- January 13th, 2011 4:56 pm ET
Rep. Anthony Miller, 43 the only African American district chairman in Arizona recently resigned from his post. The reason he gave for his decision to step down was threats from Tea Party members and concerns for his family’s safety.
Miller says he has endured, "constant verbal attacks" and other forms of intimidation.” The district 20 chairman said he was not going to resign but changed his mind after the shootings last Saturday and because of his wife’s growing concern for his safety.
Miller became the target of the Tea Party in part because his work with the McCain campaign against tea party favorite J.D. Hayworth last fall. After McCain’s victory, Miller says things took a turn for the worse. The attacks begin to take on a racial component. According to Miller One Tea partier referred to him as "McCain’s boy,"
Rep. Miller recalls an incident in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Miller says during an event he was attending he was spotted by a tea party member who shouted, "There's Anthony, get a rope."
Rep. Miller also said that, "A lot of people told me 'You're not a conservative, you're a RINO.' In my mind, that's just as bad as being called an n-----, honestly. When you call someone a n-----, it's saying they're less than, and RINO is the same thing."
I'm not so sure that I agree that being called a rino is the say as being called the N-word, but that's his opinion.
Let us be clear I am not saying that every member of the Tea party is a racist. I am sure the vast majority of them are not, but like every other faction of our society, racism does still exist.
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