I'm going to try to quit snus

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    I'm going to try to quit snus

    Snus is getting too expensive. I need a can a day, which costs over $150 per month. Tried reducing usage, and just pisses me off and ruins the whole experience. So now I am going to try to quit, even though I love snus. Perhaps I will someday be able to afford to pick it up again.

    Anyways, I have about 10 cans of gotlands yellow los left. I have no icetool or prismaster, so have just been handbacking prillas. I plan on buying some nicotene gum or something, and replacing 90% of my snus usage with it, then I will slowly kill off the last few cans during those times when I REALLY need a snus.

    Anyways, never tried to quit tobacco of any kind before, other than when I switched from dip to snus. Never felt nicotene withdraws or smoked cigs, so not sure what to expect. I've conquered worse addictions in the past, so I don't expect this to be all that difficult. The hard part is that snus provides me with that little 10 minute burst of joy roughly once an hour throuugh my day, and I will no longer have this, which saddens me deeply.

    So, wish me luck! I may not be successful, and may continue snusing, but for right now I am going to make an attempt at quitting, whilst not being too nazi about it. 10 cans normally lasts 10 days or less, but I am going to try to stretch these 10 cans out over the next month, and gradually ween myself off.

    Has anyone else ever tried to quit? Any idea about what to expect? Any suggestions for nicotene replacement things like nicotene gum or patches, does any of that shit work?
  • BradenL
    • Dec 2010
    • 187

    Lowering your snus intake is your best bet bud. I found that the gum and patches were pretty much worthless to me. I mean, it's probably always best to go cold turkey and just lock yourself in a room for a few days (; buttttt you should probably just gradually reduce your intake...like go from the first day being one can, then the second day half a can, and the third and fourth and fifth days at half a can and just gradually reduce the intake. When you finally get to nothing it will still suck, but not as hard as cold turkey.


    • Mykislt
      • Sep 2010
      • 677

      I swear, I post a link to this site every week, http://youarenotsosmart.com/2010/07/...inction-burst/ read it sgreger, it's about quitting


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        I've found it best to have little rewards for "good behavior". For instance, make a deal with the wife that if you can go a whole day without any nicotine that she will give you oral sex or some other lil perk. That certainly would work for me.

        just sayin

        Good luck quiting. I wish you the best.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • BradenL
          • Dec 2010
          • 187

          Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
          I've found it best to have little rewards for "good behavior". For instance, make a deal with the wife that if you can go a whole day without any nicotine that she will give you oral sex or some other lil perk. That certainly would work for me.
          There is some extrinsic motivation!


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by BradenL View Post
            Lowering your snus intake is your best bet bud. I found that the gum and patches were pretty much worthless to me. I mean, it's probably always best to go cold turkey and just lock yourself in a room for a few days (; buttttt you should probably just gradually reduce your intake...like go from the first day being one can, then the second day half a can, and the third and fourth and fifth days at half a can and just gradually reduce the intake. When you finally get to nothing it will still suck, but not as hard as cold turkey.

            Well I kind of have been, here's what's up: I normally consume a full can of sterks every day. I ran out of sterks and only had jaccobson's ice-fruit, so switched entirely from sterks to regulars. Regulars don't feel good, but at least stop the craving. Then I ran out of regular portions, and only had gotlands los left. I don't like LOS, and have no icetool or anything, so this has reduced my usage from 1 can of sterks a day, to about 3-4 prilla's a day of los. This is a huge reduction for me, and yet for some reason I don't feel like it is helping me quit, infact I feel like it is making me want sterks even more.

            I think your right though, it's the only option, as I am not going to go completely cold turkey. That would just result in me at the gas station later on buying dip lol. But the gum didn't work? I thought it may kinda help with the cravings, but apparently not. I am going to try some anyways, but if not than I will just reduce the number of prillas a day by 1 every few days until I am down to 0.

            God this is so depressing, it is going to be an emotional moment when i take my last prilla. Hopefully I can afford it again someday, as snus is literally the holy grail of tobacco and a welcome improvement to all humans who partake of it.

            @Mykislt: I will check it out when i get home, as my work computer blocks it since it's a blog.


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Have you tried snuff? I personally would switch completely to snuff if it was me but I gotta have my nic or I ain't right in the head. If you want to try some out, or would like some to get you through the tough spots pm me your addy. The gum just wouldn't do it for me.

              I wish you good luck in your endeavor whatever decision you make.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by Monkey View Post
                Have you tried snuff? I personally would switch completely to snuff if it was me but I gotta have my nic or I ain't right in the head. If you want to try some out, or would like some to get you through the tough spots pm me your addy. The gum just wouldn't do it for me.

                I wish you good luck in your endeavor whatever decision you make.

                That's something I thought about for sure. I only have a little bit of experience with snuff, and none in my possesion, but from what I recall it didn't really stop my nic craving at all unfortunately. Plus, I think due to past events my wife would probably not be cool with me walking around snorting powder up my nose everywhere I go, lol.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  Originally posted by Monkey View Post
                  Have you tried snuff? I personally would switch completely to snuff if it was me but I gotta have my nic or I ain't right in the head. If you want to try some out, or would like some to get you through the tough spots pm me your addy. The gum just wouldn't do it for me.

                  I wish you good luck in your endeavor whatever decision you make.
                  gee....let me think about this for a minute...........which would be a better reward a BJ or some snuff. Hmmm not such a difficult question after all is it?

                  tho I can't/won't help you out with the BJ I will however send you out some snuff if you want to try it again.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Monkey
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 3290

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    That's something I thought about for sure. I only have a little bit of experience with snuff, and none in my possesion, but from what I recall it didn't really stop my nic craving at all unfortunately. Plus, I think due to past events my wife would probably not be cool with me walking around snorting powder up my nose everywhere I go, lol.
                    Fair enough. The offer remains open if you change your mind or change hers.


                    • LincolnSnuff
                      • May 2010
                      • 676

                      Originally posted by Monkey View Post
                      Have you tried snuff? I personally would switch completely to snuff if it was me but I gotta have my nic or I ain't right in the head. If you want to try some out, or would like some to get you through the tough spots pm me your addy. The gum just wouldn't do it for me.

                      I wish you good luck in your endeavor whatever decision you make.

                      I gather from your last post sgreger1 that the main motivation for you quitting snus is economically based. This, in my opinion, is a recipe for disaster. You will never quit snusing unless you ACTUALLY WANT TO QUIT. Even heroin or cocaine addicts cannot and will not quit because they run out of money. Instead, they start stealing. Based on your sentiments, you still want to use nicotine but you cannot afford snus. My advice would echo Monkey's: switch to nasal snuff. It is basically free (when you consider the cost per gram and the amount required per day to keep you satisfied). Like you, I snus ekstra sterks all day but if I decide to snuff instead, I might use 3-4 grams of snuff maximum. That is what? $1.00 - $2.00 per day? Your water consumption per day is probably a greater expense. Would you just decide to quit drinking water or taking showers? Of course not.

                      I would suggest cutting something other than snus out of your routine to save money or switch to snuff. Why put yourself through nicotine withdrawal and lifelong cravings when it isn't necessary? If your quitting was health based (i.e. your dentist said you have mouth cancer, your doctor said you will have a heart attack soon, etc.) then I could understand your persistence. But if you love nicotine like you say, cut out something else or find cheaper nicotine. You, better than most on this forum, should understand that gum and patches don't work - they are a smokescreen designed with virtually no nicotine to keep you on them. Gum and patches will cost you more than snus in the long run, believe me, so what's the point?

                      Good luck bro.


                      • Bigblue1
                        Banned Users
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 3923

                        I use ike a can of sterks a week. With the snuson vip that's $125.00 a year. 125/365= $.35 a day. It is easy to cut back but not have to abstain totally. I couldn't even imagine using a can of Thunder a day. Well I wish you luck buddy. But like I said suck on a pouch for a lil longer and reduce your intake and it is so cheap.....


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by Monkey View Post
                          Fair enough. The offer remains open if you change your mind or change hers.

                          Lol, thank you so much for the kind offer though!


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post

                            I gather from your last post sgreger1 that the main motivation for you quitting snus is economically based. This, in my opinion, is a recipe for disaster. You will never quit snusing unless you ACTUALLY WANT TO QUIT. Even heroin or cocaine addicts cannot and will not quit because they run out of money. Instead, they start stealing. Based on your sentiments, you still want to use nicotine but you cannot afford snus. My advice would echo Monkey's: switch to nasal snuff. It is basically free (when you consider the cost per gram and the amount required per day to keep you satisfied). Like you, I snus ekstra sterks all day but if I decide to snuff instead, I might use 3-4 grams of snuff maximum. That is what? $1.00 - $2.00 per day? Your water consumption per day probably is a greater expense. Would you just decide to quit drinking water or taking showers? Of course not.

                            I would suggest cutting something other than snus out of your routine to save money or switch to snuff. Why put yourself through nicotine withdrawal and lifelong cravings when it isn't necessary? If your quitting was health based (i.e. your dentist said you have mouth cancer, your doctor said you will have a heart attack soon, etc.) then I could understand your persistence. But if you love nicotine like you say, cut out something else or find cheaper nicotine. You, better than most on this forum, should understand that gum and patches don't work - they are a smokescreen designed with virtually no nicotine to keep you on them. Gum and patches will cost you more than snus in the long run, believe me, so what's the point?

                            Good luck bro.

                            I have to agree with LincolnSnuff on this one. The #1 factor in success in quitting any addictive behavior is the strong desire to quit. The success rate can be directly tied to the desire... no desire other than monetary reasons would probably be a low rate as anytime you could afford it you would probably reward yourself with a few cans of sterks. Many years ago I had a similar situation regarding cigarettes when I was out of work (quit because I couldn't afford it) but every chance I got I bummed a smoke, I was always in a bad mood because I couldn't afford to do what I loved (whereas if you just really wanted to quit you would be re-assuring yourself it was worth it) and every "crisis" was an excuse to try and find a smoke. Don't get me wrong, I wish you well, but take it from someone that knows, if you don't "really" want to quit, you won't be quitting.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post

                              I gather from your last post sgreger1 that the main motivation for you quitting snus is economically based. This, in my opinion, is a recipe for disaster. You will never quit snusing unless you ACTUALLY WANT TO QUIT. Even heroin or cocaine addicts cannot and will not quit because they run out of money. Instead, they start stealing. Based on your sentiments, you still want to use nicotine but you cannot afford snus. My advice would echo Monkey's: switch to nasal snuff. It is basically free (when you consider the cost per gram and the amount required per day to keep you satisfied). Like you, I snus ekstra sterks all day but if I decide to snuff instead, I might use 3-4 grams of snuff maximum. That is what? $1.00 - $2.00 per day? Your water consumption per day is probably a greater expense. Would you just decide to quit drinking water or taking showers? Of course not.

                              I would suggest cutting something other than snus out of your routine to save money or switch to snuff. Why put yourself through nicotine withdrawal and lifelong cravings when it isn't necessary? If your quitting was health based (i.e. your dentist said you have mouth cancer, your doctor said you will have a heart attack soon, etc.) then I could understand your persistence. But if you love nicotine like you say, cut out something else or find cheaper nicotine. You, better than most on this forum, should understand that gum and patches don't work - they are a smokescreen designed with virtually no nicotine to keep you on them. Gum and patches will cost you more than snus in the long run, believe me, so what's the point?

                              Good luck bro.

                              That's actually a great point regarding the nicotine gum, it is likely going to end up being more expensive than just snusing lol!

                              You are correct in saying that my decision is 100% economic in nature, as I love snus and do not wish to part with it. But frankly I just have nothing else to cut. I have paid off all of my debt and reduced my overhead as much as possible. I have cut every possible thing I can think of, but of all my bills (that could potentially be cut) this one is the largest and therefore goes first. I dont' even have cable at this point, the only other thing I could cut would be my $30 a month internet.

                              I am probably setting myself up for disaster like you said, because I love snusing and I am NOT quitting because I "want" to. I would not "want" to quit snus anymore than I would want to not drink water, but unfortunately I HAVE to drink water, and therefore when the budget is tight, the non-essential luxuries are the first to go.

                              I'm thinking of just going cold turkey. My issue isn't even withdraws, as that is the easy part. The hard part is to never walk to the liquor store and buy tobacco again. Quitting heroin is easy because once your off it, you can most likely just stay away from people who use it and be legit. With nicotene it's sold at every convenience store in the country which makes it a little harder.


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