Originally posted by Mykislt
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Yah, different strains work better for different people. Some have an almost alergic reaction to 1 of the 2 major types (indica/sativa) or both. Most people with the panic issue tend to use strains specific for treating that. I have figured out the perfect strains for myself and have yet to notice any panic attacks or other side effects, even though I used to get them every single time I smoked when I was younger.
Withdrawal means cessation of use. Since it has been proven that weed can only be psychologically addictive, the withdrawal symptoms are, in fact, psychological.
I wouldn't really characterize any of this as withdrawl though. I personally never feel anything, and didn't feel anything even when I quit smoking, other than feeling like I wanted to smoke to make my food taste better or to sleep better. Withdrawl is what you get from drugs like cocain and heroin or alcohol, and those can be terrible. Those are real withdrawals, smoking MJ is in a completely different universe than those drugs. When we say "withdrawl" for MJ, we are refering to minor inconveniences that are psychological in nature, as opposed to your body demanding more.