Sleep Paralysis

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Originally posted by Wrath View Post
    I had this happen a few times. The first time I had it it was definitely the worst. I fell asleep with a see-through blanket over my face and I had a dream that eventually led to me seeing my dead great grandparents in ghost form in their wedding attire. When I "awoke" I looked through my blanket at my bedroom door and sure enough, here comes my dead great grandparents hovering straight towards me. As they got close, I too felt a heavy pressure on my chest (very common symptom of sleep paralysis). I could look all around my room but do nothing. I couldn't scream, I couldn't move. Eventually I broke free and jumped out of bed with the blanket flying halfway across the room and I sort of stumbled around in a panic.

    When this happened I knew nothing of this so called sleep paralysis so I started heavily researching it. From what I gathered, it can happen to anyone, at any given time. It commonly happens during a change in sleep schedules or even just from ongoing sleep deprivation. The paralysis part happens because we are still aware of our surroundings while we drift into/come out of REM sleep. Oftentimes we have vivid hallucinations that mix with our environment. Personally, although it can be a terrifying experience, it's one worth having. It's such a strange feeling.

    I wouldn't be sleeping tonight if I saw my dead grandparents, lol

    That's scarry

    the one thing that is really scarry ... I was seeing the room sort of to a different angle at times.... like I was trying to get out of bed ..... I don't know how to explain it properly ...


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      I had sleep paralysis episodes when I was a child, but they disappeared when I hit puberty.


      • Snus Boost
        • Jan 2011
        • 640

        I used to be affected by that and I think it was linked to a medication I was on. It was terrifying. In my case I was awake but my body would not move and I couldn't open my eyes I also felt like I had "pins and needles" throughout my entire body. The feeling of it being difficult to breathe I believe is brought on by the panic that sets in when you realize that you are in affect paralyzed and you don't quite know whats going on or if it is only temporary. I didn't hear the term sleep paralysis until years later and once I knew what it was the few times it did happen I knew I only had to wait and I would eventually get up. That took the panic out of the equation and made the difficulty breathing go away.


        • Wrath
          • Jan 2011
          • 143

          Originally posted by precious007 View Post

          I wouldn't be sleeping tonight if I saw my dead grandparents, lol

          That's scarry

          the one thing that is really scarry ... I was seeing the room sort of to a different angle at times.... like I was trying to get out of bed ..... I don't know how to explain it properly ...
          You may want to check into Out-Of-Body experiences. It almost seems like your experience may be something similar to that. Could you actually "see" yourself laying in bed?


          • AtreyuKun
            • Aug 2009
            • 1223

            Originally posted by texastorm View Post
            Back when I was 25 years old I had a night where I heard someone come in the front door, walk through the house, and then come stand at the foot of the bed staring at me. I was laying at an odd angle but I could make out their silhouette against the moonlight in the window. I could not move, it was all I could do to breath. Then after a time period that seemed like hours but was probably a second or so the person walked back out and out the front door. After I heard the door shut I came fully wake, and could move. Needless to say I didn't sleep a wink for a couple nights after that. It was freaky. I dont know what brought on the hallucination, but I dont want another thanks!
            You know, it's shit like that that keeps me up at night. Thanks.


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              well.......your stories are all pretty scary. I've had some lucid dreams and even met Jesus as I was waking up one time about 40 years ago. I laid there trying to figure out wtf was going on for at least 30 minutes. Then all was back to normal. I'm not sure wtf happened that time. suppose it could have been the drugs from the night before. This was many years ago.

              More recently tho, I was "notified" that a spirit was present one time that I can remember. I say notified because there are no words to explain what happened to me. My body simply stopped in its tracks for about 30 seconds and then I was normal. There are definately good reasons for that spirit to contact me at that moment tho. Heres what was going on.

              My daughter had twins, 3 months premature, one was 16 oz and the other was 15 1/2 oz. They were in the hospital and were barely surviving at one month [and about a million dollars later]. The doctors said the 16 oz baby was toast and would definately not survive. The other twin was barely alive but surviving ok for the moment. Anyway, it was decided to pull the plug on the one twin since it wasn't going to survive and we didn't want him to suffer. So the procedure was to let the parents of the baby alone with the baby for as long as they wanted while he was still hooked up to all the machines. When the parents were ready the nurse called in the rest of the family to say good-bye. shit, I'm tearing up and can't see to type.......
              Ok, after a few minutes we all left the room except the parents. The doctors come in and removed all the tubes and such and lets the parents alone with their baby. It wasn't long and he passed on. It was so sad. And a terrible thing to have my daughter go thru, as well as the family.

              We live next to a church with a very old cemetary thats full. I talked to the pastor there and he agreed to let us bury the baby under a huge pine tree in the cemetary next to several other babies that passed on years ago. I can look out my bedroon window and see the pine tree from here. It was so sad to see such a tiny casket. The twin that survived is 7 years old now, ate from a tube in his stomach for over 5 years, can't walk, barely talks, has a severe learning disability, autism, and all kinds of problems. But hes doing well and is very smart. My daughter worked so hard to get him this far but he'll always need care.

              So after way too much back ground info above, this is what happened to me. As we we started to walk out of the room after we said our good-byes to the baby I was stopped dead in my tracks, just couldn't move. My wife and the others kept walking but I was frozen. I looked up and it was like someone thru a bucket of water on my face. Not that I got wet, but thats overcome I was. I was frozen and my attention was focused and I don't know at what and it was scary. It was such a surprize but my mind went immediately to the thought of my wifes aunt that had recently passed away. I'm positive she pretty much kicked me in the ass to get my attention to let me know she was there so I could let my daughter know not to worry about the baby and that Aunt Marge was there to take the baby safely home with her.

              Some day I will fully explain to my daughter how I knew Marge was there. She will probably think I'm crazy.

              No way no one will ever tell me that Aunt Marge wasn't there. no freakin way.
              She was way more than just an aunt in my wifes life. Way more but I'm not going to bore you with any further details.

              sorry for the long post. I've never mentioned this to anyone. All I could tell my daughter when it happened is that Aunt Marge was here to take the baby home. No one ever questioned me and I left it at that.

              speaking of babies...........I found a live baby in a dumpster about 12 years ago. Hes fine. About 17 years ago I found an aborted baby in a toilet. Obviously that baby wasn't so lucky. In both cases I did what I had to do to help and then disappeared quietlly. Another time I was present when a gal had like a spontanous miscarriage. I had to take control cuz it was going to happen no matter what. It was not a pretty site. The doctor said to just wrap it up and bring the baby and the gal to the hospital. So thats what I did. Not fun.

              Then there was this time at band camp...........
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • CoderGuy
                • Jul 2009
                • 2679

                Wow what am amazing post PP


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by Wrath View Post
                  You may want to check into Out-Of-Body experiences. It almost seems like your experience may be something similar to that. Could you actually "see" yourself laying in bed?
                  Yes, I've seen myself laying on the bed, but only partially.....

                  and not all the time.... mainly I was seeing in the room as I would have seen "being inside my body"


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                    well.......your stories are all pretty scary. I've had some lucid dreams and even met Jesus as I was waking up one time about 40 years ago. I laid there trying to figure out wtf was going on for at least 30 minutes. Then all was back to normal. I'm not sure wtf happened that time. suppose it could have been the drugs from the night before. This was many years ago.

                    More recently tho, I was "notified" that a spirit was present one time that I can remember. I say notified because there are no words to explain what happened to me. My body simply stopped in its tracks for about 30 seconds and then I was normal. There are definately good reasons for that spirit to contact me at that moment tho. Heres what was going on.

                    My daughter had twins, 3 months premature, one was 16 oz and the other was 15 1/2 oz. They were in the hospital and were barely surviving at one month [and about a million dollars later]. The doctors said the 16 oz baby was toast and would definately not survive. The other twin was barely alive but surviving ok for the moment. Anyway, it was decided to pull the plug on the one twin since it wasn't going to survive and we didn't want him to suffer. So the procedure was to let the parents of the baby alone with the baby for as long as they wanted while he was still hooked up to all the machines. When the parents were ready the nurse called in the rest of the family to say good-bye. shit, I'm tearing up and can't see to type.......
                    Ok, after a few minutes we all left the room except the parents. The doctors come in and removed all the tubes and such and lets the parents alone with their baby. It wasn't long and he passed on. It was so sad. And a terrible thing to have my daughter go thru, as well as the family.

                    We live next to a church with a very old cemetary thats full. I talked to the pastor there and he agreed to let us bury the baby under a huge pine tree in the cemetary next to several other babies that passed on years ago. I can look out my bedroon window and see the pine tree from here. It was so sad to see such a tiny casket. The twin that survived is 7 years old now, ate from a tube in his stomach for over 5 years, can't walk, barely talks, has a severe learning disability, autism, and all kinds of problems. But hes doing well and is very smart. My daughter worked so hard to get him this far but he'll always need care.

                    So after way too much back ground info above, this is what happened to me. As we we started to walk out of the room after we said our good-byes to the baby I was stopped dead in my tracks, just couldn't move. My wife and the others kept walking but I was frozen. I looked up and it was like someone thru a bucket of water on my face. Not that I got wet, but thats overcome I was. I was frozen and my attention was focused and I don't know at what and it was scary. It was such a surprize but my mind went immediately to the thought of my wifes aunt that had recently passed away. I'm positive she pretty much kicked me in the ass to get my attention to let me know she was there so I could let my daughter know not to worry about the baby and that Aunt Marge was there to take the baby safely home with her.

                    Some day I will fully explain to my daughter how I knew Marge was there. She will probably think I'm crazy.

                    No way no one will ever tell me that Aunt Marge wasn't there. no freakin way.
                    She was way more than just an aunt in my wifes life. Way more but I'm not going to bore you with any further details.

                    sorry for the long post. I've never mentioned this to anyone. All I could tell my daughter when it happened is that Aunt Marge was here to take the baby home. No one ever questioned me and I left it at that.
                    that's a nice story PP...

                    gave me a little shivers though...

                    here's the thing I know.... before someone dies .... just before with a few days or hours... either they.... or someone in their family is able to take contact with the dead... and they usually contact relatives .... if you know what I mean....

                    I have seen this happening with 2 relatives and one was my grandfather.. that I was really close to....

                    before he died he was talking to my father.... (my father is dead since I was 15) ........

                    my grandfather was asking my dad so many questions.. and was literally talking to him as he used to when MY dad was alive..... anyway it's interesting.... that means that OBD does exist and basically my father's spirit was amongst us and they could communicate...

                    anyway, great story...

                    BTW .. I have a twin brother too :-)

                    We had roughly 900 grams each when we were born and thank God we're both alive today ;-) (and we were born at 7 months too)


                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      Wow. This thread is cool. I'm a bit floored w/ PP's post. I want to joke but I don't think that's the correct thing to do. I too believe in spirits. I've had once experience when I was stone cold sober and awake. The rest were all drug induced. I've tried in the past to have an OBE and even more but I was young and already knew that drugs were the easier way to that end. Now that I'm older (not necessarily much wiser) and clean I have the patience to try again.

                      Some of these posts sound like they could have been a release of DMT in the brain. I believe that with practice you may be able to influence that chemical in your brain. Stimulate it, if you would without any drugs. I've experienced things that I can't explain properly. Knowledge that surpasses Earthen knowledge, beings (must be spirits but not people-like), and being in another place or time. I think that naturally occurring dimethyltriptamine can do many of these things.

                      As for being awake and cognizant, I haven't a clue but I'm curious. Sounds scary though.


                      • CoderGuy
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2679

                        Recently one of our neighbors died. He and his wife were in Florida visiting family for a month and one day we were sitting watching TV during lunch and saw the husband walk past the window toward their place across the street. We looked at each other and said, "Wonder why Joe's home already". Later that night we got a call from his wife letting us know he had died earlier in the day in FL.


                        • skyline142
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 193

                          Sleep paralysis is absolutely terrifying. I get it upon falling asleep. And I usually can open my eyes, and just stare at the shit going on in my room, and can't ****ing move till something from my visions attacks me. Ya know, these visions sometimes reminds me a LOT of my DMT trips... Hmm. Ever read the book DMT: The Spirit Molecule?


                          • skyline142
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 193

                            Just thinking about sleep paralysis gets me uneasy.. asdfghjkl;

                            It really is scary. Ive dabbled with many psychedelics, and I have 'died and met God', and sleep paralysis for some reason freaks me out more than death itself right now :P


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              the reality is that they don't really scarry me in fact ...

                              after the one had yesterday I remember that I had it three times actually ...

                              this is getting interesting..... One night.... I felt someone laying on my back, and pushing me against the bed really hard, I was kind of concious.... and knew it was my dad (my dad was dead though for a few years then) .... I wasn't scarred because I loved my dad..... a lot.. but I just couldn;t move or see anything because it was dark in the room and I was laying on my stomach ... facing the pillow............


                              • AtreyuKun
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 1223

                                I'm confused here. You weren't scared? I've never had this happen to me, but if my dead father came to me in the middle of the night and was pushing on me very hard so I couldn't move, yeah, I'd be pissing myself.


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