Bill Maher on Tucson Shooting

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Bill Maher on Tucson Shooting

    Bill Maher "He Talked About Treason Tyranny Gold, Who Else Talks , Besides Glenn Beck

  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    Oh for crying out loud what's the point of this apparently someone who went up and shot a government official had strong anti-government political views I never would have guessed that. Comparing other people with anti-government views with him is kind of like saying "you like apple juice eh you know who else liked apple juice? Hitler yeah that's right Hitler! You know what I heard some crazy guy say "We need to have a bloody revolution every 20 years or so." That's right our founding father a lot of left wing people like Thomas Jefferson and we teach kids he's good guy oh my . Bill Maher needs voice lessons the goal of public speaking isn't to sound as annoying and condescending as possible.


    • Joe234
      • Apr 2010
      • 1948

      Originally posted by Jwalker View Post
      Oh for crying out loud what's the point of this apparently someone who went up and shot a government official had strong anti-government political views I never would have guessed that. Comparing other people with anti-government views with him is kind of like saying "you like apple juice eh you know who else liked apple juice? Hitler yeah that's right Hitler! You know what I heard some crazy guy say "We need to have a bloody revolution every 20 years or so." That's right our founding father a lot of left wing people like Thomas Jefferson and we teach kids he's good guy oh my . Bill Maher needs voice lessons the goal of public speaking isn't to sound as annoying and condescending as possible.
      Your rambling is nonsensical.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        In America, we do have, for the most part, freedom of speech. It's more allowable here than most places, I'll say that. So, everyone, and anyone, can tell their views, opnions, ideas, etc., even if controversial, or non mainstream, or non PC. I think our freedom of speech is a good thing, even though it can be a challenge at times to live through speech one may not like, but it's everyone's right.

        The bad thing about the US, is we have a lot of nuts out walking the streets. A lot of mentally disabled people, who ride the public bus back and forth(it's free for them), wander the streets, accost people, sleep in the public library, some are homeless, many are not, many get a government check, meds(often not taken).

        I guess what I am getting at, is we have free speech and a bunch of nuts. It's either gonna remain like it is, or get rid of one of the above, and I think the leftists will want to get rid of free speech, and give the nuts an increase in government benefits.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          It makes me sick that we make this big deal over the killing of a few people in Tuscon, while we have killed 120,000 people in Iraq and Afghanistan where's is the news conferences for those people?
          60,000 civilians in IRAQ where is outrage over that?

          I do think Glenn Beck and the Fox crew are nuts. But they are right about guns and gold. This country has gone to shit since we decoupled from gold back in 1971. The only reason we aren't having the riots like they have in Greece is because the US Dollar is a reserve currency. We've got the Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan bankers running the Fed and printing dollars like there is no tommorrow. You'll notice Wall Street is doing fine in the jobless recovery. The bailouts get pumped into Wall Street banks allowing the banks to slowly write down their bad debts. We're not freeing up any money we're just socailizing the bankers bad debt.

          There's going to be a lot more secession talk going on, get used to it. Good for Texas. The states are not there to serve Washington, Washington is supposed to be there to serve the states. There's something called the Free State Project. There's one growing in New Hamphire. There's a lot of different groups out there all working on different but related liberty themed movements. The party is just getting started.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by justintempler View Post
            It makes me sick that we make this big deal over the killing of a few people in Tuscon, while we have killed 120,000 people in Iraq and Afghanistan where's is the news conferences for those people?
            60,000 civilians in IRAQ where is outrage over that?

            I do think Glenn Beck and the Fox crew are nuts. But they are right about guns and gold. This country has gone to shit since we decoupled from gold back in 1971. The only reason we aren't having the riots like they have in Greece is because the US Dollar is a reserve currency. We've got the Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan bankers running the Fed and printing dollars like there is no tommorrow. You'll notice Wall Street is doing fine in the jobless recovery. The bailouts get pumped into Wall Street banks allowing the banks to slowly write down their bad debts. We're not freeing up any money we're just socailizing the bankers bad debt.

            There's going to be a lot more secession talk going on, get used to it. Good for Texas. The states are not there to serve Washington, Washington is supposed to be there to serve the states. There's something called the Free State Project. There's one growing in New Hamphire. There's a lot of different groups out there all working on different but related liberty themed movements. The party is just getting started.

            It's very true, our currency situation is wierd. We have already messed up the USD, but since it is a reserve currency people still have to pretend like it's worth something. The problem is that this may end someday, or change dramatically. I think they are still pondering a world currency, or at least something to help everyone agree on 1 reserve currency. The problem is that if that currency is not USD, than all of the dollars in your pocket become worth a lot less, so hopefully they don't do that.

            And I favor secession. Not because I think it will fix anything, but just because it is so radical that it may sow the seeds of change. If texas seceeded, I would move there to support them. I don't think they can seceed since the states all live off the government's tit nowadays, but still it would be a cool idea. The union is broken and has been hijacked by criminals of the corporate variety.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by justintempler View Post
              It makes me sick that we make this big deal over the killing of a few people in Tuscon, while we have killed 120,000 people in Iraq and Afghanistan where's is the news conferences for those people?
              60,000 civilians in IRAQ where is outrage over that?

              I missed this first part of your post somehow. I agree that there should be more outrage, but the media purposely under-reports it so as not to get americans pissed about the war. I always thought that governments go about it the wrong way, instead of killing a lot of people and trying to keep it secret back home, why not just load all of the bodies into chinook helicopters and just drop them all in a giant pile in the middle of baghdad? Then, set up a website that features a live webcam that does nothing but show a 24/7 feed of the growing pile of bodies. As the war progresses, the pile of bodies gets bigger and bigger, untill it is a giant mountain eclipsing the sun, and the smell of the deceased has engulfed the entire capitol. The sight of the rotting bodies piled up 100 feet high in a giant pile that's being constantly fed by a conveyor belt of helicopters would really get everyone to calm the **** down and chill out. War would be seen for what it is instead of swept under the rug, and both sides will have to live with the fact that in order to continue warring, the pile of bodies has to grow and everyone is going to see it.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                I missed this first part of your post somehow. I agree that there should be more outrage, but the media purposely under-reports it so as not to get americans pissed about the war. I always thought that governments go about it the wrong way, instead of killing a lot of people and trying to keep it secret back home, why not just load all of the bodies into chinook helicopters and just drop them all in a giant pile in the middle of baghdad? Then, set up a website that features a live webcam that does nothing but show a 24/7 feed of the growing pile of bodies. As the war progresses, the pile of bodies gets bigger and bigger, untill it is a giant mountain eclipsing the sun, and the smell of the deceased has engulfed the entire capitol. The sight of the rotting bodies piled up 100 feet high in a giant pile that's being constantly fed by a conveyor belt of helicopters would really get everyone to calm the **** down and chill out. War would be seen for what it is instead of swept under the rug, and both sides will have to live with the fact that in order to continue warring, the pile of bodies has to grow and everyone is going to see it.
                Hmm... We have the wrong people running the show. sgreger1 for commander!


                • truthwolf1
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 2696

                  Who's Bill Maher?


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    I would like to exercise my free speech rights in another great Joe thread...



                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                      ... but the media purposely under-reports it so as not to get americans pissed about the war....
                      That's because the Government embeds the reporters with the troops. Reporters never get to see the real war. You can have a Kum Bah Yah fest going on it the middle of Bagdad while the other 95% of country is going to shit.

                      John Pilger did a good job explaining it in his film The War You Don't See


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                        That's because the Government embeds the reporters with the troops. Reporters never get to see the real war. You can have a Kum Bah Yah fest going on it the middle of Bagdad while the other 95% of country is going to shit.

                        John Pilger did a good job explaining it in his film The War You Don't See

                        Lol, that one fat dude reporter for Reuters sure got a taste of the "real war" when he got shot up in that collateral murder video lol.

                        I agree though, the problem is that the gov gets to decide where reporters go, so they end up getting stuck with covering non-stories. Non-stories do not get reported on the news.


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