A Little Perspective on Health and Wealth Around the World

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  • raptor
    • Oct 2008
    • 753

    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
    I think people forget that hunger and lack of resources is part of nature. In one region the monkeys may have everything they need, but in another they may be clinging onto their very existance and barely surviving each winter. It's kind of just how the world works, and I don't really think technology or government is going to ever stop it. It's sad
    Yes it sucks but it should still be fought. With regards to what Jwalker stated, at the moment direct aid is necessary, and along with education will help improve the most impoverished Africans. Also they don't solely grow food crops; cash crops like tobacco are big in places like Malawi and Zimbabwe (although at the cost of a lot of child labor).

    Yes, some of your laboriously rolled cigars have tobacco picked by children in pretty terrible conditions.


    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Originally posted by raptor View Post
      are you for real? so South Africa was an idyllic modern and safe paradise before the darkies (in your mind) took over? Yes, hrm, apartheid, safe and modern.
      Remember his utopia is the Nazi's returning from Mars.



      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by raptor View Post
        Yes it sucks but it should still be fought. With regards to what Jwalker stated, at the moment direct aid is necessary, and along with education will help improve the most impoverished Africans. Also they don't solely grow food crops; cash crops like tobacco are big in places like Malawi and Zimbabwe (although at the cost of a lot of child labor).

        Yes, some of your laboriously rolled cigars have tobacco picked by children in pretty terrible conditions.

        And what job would those children work if we didn't buy them? Slave labor is terrible, but especially in poor areas with high population, these people would starve if it wasn't for the jobs they have at the old salt mines.

        Your right, I think these problems are unsolvable and inevetable, especially with 6 billion people on earth, but I think that as a race we should die trying. If I had only food left for 5 nights, and there were 4 other people with me, we would all enjoy one last meal together.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          lol@ Tom. No, praising the DPRK and Hitler is not enough. Surely promoting apartheid will not dissapoint!


          • texastorm
            • Jul 2010
            • 386

            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
            africa is a continent and not a country. While africa as a whole seems like a backward stupid mud hole, i suspect some countries in africa are pretty developed, like south africa, before mandela took over, i think it was a well run safe place and modern for white people.



            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              You should actually talk to people who live in SA, and not just rely on the CPUSA paper.


              • devilock76
                • Aug 2010
                • 1737

                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                You should actually talk to people who live in SA, and not just rely on the CPUSA paper.
                But that is exactly what some like say sgreger did:

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                I have a good friend who was born in and lives in South Africa. He spent a year here when I was in high-school. I personally was amazed, first of all he was pasty white and spoke with a heavy english/british accent. I was like "lolwut, there's white people in africa"? He was like *facepalm.

                Anyways, SA isn't a terrible place, I mean it's better than most of Africa, but it's not as good as the US or anything.

                I think people forget that hunger and lack of resources is part of nature. In one region the monkeys may have everything they need, but in another they may be clinging onto their very existance and barely surviving each winter. It's kind of just how the world works, and I don't really think technology or government is going to ever stop it. It's sad
                I mean who are your sources there?



                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  sgreg didn't say anything different than I did.


                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                    sgreg didn't say anything different than I did.
                    Actually it is what he didn't say that you DID. That it went to sh*t, after apartheid ended. Again, your sources please?



                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      I think your perception of whether a situation is "good" or not has to do with where you stand. Federal workers in America, for example, when polled showed that most of them say the recession hasn't affected them, and many believe there is no recession. That is because from where they are standing, everything is working out (since they have cushy gov jobs). I think the same thing can be said about africa. My friend comes from a wealthy white family, so things are good for him. Your average black peon may not have the same view on things.

                      But while he was wealthy in SA, he was definately millde/lower middle class here in America. It's all a matter of perspective.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by devilock76 View Post
                        Actually it is what he didn't say that you DID. That it went to sh*t, after apartheid ended. Again, your sources please?

                        Yah, I would hardly say it "went to shit" when apartheid ended. I don't think apartheid worked very well for anyone other than a few privaledged clases of society. Namely the white ones.


                        • raptor
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 753

                          It is true that Mandela was a subpar leader and really didn't push a lot of reforms through, but on the whole life is a lot better for the majority of the country.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            It seems now after aparthied the country has gone to crap, more poverty, more crime, and more racism.


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              Maybe do some research or something instead of saying how things in a foreign country *seem*. And "after apartheid = more racism" is just plain contradictory by definition, but I think the problem lies more in how you chose to express your *feelings* about the matter than in any real situation. You don't know, I don't know, but hey -- we could look into it a little couldn't we? Maybe even read something pertinent if we wanted to.


                              • devilock76
                                • Aug 2010
                                • 1737

                                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                                It seems now after aparthied the country has gone to crap, more poverty, more crime, and more racism.
                                And for the third time, your source for this information please?



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