Anything that creates addiction is more or less to be avoided ... Not only most drugs/addictive substances harm the body but they're costly too ...
And cannabis does give addiction ... here's another article... http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/cannabis/addiction.htm
Not everyone gets hooked on it .. but there's 2 million users in the US alone.
I'm still hooked on nicotine... but I will quit it completely one day... that thing is for sure...
As for coffee.... I do drink coffee... but I never knew if I'm really hooked on caffeine ... I can go a whole day without coffee and hardly feel any change... (and I drink coffee for 12 years or so ... )
Anything that creates addiction is more or less to be avoided ... Not only most drugs/addictive substances harm the body but they're costly too ...
And cannabis does give addiction ... here's another article... http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/cannabis/addiction.htm
Not everyone gets hooked on it .. but there's 2 million users in the US alone.
I'm still hooked on nicotine... but I will quit it completely one day... that thing is for sure...
As for coffee.... I do drink coffee... but I never knew if I'm really hooked on caffeine ... I can go a whole day without coffee and hardly feel any change... (and I drink coffee for 12 years or so ... )