Alleged Tea Party racism forces black Republican to resign

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Alleged Tea Party racism forces black Republican to resign

    • January 13th, 2011 4:56 pm ET

    Rep. Anthony Miller, 43 the only African American district chairman in Arizona recently resigned from his post. The reason he gave for his decision to step down was threats from Tea Party members and concerns for his family’s safety.

    Miller says he has endured, "constant verbal attacks" and other forms of intimidation.” The district 20 chairman said he was not going to resign but changed his mind after the shootings last Saturday and because of his wife’s growing concern for his safety.

    Miller became the target of the Tea Party in part because his work with the McCain campaign against tea party favorite J.D. Hayworth last fall. After McCain’s victory, Miller says things took a turn for the worse. The attacks begin to take on a racial component. According to Miller One Tea partier referred to him as "McCain’s boy,"

    Rep. Miller recalls an incident in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Miller says during an event he was attending he was spotted by a tea party member who shouted, "There's Anthony, get a rope."

    Rep. Miller also said that, "A lot of people told me 'You're not a conservative, you're a RINO.' In my mind, that's just as bad as being called an n-----, honestly. When you call someone a n-----, it's saying they're less than, and RINO is the same thing."

    I'm not so sure that I agree that being called a rino is the say as being called the N-word, but that's his opinion.

    Let us be clear I am not saying that every member of the Tea party is a racist. I am sure the vast majority of them are not, but like every other faction of our society, racism does still exist.

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  • bpc720
    • Dec 2010
    • 188

    today I took a crap that looked just like a question was weird


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Wow, this is such obvious race baiting.

      Since when does being someone's boy mean n***er and not "friend". Like, "Yah Chad is homies with Roo, Roo is his boy". And since when does RINO mean n***er? We call lots of people rhino's, almost any time someone doesn't agree with their representative they call them a RHINO.

      I am glad this guy is quitting, he is too weak and stupid to hold public office. So every time someone calls him a rino or says they are displeased with him, he immediately jumps into his fantasy world where anything and everything is always racial in nature, and him actually being a rhino SURELY isn't what illicited such a remark, right?

      Anyways, 4 republicans resigned because they feared threat from their cosntituents, specifically the tea party. But I thought that tea partyers were just republican shills? Does he mean to imply that the tea party is critical of republicans too? It's almost like they were right when they said they were critical of ANYONE who acts like RHINO.


      I semi-support this recent episode of violence against congress actually. I think fear of getting shot will sit in the back of their minds the next time they sign their cosntituents down the drain from now on.

      I know that's harsh, but these aren't good people. These are people who we would normally lock away in a super-max prison and throw away the key. These are people who sign their name on pieces of paper authorizing murder and torture, people who live as elite oligarchs elevated above the status of regular people, who commit crimes that the common people would be sentenced to life over. To them, tapping your phone, shooting someone in the chest, invading random foreign countries, torturing US citizens etc is all in a days work, yet when someone yells the word "boy" they go running scared?

      Frankly, I just hope the repbulicans get it next, they should be aware that they are not exempt from this. Leaving them alone to do their job hasn't worked, so now the crazies are coming out of the woodwork. You reap what you sow, so can't feel that bad for them. If these were good people I would shed a tear, but I didn't cry when they hung saddam and I wouldn't cry if every elected official was sentenced to death either. It is not often you get an oppertunity to erase the worse individuals from existence.

      Disclaimer: Actually hurting other people is both illegal and accomplishes very little. If one of you idiots shoots a congressman, please mention that I didn't make you do it when you write your suicide note. kthanks


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by bpc720 View Post
        today I took a crap that looked just like a question was weird

        Damn, only 9 posts and already the best post of the day! lol. Welcome to the forum.


        • bpc720
          • Dec 2010
          • 188

          There is an african american gentleman who is probably going to be running in 2012 and is favored among tea partiers. I've been listening to him on the radio for years and I'm a huge fan of him.

          the tea party isn't racist. please stop the lies

          dirty tactics of deranged liberals


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by bpc720 View Post
            There is an african american gentleman who is probably going to be running in 2012 and is favored among tea partiers. I've been listening to him on the radio for years and I'm a huge fan of him.

            the tea party isn't racist. please stop the lies

            dirty tactics of deranged liberals

            "Pizza mogul exploring 2012 run"

            I got about that far before I decided to vote for him. It would be an honest improvement over the current politicians if you ran on a campaign of "1 free medium cheese pizza if you elect me". It's something you could deliver on, and would be much less wastefull than anyone elses plan, lol.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              America isn't buying the left's talking points:

              Please people, this guy was a random whacko turd. He actually woke up one morning and decided to plan and execute the murder of another human.


              ^^^ Has pointed out that in the past, before the left took over the media and most of politics, this would have been a stalker story. The shooter goes weird after his girlfriend dumps him, he becomes obsessed with the CongressWoman and stalks her and eventually shoots the place up.

              In the past this would not have been a political story, in which the villains were talk radio or Sarah Palin. It would have been a deranged stalker story.

              So much for politics.


              • bpc720
                • Dec 2010
                • 188

                ha, yeah pizza kicks ass. loved by liberals and conservatives alike...maybe we need more pizza parties in america. I Think i will start a pizza party party

                excellent poll as well


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  I would definitely switch to the Pizza Party!!


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    This guy was not a congressman. This is local politics crap.
                    He got the most votes from 112 people. So he's like the class president.
                    This guy lasted just over a month?
                    If he is going to get scared off buy a few local punks, he doesn't deserve to be in politics.


                    District 20 Republicans Announce Election Results
                    Published 12/02/2010
                    Ahwatukee (Phoenix), AZ – The Legislative District 20 Republican Party (LD20GOP) today announces the results of their organizational meeting, which was held December 1, 2010. Over 96% of Precinct Committeemen (112) voted in the election.

                    The new LD20GOP board is:
                    • Anthony Miller, Chairman
                    • Roger Dickinson, First Vice Chair
                    • Jeni White, Second Vice Chair
                    • Ed Pellegrino, Third Vice Chair
                    • Bill Baxter, Fourth Vice Chair
                    • James Troutman, Treasurer
                    • Sophia Johnson, Secretary
                    "I am extremely pleased with the results of this election," stated Anthony Miller, Chairman of LD20GOP. "Our new board is made up of a really smart and talented group of people with diverse viewpoints, and I feel it is very reflective of the Republican base in LD20."
                    Miller, who is the first African-American district chairman in Arizona, was elected to his first full two-year term last night. He will be joined on the board by a number of first-time officers, some with ties to the Ahwatukee Tea Party.

                    In his own youth, Miller said he developed a passion for politics by watching his father, who was a precinct captain in Chicago. But his first political affiliation wasn't on the conservative side; in his teen years Miller started a Young Democrats group while he attended high school in Denver.

                    He had a change of heart in his 20s. Miller said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's Contract with America persuaded him to switch parties.

                    Although he would like to get elected to Congress some day, Miller said for now he is focused on local politics.
                    So the son of a Chicago precinct captain doesn't have what it takes to be a politician? Anybody that knows anything about local Chicago politics knows name calling and intimidation is part of the game.

                    That's not the Tea parties fault. This guy just doesn't have the stomach for politics.I guess they were right about him he is a RINO.


                    • Jwalker
                      • May 2010
                      • 1067

                      Oh definitely I'd sooner elect a successful gas station or convenience store manager than most of the people in office, I personally think any time serving as a lawyer or lobbyist should disqualify you from running for office. Think about it when they operate their business they probably know you have to be careful with money and that you serve your customers, but someone who's a lawyer or lobbyist not so much.


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