PROFITS UFO's- business leaders meet

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    PROFITS UFO's- business leaders meet

    World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist
    January 25, 2011
    Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

    Graphic summary of GCF discussions by Sunni Brown reveals prominence of ET contact and new energy systems.
    At five thousand dollars a ticket, some business leaders got more than they bargained for when they attended the first day of the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were told flying saucers are real, and they better start thinking about the business implications of extraterrestrial life and technologies. Convened each year by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the GCF brings together business and political leaders to discuss ways of promoting business competitiveness. For the first time at its annual conference, the GCF held a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Titled “Learning from Outer Space” the panel comprised five speakers who all endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life is real, and has many implications for the world as we know it.

    The panel was held on January 23, and was a “main plenary” session meaning all GCF participants were able to attend and hear what the experts had to say about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Up to 1000 participants included business and political elites such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others. The advice they got was that the issue of extraterrestrial life is real, and they better start paying attention to the business implications. Here’s how the GCF summarized the panel presentations on its website:

    Learning from Outer Space – Panel
    The unconventional and highly relevant topic of extraterrestrial life forms was addressed by yesterday’s panel discussion “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”. Experts Zoaghloul El-Naggar, Stanton Friedman, Michio Kaku, Nick Pope and Jacques Vallee made compelling cases for the existence of living beings elsewhere in the galaxy, drawing upon empirical evidence, religious theology and logical reasoning.
    Mr. Friedman opened his remarks with a bold statement, “Flying saucers are real!” and this summed up the perspective of the panel members. Mr. Pope explored the potential business implications of outer space, such as the profitability of alien branding or sponsorship.
    While El-Naggar was also convinced of their existence, he raised the interesting point that it may not be ethical to spend resources trying to contact alien societies when we still face war and poverty in our own society.
    Mr. Vallee encouraged more academics to analyze the evidence. However, on behalf of his successful Venture Capital fund, he said, “We are not ready to invest in this type of research, but we think that somebody should.”

    The 2011 GCF conference panel on Outer Space has opened the door for world business leaders to seriously consider the implications of evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A graphic summarizing GCF discussions by artist, Sunni Brown (top right), reveals the prominence given to issues of extraterrestrial contact and the overwhelming changes new energies will bring to humanity. Business leaders are poised to do what political leaders have so far failed to do – proactively deal with compelling evidence that we are being visited by galactic civilizations who have advanced technologies to share with humanity
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    It's gonna happen soon.


    • truthwolf1
      • Oct 2008
      • 2696

      I really wonder what the Military Industrial Complex has up it's sleeve once disclosure happens.
      They just dont seem like they are the type of guys that would throw up their hands and say we are finished.

      It would be much better to have a group of global scientists and professors have a shot at first contact.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Wtf, is this real? That's a pretty prestigious list of atendees, they aren't giving this conference to conspiracy nuts, but instead ex presidents and defense contractor CEO's.

        I don't know if this was all BS, or if they actually believe Aliens are real and that we need ot start exploring that idea's business potential, but I think that if aliens did exist, and did have some interest in contacting us, I hope they are not driven solely by profit, which is how the majority of humans would act.

        Think about this, the first guy they send here on the spaceship will not be the peace loving hippie, or the camera guy from national geographic, it is going to be fully armed soldiers guarding whatever ambassador they send, and when they come they will have probably already decided what it is they want and what they came for. Think about if it was earth, if we went to explore a foriegn planet, we would send a team of marines, a few scientists and someone versed in the nature of politics such as an ambassador or something, not the guy who's going to come spread all of our free energy technology and sell away our leverage. If they have something more advanced, I bet they keep it as leverage. If aliens ever come, I am assuming by default that it's like the show "V", I wouldn't trust them. Old conservative grandpa would likely be racist against them and not welcome them probably too lol, so that raises another question about how earthlings would react to an alien presence.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I think that is the main reason they have not made a mass public contact.


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            Wtf, is this real? That's a pretty prestigious list of atendees, they aren't giving this conference to conspiracy nuts, but instead ex presidents and defense contractor CEO's.

            I don't know if this was all BS, or if they actually believe Aliens are real and that we need ot start exploring that idea's business potential, but I think that if aliens did exist, and did have some interest in contacting us, I hope they are not driven solely by profit, which is how the majority of humans would act.

            Think about this, the first guy they send here on the spaceship will not be the peace loving hippie, or the camera guy from national geographic, it is going to be fully armed soldiers guarding whatever ambassador they send, and when they come they will have probably already decided what it is they want and what they came for. Think about if it was earth, if we went to explore a foriegn planet, we would send a team of marines, a few scientists and someone versed in the nature of politics such as an ambassador or something, not the guy who's going to come spread all of our free energy technology and sell away our leverage. If they have something more advanced, I bet they keep it as leverage. If aliens ever come, I am assuming by default that it's like the show "V", I wouldn't trust them. Old conservative grandpa would likely be racist against them and not welcome them probably too lol, so that raises another question about how earthlings would react to an alien presence.
            I completely agree with you about first contact being like "V". Mainly on the human side of things being the reactions, people that love em and want to be taken and people that hate/fear them and want to remove them. There will be plenty of chaos just on the reactionary front. As for the V's intentions, if they have been watching us for any length of time they will definitely come armed and ready to defend themselves. Personally, I cannot see the benefit for an alien race to even make contact with us, it's not like we have anything to offer. So if they show up, they want something, and will probably be willing to use force to get it. <here's hoping they want reality show celebs... fingers crossed>


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
              I completely agree with you about first contact being like "V". Mainly on the human side of things being the reactions, people that love em and want to be taken and people that hate/fear them and want to remove them. There will be plenty of chaos just on the reactionary front. As for the V's intentions, if they have been watching us for any length of time they will definitely come armed and ready to defend themselves. Personally, I cannot see the benefit for an alien race to even make contact with us, it's not like we have anything to offer. So if they show up, they want something, and will probably be willing to use force to get it. <here's hoping they want reality show celebs... fingers crossed>

              It all depends though, war appears to be a human (and human ONLY) trait. In nature, as far as i'm aware we do not seem to observe animals segregating themselves and then going to war. Intelligent animals especially, do dolphins and monkeys spend all their time at war? No. Humans seem to be the only ones who do this, but that may arise out of the fact that our planet has very limited resources, so humans naturally become war-like because we are smart enough to plan for the future and know to secure all the good stuff for ourselves. If diamonds meant anything to animals, they would eat what they needed and then leave the rest. A human who stumbles across diamonds will instead secure the location for himself, because he knows their value and scarcity.

              Other cultures from other planets may not have developed like this. War may be very foreign. Think about this, most (all) of the exoplanets we have found, (earth-like planets) have been HUGE, like 5x or more the size of earth. On a planet like this, resources and territory may be plenty, and there may have been no scarcity early on. If resources were abundant, the need to war and obtain other's resource stockpiles may be uneccessary. If everyone had enough resources (since the planet is 5-10x the size of ours) they may not have spent as much time fighting over resources as we have.

              The problem with an alien intelligence is that they evolved under entirely different conditions surely. Therefore they have to think in radically different ways. If they have abundant resources, or learned how to conserve early on, they may not have needed to fight over territory or resources and therefore didn't need to dedicate so much energy towards maintaining standing armies etc. To them, war may have never been necessary. And assuming that war seems to only apply to humans, we don't know if the aliene will even know what war is when they arrive. (Boy, will they be in for a ****ing surprise).

              And what of their religion? What if their arrival signals the begin of a new cosmic crusade? If we go by how humans act, we can assume that the most likely scenario is that the aliens are here to spread their religion. Aliens coming here may be on a missionary mission, which is something I rarely hear discussed.

              Are you willing to believe in their god, and are you willing to fight for your beliefs if they are willing to convert you by force. The cosmic crusades could be upon us!


              • CoderGuy
                • Jul 2009
                • 2679

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                It all depends though, war appears to be a human (and human ONLY) trait. In nature, as far as i'm aware we do not seem to observe animals segregating themselves and then going to war. Intelligent animals especially, do dolphins and monkeys spend all their time at war? No. Humans seem to be the only ones who do this, but that may arise out of the fact that our planet has very limited resources, so humans naturally become war-like because we are smart enough to plan for the future and know to secure all the good stuff for ourselves. If diamonds meant anything to animals, they would eat what they needed and then leave the rest. A human who stumbles across diamonds will instead secure the location for himself, because he knows their value and scarcity.

                Other cultures from other planets may not have developed like this. War may be very foreign. Think about this, most (all) of the exoplanets we have found, (earth-like planets) have been HUGE, like 5x or more the size of earth. On a planet like this, resources and territory may be plenty, and there may have been no scarcity early on. If resources were abundant, the need to war and obtain other's resource stockpiles may be uneccessary. If everyone had enough resources (since the planet is 5-10x the size of ours) they may not have spent as much time fighting over resources as we have.

                The problem with an alien intelligence is that they evolved under entirely different conditions surely. Therefore they have to think in radically different ways. If they have abundant resources, or learned how to conserve early on, they may not have needed to fight over territory or resources and therefore didn't need to dedicate so much energy towards maintaining standing armies etc. To them, war may have never been necessary. And assuming that war seems to only apply to humans, we don't know if the aliene will even know what war is when they arrive. (Boy, will they be in for a ****ing surprise).

                And what of their religion? What if their arrival signals the begin of a new cosmic crusade? If we go by how humans act, we can assume that the most likely scenario is that the aliens are here to spread their religion. Aliens coming here may be on a missionary mission, which is something I rarely hear discussed.

                Are you willing to believe in their god, and are you willing to fight for your beliefs if they are willing to convert you by force. The cosmic crusades could be upon us!
                Well if they truly are an intelligent species they won't have religion. That being said, I have always leaned toward the mindset we were "migrated" here from somewhere else, which means our behavior came from "out there". For all we know they may have perfected war and when they get here will show us how it's "really" done. lol

                It's funny how many people think like you do though (and I am not criticizing at all) that humans are the bad guys and other more advanced lifeforms have risen above war and poverty, it would be hilarious (well maybe not) if our first contact was with a war-torn and impoverished species that comes here only to take our resources and eliminate the beings standing in their way.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  I was just presenting some alternate scenarios to counter the "they will come here and immediately kill everyone for no reason" hypothesis. I think the most likely scenario is that they they are well versed in war, and are armed much better than us. Regardles, when they come we should assume they are armed and dangerous by default, to do otherwise would be foolish.

                  ALso, I do not like the statement that "if they were intelligent they would not have religion". This is 100% the opposte of the truth. First of all, humans are intelligent, in fact as of right now we are the most intelligent life form in the entire known universe, yet we have religion. Religion played such an intricate role in the early developement of man, it cannot be overlooked. In today's day and age, religion doesn't seem to serve much purpose, and can be ignored with little consequence, but religion is something that built empires and made philosophers contemplate the universe which lead to much science later on.

                  The problem is that when primative self-aware beings become aware of their mortality, religion comes in as a way of keeping the order. It provides a reason to live, a reason to wake up each morning and drag stones to the pyramid, and explanation of why there is drought or why your child died etc etc. It promiseses you an afterlife if you work hard and folow orders etc. Religion is an intricate species-wide coping mechanism, and I belive it was central to the developement of mankind and society in general.

                  If they are more intelligent, they will likely have ever deeper set religious values. We cannot look at the world solely through the lens of our current paradigm, just because religion is not as welcomed now does not mean it wasn't there for a reason. It has stayed with us for so long because it served some benefit, and I think that aliens could in theory have similar origins in religious beliefs.

                  EDIT for calrification: I mean that aliens probably had religion early on in their developement, much like we did. If so, it has likely lived on into present times, much like it has for us. Things like religion dig their claws in deep, and survive for thousands of years, even in the face of direct evidence against them. To assume aliens would not have some religion is a stretch of the imagination to say the least.

                  And what if there is a new thing, a new concept, a new "religion". Our concept of religion are all based off the same basic stories from our older religions, being that there is 1 god (generally), and that he he talks to us through prophets etc. They may have a radically different idea of what religion is, they may believe something so radically different that we wouldn't know how to react. What if they are a bunch of crazy muslims who want to convert the universe, and send out missionary ships to all nearby planets with "intelligent" life? What if they are prodestants and believe that eating pepper or cofee is a sin, and they seek to correct our error?

                  Really, to be sure that it will be any 1 thing is impossible. And of course, they may not exist at all, though I find that nearly impossible. The odds of us being the only planet with life are infinitesmall.


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    I was just presenting some alternate scenarios to counter the "they will come here and immediately kill everyone for no reason" hypothesis. I think the most likely scenario is that they they are well versed in war, and are armed much better than us. Regardles, when they come we should assume they are armed and dangerous by default, to do otherwise would be foolish.

                    ALso, I do not like the statement that "if they were intelligent they would not have religion". This is 100% the opposte of the truth. First of all, humans are intelligent, in fact as of right now we are the most intelligent life form in the entire known universe, yet we have religion. Religion played such an intricate role in the developement of man, it cannot be overlooked. In today's day and age, religion doesn't seem to serve much purpose, and can be ignored with little consequence, but religion is something that built empires and made philosophers contimplate the universe which lead to much science later on.

                    The problem is that when primative self-aware beings become aware of their mortality, religion comes in as a way of keeping the order. It provides a reasno to live, a reason to wake up each morning and drag stones to the pyramid, and explanation of why there is drought or why your child died etc etc. Religion is an intricate species0wide coping mechanism, and I belive it was central to the developement of mankind and society in general.

                    If they are more intelligent, they likely have ever deeper set religious values. We cannot look at the world solely through the lens of our current paradigm, just because religion is not as welcomed now does not mean it wasn't there for a reason. It has stayed with us for so long because it served some benefit, and I think that aliens could in theory have similar origins in religious beliefs.

                    And what if there is a new thing, a new concept, a new "religion". Our concept of religion are all based off the same basic stories from our older religions, being that there is 1 god (generally), and that he has tlaks to us through prophets etc. They may have a radically different idea of what religion is, they may believe something so radically different that we wouldn't know how to react. What if they are a bunch of crazy muslims who want to convert the universe, and send out missionary ships to all nearby planets with "intelligent" life.

                    Really, to be sure that it will be any 1 thing is impossible. And of course, they may not exist at all, though I find that nearly impossible. The odds of us being the only planet with life are infinitesmall.
                    I understand you were presenting an alternative and it could very well be they are peace loving beings that come to help us, and your theory would actually be the preferred one. As for the religion comment, I stand by it. I am a science over religion type of person so I equate advancement with letting go of religion (not saying religious people are not advanced or are backwards, I want to make that point so my comment isn't misconstrued). I am just saying from my own personal point of view, the more advanced the culture, the less dependent on religion. I don't see any reason not to present my own personal point of view on the matter as religious people do that all the time. Another thing that needs to be made very clear is I make a clear distinction between religion, and spiritual enlightenment. I guess I should more to the point state my feelings are about "organized religion" and not enlightenment.

                    All that being said, I completely agree from a historical point of view about the importance religion has played in the advancement of the human race. However, training wheels help you learn how to ride a bike, once you learn, you take them off, you don't leave them on in case someday your bike falls over. Again, my own opinion, ymmv.


                    • bipolarbear1968
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1074

                      Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                      It's gonna happen soon.
                      No offence, Tom. You're the last person I'd want to discuss UFOs with. That would be like discussing the human anatomy with Jeffery Dhamer....


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                        I understand you were presenting an alternative and it could very well be they are peace loving beings that come to help us, and your theory would actually be the preferred one. As for the religion comment, I stand by it. I am a science over religion type of person so I equate advancement with letting go of religion (not saying religious people are not advanced or are backwards, I want to make that point so my comment isn't misconstrued). I am just saying from my own personal point of view, the more advanced the culture, the less dependent on religion. I don't see any reason not to present my own personal point of view on the matter as religious people do that all the time. Another thing that needs to be made very clear is I make a clear distinction between religion, and spiritual enlightenment. I guess I should more to the point state my feelings are about "organized religion" and not enlightenment.

                        All that being said, I completely agree from a historical point of view about the importance religion has played in the advancement of the human race. However, training wheels help you learn how to ride a bike, once you learn, you take them off, you don't leave them on in case someday your bike falls over. Again, my own opinion, ymmv.

                        And I totally agree with you in every way, but it would still seem too soon to claim that intelligence=no religion. Right now we have managed to walk on the moon, send a sattelite to the edge of the solar system, and build all the modern marvels we see today, such as the large hedron collider at CERN. Yet we still have religion. That is because, even if 90% believe in science etc, there will always be a percentage that believe in religion, even in the face of direct evidence against it. I imagine aliens would be the same, that they had a similar cultural experience to us, and that religion was likely a part of their early development. If that was the case, than it is likely that it still lives on today. So even if they are super advanced, they may still have a large part of their population who believs in religion, because religion or god cannot be disproven, even with the most advanced science.

                        But, if humanity is any indication, they will likely send the scientist types on the first ship here, as opposed ot their equivalent of an alien redneck from alabama looking to convert everyone.

                        I don't believe they would be peacefull at all, I just think that it as 1 possibility that they could be less warlike. Everyone always asumes they are coming here to take something, because that is how humans act, therefore we assume others would act this way too.

                        TL;DR: Even a thousand years after the training wheels became uneccesary, they are still on our bikes to this very day, despite all of our advancement people still believe in religion. Aliens would probably be the same.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Here's a scenario for you. Think about artificial intelligence on earth. We just developed computers in our parents lifetimes, and yet we already see AI creeping into our lives every day. Most don't notice it, but the computers already largely run things. Our entire financial system is run by computers, trades are automated and the human operators usually don't know what the robot is doing. This is what causes all these things like we saw in may 2010 where the entire stock market crashes for 10 minutes every once in a while. We don't know why, the computers are just thinking much faster than we can keep up.

                          Now, think about the distances that must be traveled to find a planet like earth. Think about the dangers of the journey, sailing in space is much more dangerous than floating across the ocean.

                          Then think about the fact that supposedly millions of people spot UFO's flying around, yet these UFOs never seem to interact or talk to us in any way. Perhaps they are computers? Did anyone ever think of that? Perhaps these ships we see are just drones, scouting or doing some other kind of data gathering to send back home. Perhaps the wave of UFO's we seen today are indications of a foriegn inteligence scouting for places to come. The UFO's here today may just be scout ships,and once they talk to the home planet, their operators are going to know we are here and may want to come visit. But we must assume that it would take a long time for them to travel here. This may be why UFO's don't interact, they could just be robots.

                          Or what if long ago a civilization lived, but they destroyed theirselves in one way or another, and now only the remnants of their technology live on. What if the UFO's we see today are part of some old automated network of robots that had some function. Perhaps they are advanced enough to repair themselves and find sources of energy, so they can continue living on once their creators have long perished.

                          This would explain why all the UFOs reported since ancient times seem to look the same. Explain why drawings on caves resemble modern day UFO's. Explain why the airplane has been remodeled 50 times in the last 100 years, yet the flying saucer design never seems to change. It could be that no new ones are being built, perhaps they are just automated drones that continue to do whatever they are assigned and don't bother us. This means that if we can capture ne, perhaps there is insight into a whole other culture that used to rule the stars just like we rule the earth.

                          You never know.

                          In reality, there is a better chance of us finding the remains of a long fallen society than to find one that is still existing parallel to us. The universe has been around for bilions of years. There could have once been a civilization that sailed the stars like we do oceans, and they may have left their footprint EVERYWHERE. The problem is that nothing survives anywhere after a billion years. All their monuments and artifacts would be long gone. But the robots that were automated may have been able to live on, assuming they were able to repair themselves,find new sources of energy, and work autonomously. By programming them with a genetic/evolutionary programming language, it seems it would be easly to create an AI that could manage to stay alive for a few millions years.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Sgreger, read these books dude. They are really good:

                            The Sparrow, Children of God (sequel)



                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by Roo View Post
                              Sgreger, read these books dude. They are really good:

                              The Sparrow, Children of God (sequel)


                              Wow that's a pretty good review, I am going to buy this book when i get home, I don't have any good sci-fi books going at the moment. I have been looking for a book like this, that questions (in a fictional setting) the implication of making contact with another civilization, and how it would likely go horribly wrong even if both parties started out with good intentions. Thanks for the link!

                              PS: Someday you need to write down the names of all the books in your personal collection, you always have the best book recommendations, or end up reading books that are hella interesting. Is there a place you go to find them, or is it just word of mouth like here on snuson?


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