Why in hell would a manufacturer create a device that has the power to exceed the speakers? Maybe it's the goddamn speakers but whatever it is it's driving me insane this afternoon. If I have to hear another mother-effin' Taylor Swift song I'm going to kill myself. I'll eat that entire tin of Makla that Coder sent me. My kids are having a field day though so that part is cute as hell to watch. The radio thing pisses me off though 'cos you know how it is when you hear a song that you really dig...you want to turn it up. Kids continue to push it...I know I did. I still do for heaven's sake but these radios and the sound quality...it's shit I tell you. Now I know I'm not talking about a Bose system or anything but a regular radio. They're almost all like that. When you turn the know up past say three quarters of the volume the sound turns to shit. There's probably a good reason for this with all the highs and lows in the music and the ability to produce the spikes but this is a thing that should not be. The songs are catchy enough that I let them crank it but arrrrrghghgh...there it goes again...someday...I'll be...livin' in a big 'ole city..." Ahhhh....go eff yer self. I want to put my head through the friggin' wall like Mr. Clean. That and I'm a 36 year old man that could probably recite the complete lyrics to a vast majority of Taylor Swift's songs. I'm gonna laugh at that shit when I get older.
-End rant
-End rant