A Little Perspective on Health and Wealth Around the World

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Roo View Post
    Would you prefer the lessons I teach your Mom then? lol give me a break. We're both at work, bored, and posting. And I like history. And.... if you want your posts to be the last and final statement on any given matter without retorts in the interest of accuracy... write a ****'n book.

    No, mainly I just enjoy pissing you off.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by devilock76 View Post
      Perspectives change, 234 years ago our "legitimate" government was domestic terrorists who didn't want to pay their taxes. The point is the line between a terrorist and a revolutionary is often nothing more than the end result.


      Yah, "terrorist" is a shock term used to appeal to your emotions and control people. Our roots are in extremism (of several types), and if America circa George washington times were to be around today, we would likely be at war with it because we would see them as terrorists.

      I wish I were alive in another few hundred years. I can't wait to see the rebellion that ensues when American pioneers on mars decide to defect from the USA so that they don't have to pay taxes. Would be funny to see how the government reacts to a threat from another planet. Have fun deploying paratroopers to another planet lol.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Originally posted by roo View Post
        hopefully frosted will handle that one...

        Re: Hezbollah and hamas i wasn't defending their methods, just pointing out that it does make a difference to your discussion to get the name of these groups right. No big deal.


        • raptor
          • Oct 2008
          • 753

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          Anyways, I understand that in those regions these organizations are seen as legitimate entities rather than terrorists or extremist organizations. Hamas especially since it won a democratic election. I am just saying that I do not view these groups as being filled with good people. Everyone talks about how draconian israel is, but these regimes aren't exactly bastions of freedom in the desert.
          Hamas should absolutely not be the point of comparison of Palestinians. On the whole their ethnic group is among the most liberal of all Muslims and Hamas are an exception.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            One thing I love about this forum, is it's very open, and able to have such discussions. Snuffhouse, even though I like it alot, would close down any thread that had the slightest hint of controversy.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              Originally posted by tom502 View Post
              One thing I love about this forum, is it's very open, and able to have such discussions. Snuffhouse, even though I like it alot, would close down any thread that had the slightest hint of controversy.
              I've been idly following this thread as well and I'm impressed at how everybody's keeping it together. It makes me really proud to be a part of this place - that and the fact the threads aren't closed.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Well, one thing about forums, is you can't take anything personal, or be too serious with it, the idea is to have fun with it, because our comments are not going to change the world, and one has to respect that everyone has their own view points, and it may differ from others.


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                  Well, one thing about forums, is you can't take anything personal, or be too serious with it, the idea is to have fun with it, because our comments are not going to change the world, and one has to respect that everyone has their own view points, and it may differ from others.

                  Excellent point Tom. This forum is definitely unique and great for those reasons. Almost everyone here thinks counter to how I think but I still keep watching and learning. For instance I never knew how many levels of wrong existed until coming to this forum (I'm joking! LOL) Seriously though, I have learned a lot and tweaked my perspective on things thanks to the people here.


                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                    Well, one thing about forums, is you can't take anything personal, or be too serious with it, the idea is to have fun with it, because our comments are not going to change the world, and one has to respect that everyone has their own view points, and it may differ from others.



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