Everyone that's been a smoker or still smokes and wants to quit should have heard of Allen Carr and maybe read his book The Easy Way ...
The irony is that he died from Lung Cancer, even if he was smoke free for roughly the last 3 decades of his life, but for almost 4 decades he's been a 100 a day smoker...
He sold over 7 million books, opened dozens of private clinics around the world and yet died from lung cancer, seemingly cigarettes can still have an impact on the body even after 3 decades of being smoke free.... rip Allen didn't know he was dead ... since 2006.
The irony is that he died from Lung Cancer, even if he was smoke free for roughly the last 3 decades of his life, but for almost 4 decades he's been a 100 a day smoker...
I am informed that I have cured at least 10 million smokers on a conservative estimation