Baseball is back, I am ready with snus in hand

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  • CWC
    • Mar 2008
    • 114

    Baseball is back, I am ready with snus in hand

    At last, the long winter is over the baseball season has officially started! I cannot wait for my first live game, I already have a ticket for May 1st, I don't get to go to many games but watch or listen to all I can. This year I am looking forward to a few long games with extra innings, sitting in the stands with my snus and no craving for my pipe or a cigar ruining my enjoyment of the game. Just hoping my Nationals can break 500 this year, but only time will tell. Looking forward to seeing there new stadium up close, only drawback they don't have any parking yet unless you have season tickets :x They have the subway, and a shuttle bus from the parking lot at the old stadium, but I love getting there a couple of hours early and tailgating with my beer and sausages. You buy a hot dog and a couple of beers inside the stadium and your spending more than the ticket, that’s the way it goes.

    Anyway, does any one else have an activity they can really enjoy or look forward to now that they have traded there smokes for snus?
    No more looking for a back ally or dark corner to grab a quick puff, or going nuts from nicotine withdraws. No sitting there with a nasty looking spit cup and getting wonderful looks from the folks around you.
  • victoryredchevy
    • Jan 2008
    • 303

    Re: Baseball is back, I am ready with snus in hand

    Originally posted by CWC
    At last, the long winter is over the baseball season has officially started! I cannot wait for my first live game, I already have a ticket for May 1st, I don't get to go to many games but watch or listen to all I can. This year I am looking forward to a few long games with extra innings, sitting in the stands with my snus and no craving for my pipe or a cigar ruining my enjoyment of the game. Just hoping my Nationals can break 500 this year, but only time will tell. Looking forward to seeing there new stadium up close, only drawback they don't have any parking yet unless you have season tickets :x They have the subway, and a shuttle bus from the parking lot at the old stadium, but I love getting there a couple of hours early and tailgating with my beer and sausages. You buy a hot dog and a couple of beers inside the stadium and your spending more than the ticket, that’s the way it goes.

    Anyway, does any one else have an activity they can really enjoy or look forward to now that they have traded there smokes for snus?
    No more looking for a back ally or dark corner to grab a quick puff, or going nuts from nicotine withdraws. No sitting there with a nasty looking spit cup and getting wonderful looks from the folks around you.
    Sweet...another fan of the Great American Game. I'm glad baseball is here again. The thing I like about it is that you don't have to wait too long for it to start up with the season being so long. So, there isn't as long of an offseason and that's great. So, you're a Nats fan? How about Big Z's game winning dinger last night against the Braves? I watched that and it was awesome. He got all of that one. I'm a Cardinals fan. Take it easy on me. Shoot, I'm hoping we can just break .500 this season, too. Washington looks like a team on the rise to me. Anyway, speaking of baseball and snus....A lot of ball players dip or chew. I wonder if snus became popular among the typical American ball player, which brand would be a "ballplayer's type" of snus? Interesting to think about. I'm guessing it'd be something like General or Ettan Los, maybe? is here and I'm happy. Now if the Cards can just put together another magical run like in 2006.


    • yummi4tunekookie
      • Feb 2008
      • 277

      Ahhh, so THAT'S why...

      I just got back from a store meeting for Starbucks, and we're holding a regional contest for the best tasting, partner-blended coffee and accompanying artwork. I'm really looking forward to doing the artwork and blending and tasting some crazy coffee blends, but I was really anxious to hear what the winners' prize would be. It turns out the winning store will go to a baseball game and dinner. I was a bit put out, to be honest; I'm not much of a baseball fan (or really any other sport, for that matter)--sorry! It would be nice to spend time outside of the store with my coworkers over a free dinner, though!

      I still haven't completely quit smoking, but so far, I do enjoy the fact that I can stay indoors longer without that itching desire to go out for a smoke. It's especially nice to be able to focus and study for longer periods of time while having a portion in! ...Not that I enjoy studying :? And getting my nicotine fix during classes rocks!


      • CWC
        • Mar 2008
        • 114

        Victory, hang in there, only one game down so far, plenty of time for the Cards to put together a good run Last year April was dismal for the Nats, all the "experts" were predicting we would probably only win about 40 games tops. I think they ended up winning two games more than the year before 73, thanks to the negativity at the beginning of the season even a loosing year seemed pretty good. As far as snus goes, I wonder if it would ever catch on with ballplayers. I don't think they would go for something that they don't have to spit, when they aren’t chewing tobacco, there chewing and spitting sunflower seeds. :lol:

        Yummi, first you have to tell us if your store wins the contest, were pulling for you. Then you have to tell us if you had fun at the game. Personally I don't know how you cannot have a good time at a baseball game especially if you’re hanging out with your coworkers. I won't say you will convert to being a baseball fan, but you should have fun even if you don't pay much attention to the game (shame shame shame)

        Well its game time got to go park it in front of the television


        • Dead Rabbit
          • Mar 2008
          • 315


          I'm a partial season ticket owner...this SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS


          • CWC
            • Mar 2008
            • 114

            Tell me about it, after winning three in a row & getting me excited the Nationals drop four in a row ugh ... still September is a long ways off


            • Asquar
              • Mar 2008
              • 256

              Re: Baseball is back, I am ready with snus in hand

              Originally posted by CWC
              Anyway, does any one else have an activity they can really enjoy or look forward to now that they have traded there smokes for snus?
              No more looking for a back ally or dark corner to grab a quick puff, or going nuts from nicotine withdraws. No sitting there with a nasty looking spit cup and getting wonderful looks from the folks around you.
              I'm a huge baseball (Cubs) fan too. And of course there's no smoking at Wrigley Field, but I no longer live in Chicago, and I don't know if I'll get there this year or not. But if I do, the smoking ban is no longer a personal hassle, which is way cool.

              For me the activities I can look forward to now or almost limitless. I can visit my nieces and nephews without my sister-in-law thinking I'm a bad influence on the children when I step outside... it's everywhere anymore, essentially.

              Kosuke Fukudome looks like he's going to be very good for the Cubs, and Derek Lee has hopefully finally 100% over his wrist injury, which everyone said hurt his power numbers last year. The Cubs haven't won a World Series since 1908, so maybe 100 years is a charm...


              • Slydel
                • Mar 2008
                • 421

                Tigers will get there. Have they not shelled out enough dough to get a winning team? Umm, they won three in a row and then got sacked last night 11-1. Hope they do well against Toronto.


                • desirexe
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 1170

                  My favorite thing to do with snus is attend church!!! I rarely use snus out in public, even the minis, because I don't want to be noticeable, but there, everyone's looking at the preacher. Thanks for snus because now I can 'somewhat' enjoy church and stay awake! Another time I love snus is while fishing. I used to chain-smoke while fishing but now I just chain-snus. Snus makes so many boring things exciting! hahaha! With that said...I love whoever came up with the idea for the 'ashtray' on snus cans...I hate the idea of littering and these cans make it so I don't have to even consider it. Too bad cigarettes didn't come with a built in ashtray, maybe a couple smokers would reconsider tossing their butts on the ground.


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9758

                    Dam............A gal that uses snus AND fishes? Finally.............the perfect woman. :lol:

                    you MUST be Snusan
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • desirexe
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 1170

                      Heck, camping, hiking, baseball, motorcycles, cars...I love all those 'manly' things and snus! I think I just described the stereotypical "butch dyke," which I'm not (not that there's anything wrong with that but...) I like many manly things, including the MEN. hahaha!

                      PS - Gotta brag for a sec here...when I fish I rarely catch anything but just last weekend I 'struggled & fought' for a few minutes but eventually pulled up a 30" Red Drum!!!! That made my whole year!!!


                      • CWC
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 114

                        I agree withPremium Parrots, we may have the perfect women, at least got to be a top contender


                        • eli
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 243

                          Hurm, she'd have to be willing to watch Kung-fu movies until 3 in the morning with me... then again I'm not the outdoorsy type, although i do like fishing, growing up on the Rogue river in southern Oregon, i didn't have much of a choice.


                          • DukeofPrunes
                            New Member
                            • May 2008
                            • 7

                            Originally posted by desirexe
                            My favorite thing to do with snus is attend church!!! I rarely use snus out in public, even the minis, because I don't want to be noticeable, but there, everyone's looking at the preacher. Thanks for snus because now I can 'somewhat' enjoy church and stay awake! Another time I love snus is while fishing. I used to chain-smoke while fishing but now I just chain-snus. Snus makes so many boring things exciting! hahaha! With that said...I love whoever came up with the idea for the 'ashtray' on snus cans...I hate the idea of littering and these cans make it so I don't have to even consider it. Too bad cigarettes didn't come with a built in ashtray, maybe a couple smokers would reconsider tossing their butts on the ground.
                            I used to carry around an empty cigarette pack to put my butts in! I was one of the few courteous smokers.


                            • victoryredchevy
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 303

                              Wow. My Cards have really looked alright this year. 25-20, 2nd place in the NL Central. Could this year be a repeat of 2006, possibly?

