I'm going to try to quit snus

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
    I use ike a can of sterks a week. With the snuson vip that's $125.00 a year. 125/365= $.35 a day. It is easy to cut back but not have to abstain totally. I couldn't even imagine using a can of Thunder a day. Well I wish you luck buddy. But like I said suck on a pouch for a lil longer and reduce your intake and it is so cheap.....

    Tried it. The unbearable truth is that I will use the maximum dose of aynthing I choose to consume. I am extremely prone to addiction and whether it be drinking smoking etc, I will always find myself at the upper cieling of consumption. I just can't cut back for some damn reason

    It would be nice to occasionally pop in a portion once or twice a day, but once I start I just can't stop, and starting the day with no snus seems easier than having 1 snus and then no more afterwards.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
      I have to agree with LincolnSnuff on this one. The #1 factor in success in quitting any addictive behavior is the strong desire to quit. The success rate can be directly tied to the desire... no desire other than monetary reasons would probably be a low rate as anytime you could afford it you would probably reward yourself with a few cans of sterks. Many years ago I had a similar situation regarding cigarettes when I was out of work (quit because I couldn't afford it) but every chance I got I bummed a smoke, I was always in a bad mood because I couldn't afford to do what I loved (whereas if you just really wanted to quit you would be re-assuring yourself it was worth it) and every "crisis" was an excuse to try and find a smoke. Don't get me wrong, I wish you well, but take it from someone that knows, if you don't "really" want to quit, you won't be quitting.

      This is what i'm afraid of. I've never tried quitting before and don't know any better. For me I am quitting so that someday when I have a craving I can think about all the money i'm saving. In theory anyways, history tells me that if given a choice I would rather have the addiction than the money, lol.


      • bipolarbear1968
        • Mar 2010
        • 1074

        I also echo the snuff scenario. I haven't had snus in over a month, snuff seems to ease the nic monster for me.

        There are times I miss having snus (Will not pay that amount of cash just to have it shipped), but nothing like cigarettes ala withdraws. I was using dip for a few weeks but stopped due to it causing painful mouth sores.

        I have my menthol snuff in the mornings/right before bed, and the rest of the time is scotches or toast. Works for me!

        Regardless, if you do decide to quit, please remain here on this forum. It wouldn't be the same without you.


        • LincolnSnuff
          • May 2010
          • 676

          Thanks bipolarbear1968, I forgot to mention that sgreger1 better stick around for the benefit of all of us. That is a little selfish, I admit, but "we love you man" The unfortunate truth is that if he is really going to quit snus, visiting Snuson is probably the worst thing he could do.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            I would recommend taking smaller pinches of loose snus and then switching to portions in order to wean yourself off. I remember reading on a Swedish news site that "cutting down" and later switching to portions was the recommended method.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
              I also echo the snuff scenario. I haven't had snus in over a month, snuff seems to ease the nic monster for me.

              There are times I miss having snus (Will not pay that amount of cash just to have it shipped), but nothing like cigarettes ala withdraws. I was using dip for a few weeks but stopped due to it causing painful mouth sores.

              I have my menthol snuff in the mornings/right before bed, and the rest of the time is scotches or toast. Works for me!

              Regardless, if you do decide to quit, please remain here on this forum. It wouldn't be the same without you.

              Lol, i'm pretty sure my snus usage isn't what keeps me on this forum. 6,000 posts and like 5 of them are actually about snus lolololololool. You guys ain't getting rid of me that easily.

              I just can't use snuff unfortunately, my wife will not have it, and frankly it bothers my nose too much. I am just wondering is snus withdrawls will be that bad, I have gone a day or so without any before and never noted anything I would call a "withdrawl", it's more like a feeling of really wanting a snus right about now.


              • bipolarbear1968
                • Mar 2010
                • 1074

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                6,000 posts and like 5 of them are actually about snus l.
                Is that counting this one?


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  There's always dip. That might work, especially if you don't like it much. Just a small pinch to take the edge off, and it goes on sale kind of frequently.


                  • internope
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 215

                    I used the patches to quit smoking twice. I would get a box of the 20mg generic patches and use the full patch for week, then go to half, and then a quarter. They do warn you not to cut the patches, but I never had any problem with it. I would just put the unused part back in the foil packet, and the packet in a ziploc bag.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Sounds like you're pretty hooked on sterks. I would at least try and step down to regulars before trying to quit. Using a can of ES a day has no doubt raised your nicotine tolerance, which will make it harder for you to quit and adjust. I'd suggest cutting back first then going to minis or originals if possible.


                      • LincolnSnuff
                        • May 2010
                        • 676

                        Originally posted by internope View Post
                        I used the patches to quit smoking twice. I would get a box of the 20mg generic patches and use the full patch for week, then go to half, and then a quarter. They do warn you not to cut the patches, but I never had any problem with it. I would just put the unused part back in the foil packet, and the packet in a ziploc bag.
                        From what I could gather, the warnings about cutting the patches had something to do with pets and kids potentially getting a hold of them, toxicity, etc....


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                          From what I could gather, the warnings about cutting the patches had something to do with pets and kids potentially getting a hold of them, toxicity, etc....
                          while I'm sure thats true, my pharmacist said not to cut them because of the chance of getting the concentrated nicotine on your hands and such then maybe touching your eyes or other sensitive areas. By cutting them it leaves the cut edges exposed when you apply the patches. It all makes sense to me.

                          btw, Sgreger......is this thread a feeble attempt to boost your post count?

                          not that theres anything wrong with that
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            Oral tobacco is hard to quit, I think, harder than cigs for me. I told myself I was going to quit all oral tobacco, and I sold off all I had. I lasted maybe 3 days and I was jonesin' hard for my habitual snus and morning coffee, and before I knew it, I was possessed and made an order at getsnus.

                            Now, I still think about quitting, though I think I average 4 portions a day, which isn't bad, but I think I've been usng more.

                            If you use a can a day, that could be a problem, esp if you crave sterks. If it was me, this is what I'd do. I'd time/ration my portions.
                            Either actual clock time, or timed by certain things, or so much time inbetween.

                            Like morning coffee with a sterk.
                            Reg portion after lunch.
                            Maybe a sterk 3 hours later.
                            Reg portion after dinner.
                            And another reg in the evening before bed.

                            That'd be 5 porions.
                            Maybe start with 10-15, if 5 is way too little. But work it down to that or 6.

                            It'll take some effort, but I think rationing portions in a time based manner would be most effective.


                            • Experimental Monkey
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 795

                              Originally posted by razaangraze.g View Post
                              its your computer not aim make the aim account on your email but on someonelses computer and then you will probably be able to access your aim on your computer your computer wont let you make your own aim but will let you access it
                              Not this douchebag again... No one wants to click your shitty e-cig links. Anyways, why the Hell would you want to quit snus? We need every member of this army we can get. Hopefully you come to your senses soon...


                              • chadizzy1
                                • May 2009
                                • 7432

                                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                                Lol, i'm pretty sure my snus usage isn't what keeps me on this forum. 6,000 posts and like 5 of them are actually about snus lolololololool. You guys ain't getting rid of me that easily.
                                : Oh man, I thought that mindless political discussion would come to an end....
                                : Oh, cmon man, it's not that bad.
                                : Sheddep boy, go pick your switch and take yer public lashins!


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