawal effects whatsoever. This has been my experience for 16 years.

                      Benzodiazapine (xanax, valium, atavan etc) addiction is a completely different story, like you have pointed out. These drugs are not more addictive by nature than opiates, but once physical addiction sets in and the longer one lives with it, these drugs become the most dangerous to withdraw from. Not saying it's harder than heroin or whatever, but more dangerous. People have seizures and in rare cases immediate withdrawal can be lethal. A close relative has been on large doses of xanax for over a decade. In fact, 3 of my best friends are drug addicts. Heroin, oxycodone, ... It's sad and I'm getting sick of dealing with it.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                        There's information all over the place that backs up my claims...

                        The source I've mention above ... ...

                        That's a .gov domain... should say a lot..

                        First like 3 sentences explain this entire page:

                        A great deal of the data has been derived from small studies, some of which have contained inherent flaws
                        • The findings of some of the larger studies conducted over the last 20 years have varied considerably


                        Here's a link to a page that contains several hundreds links to medical research. Not all of them go to peer reviewed journals, so you have to look around a bit.

                        The point is, the medical community is slowly becoming more aware of the medicinal uses of CBD&THC which is why they have made it legal for medical consumption in my state. I feel that the big problem here is that until recently, all of the governmetn has been trying to claim that MJ makes black people sleep with your white women and makes you into x,y,z. See refer madness for examples of this propaganda. Because of this, medical research was never reallly done on cannabis in a real way. Recently, more studies have disproven much of the misinformation regarding cannabis, and now the government can only cling on to old studies that were biased, flawed, unscientific etc. I would challenge you to find a more recent study which can point out some of the negatives of MJ use, particularly any that relate to THC being addictive. (Your .gov link is from a 1997 study)

                        Again, MJ is less harmfull than snus, cheese, fast cars, or breathing the polluted air in your local city. Like with anything, overdoign it comes with bad things. I mean, if I used the same criteria as this .gov webspage uses, I could claim anything is bad. I could say that "if taken in rediculous quantities over a long period of time, water can be harmfull to the body and even lead to drowning or death". Yah, that's for idiots who drink a gallon every day or more and this "study" is not contributing to any real research since it is looking at conditions which the average smoker does not experience.

                        If I smoked a pound a day for 30 years I would probably get pretty sick, but doing a study on me smoking a pound a day for 30 years means nothing in regards to MMJ research since that would not be consider average use for 99.999999% of people smoking.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          From your .gov website:

                          Who is most at risk from cannabis use?
                          • People most at risk are those with a family history of psychotic illness or those who have already experienced a psychotic episode
                          • Thus, people with a family or a personal history of psychotic illness should avoid drugs like cannabis completely or at least attempt to minimise their use
                          What about the effect of other drugs?
                          • Although this booklet focuses on cannabis, the effect of other legal and illicit drugs plays an important role, particularly for people with a psychosis who are poly-drug users
                          • For example, some evidence suggests that substances such as alcohol and amphetamines have a greater effect than cannabis in the development of a psychosis
                          1)So like any other medication, people with family history or other risk factors for psychosis are more likely to get it. Okay so every other drug on the market have similar warnings.

                          2) This page also claims alcohol causes psychosis MORE than MJ.

                          So again, it's safer than drinking a beer or taking a pill. I maintain my position, as your website reinforces it.

                          At the bottom of the page it says:

                          "This booklet has been based on the report entitled, Cannabis Use and Psychosis (1997)"

                          So this is data from 1997. That explains why it is erroneous and out of date.


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                            From your .gov website:

                            Who is most at risk from cannabis use?
                            • People most at risk are those with a family history of psychotic illness or those who have already experienced a psychotic episode
                            • Thus, people with a family or a personal history of psychotic illness should avoid drugs like cannabis completely or at least attempt to minimise their use
                            What about the effect of other drugs?
                            • Although this booklet focuses on cannabis, the effect of other legal and illicit drugs plays an important role, particularly for people with a psychosis who are poly-drug users
                            • For example, some evidence suggests that substances such as alcohol and amphetamines have a greater effect than cannabis in the development of a psychosis
                            1)So like any other medication, people with family history or other risk factors for psychosis are more likely to get it. Okay so every other drug on the market have similar warnings.

                            2) This page also claims alcohol causes psychosis MORE than MJ.

                            So again, it's safer than drinking a beer or taking a pill. I maintain my position, as your website reinforces it.

                            At the bottom of the page it says:

                            "This booklet has been based on the report entitled, Cannabis Use and Psychosis (1997)"

                            So this is data from 1997. That explains why it is erroneous and out of date.
                            Still the website you've mentioned promotes canabis... ;-) It's not a trustful resource.

                            I'm not saying cannabis can't be used in certain treatments but I will sustain my point .. since I've got endless hours of reading/and researching this subject... on rather trustful sites..

                            Will post the links tommorow ...probably you'll change the way you see thing as for now...


                            • raptor
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 753

                              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                              Yah, vape is the way to go. All in all, it's less harmful than snus. If you have a problem with MJ being unhealthy, than you have no business using snus, as it is both more addictive and more harmfull than MJ is. Nicotene is more harmfull than CBD or THC.
                              Yeah, health reasons are hardly the primary reason why I don't use it. Even if it was legalized I still wouldn't, I don't want to subject my future wife/children to it. That means my cigars and maybe pipes will need to go by then.


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                                Still the website you've mentioned promotes canabis... ;-) It's not a trustful resource.

                                I'm not saying cannabis can't be used in certain treatments but I will sustain my point .. since I've got endless hours of reading/and researching this subject... on rather trustful sites..

                                Will post the links tommorow ...probably you'll change the way you see thing as for now...
                                It links to medical journals.

                                When I get home I will post excerpts from the MERCK manual and other long trusted sources to prove my point. I guarantee I can present more medical research to support my side than you can for yours. I am absolutely positive of the falseness of your claims, and I have the medical community and the scientists behid me.

                                I am willing to wager $100 of any Snus of your choice that I am correct. I have a massive amount of literature from the most trusted of trusted sources that can support my stance.


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