Lucid dreaming

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  • Hanske
    • Jan 2011
    • 425

    Lucid dreaming

    I read precious's thread about sleep paralysis, so I thought I'd open a thread about lucid dreaming.

    I've never fallen asleep thinking that tonight I'll try to control my dreams, but sometimes, while dreaming the weirdest things, I take control over my dreams.

    There is one dream I can remember pretty good. In the dream I sat at school, and I remember I wanted to stick a pencil in my eye. And so I did. I woke up with a strong pain in my eye, so I guess I hit myself with my finger or something...

    Have you done anything like it?
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    There are one dream I can remember pretty good. In the dream I sat at school, and I remember I wanted to stick a pencil in my eye. And so I did. I woke up with a strong pain in my eye, so I guess I hit myself with my finger or something...
    that's a lucid dream..

    I get these often....

    Once I woke up crying :-)


    • Crow
      • Oct 2010
      • 4312

      There was this sound file I downloaded once for 'lucid dreaming'. There were no words, just tones. Supposedly these tones trigger lucid dreaming, so I tried it out once.

      I would "wake up" in bed in the dream, and go about the first few minutes of my day, as usual... Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I would "wake up" in my bed again. It took me 2-3 'wake-ups' to actually wake-up.

      It was a very strange experience, and the last time I used that file. I think I still have the sound file too (if anyone wants to fool around with it).
      Words of Wisdom

      Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
      Crow: Of course, that's a given.
      Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
      Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
      Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
      Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
      Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
      Frosted: lucky twat
      Frosted: Aussie slags
      Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        When i was young, I always had crazy dreams. Dreams of flying, etc etc. My father took interest this, and sought to teach me what he knew about lucid dreaming.

        If you want to lucid dream, it can be done by anyone, on command. Once lucid, you can practice and learn to alter everythign in your dream like a holodeck. I have refined it down to a science, I can raise my hand to the sky and change the weather, I can alter objects from a distance using my mind, I can fly etc. It is really cool and I highly recommend practicing with it for anyone who wants ot make their dreams much cooler. Also works great if you have bad dreams, as obtaining the ability to control them can make them go from bad to good.

        Here's the technique, it's simple but I guarantee it works.

        Throughout your day, look at the palm of your hands every so often. Look at them, recognize them, know what they look like. They are your hands. Every time you think about it, remember to look at your hands. Every time something seems a little off, look at your hands.

        Once you are asleep, you will have programmed your body to look at your hands periodically, therefore at certian intervals your mind will prompt itself to look at your hands to "make sure your not dreaming". If you are dreaming, as soon as you look at your hands they will seem foriegn (you will notice something wrong about them), and instantly you wil be made lucid to the fact that you are dreaming. With some practice, one can use this to their advntage.

        At first, when i would look at my hands, I would realize I was in a dream and would wake up. After some practice, as soon as I look at my hands and realize I am in a dream, it gives me full control to alter it to my liking.

        Trust me, I cannot be more serious about this. Anyone who wants to have an extremely fun time manipulating their dreams like a holodeck from star trek should use this technique, I have used it since I was young (much less in recent years though). Once you train yourself, looking at your hands will be the catalyst for lucid dreaming, and you will be able to do it on command. The weird part comes in when you are going about your day as normal, looking at your hands every so often, and then suddenly you look at your hands one time and realize you are in a dream. Lots of fun.

        EDIT: If you wanna really take this experience to the next level, after you have practiced the above technique, go online and find a website that sells legal drugs/herbs. Find one (i forget the exact name) that is called dream herb or something. It's an old indian herb that once taken will give you the most amazingly lucid dreams EVER. I took it once before i went to sleep, and was trapped in a scenario I can only equate to that movie inception. I was in a dream, but then would wake up and be in another dream, spend a few days there, then wake up and be in another dream. Over and over, it was insane, and impossible to wake up! But so extremely vivid, there could be no distinction from real life and the dream.


        • Hanske
          • Jan 2011
          • 425

          I don't wanna try it... I read about a Norwegian guy killing himself after trying lucid dreaming. He didn't know what was reality and what was fiction. He was in mental hospital for three years, and on strong medications. He also developed schizofrenia, and found himself almost killing a guy. It was then he shot himself. When I read about it, I thought of the movie "shutter island".


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Originally posted by Hanske View Post
            I don't wanna try it... I read about a Norwegian guy killing himself after trying lucid dreaming. He didn't know what was reality and what was fiction. He was in mental hospital for three years, and on strong medications. He also developed schizofrenia, and found himself almost killing a guy. It was then he shot himself. When I read about it, I thought of the movie "shutter island".
            I would highly disagree that lucid dreaming has anything to do with schizophrenia ...

            The guy probably was already schizophrenic... as the hallucinations were misinterpreted.. as lucid dreamin' or somethin'


            • Hanske
              • Jan 2011
              • 425

              Might be.


              • visiON
                • Mar 2010
                • 308

                Originally posted by Hanske View Post
                I don't wanna try it... I read about a Norwegian guy killing himself after trying lucid dreaming. He didn't know what was reality and what was fiction. He was in mental hospital for three years, and on strong medications. He also developed schizofrenia, and found himself almost killing a guy. It was then he shot himself. When I read about it, I thought of the movie "shutter island".
                Not making difference between reality and a dream can be hard to accomplish, unless what I've read about dreaming is false(light switch don't work etc..).


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                  Once I woke up crying :-)
                  In prison?


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Yah, I could not see any possible way that lucid dreaming could be harmfull. It's a cultural thing though, the philipinos believe the same thing. That you could die if you get sleep paralysis or if you lucid dream or have sleep apnea.

                    Really, for those psychonauts out there, my technique works on everyone I have told it to. Check it out, lucid dreaming is way fun.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by visiON View Post
                      Not making difference between reality and a dream can be hard to accomplish, unless what I've read about dreaming is false(light switch don't work etc..).
                      Depends on the person. In my dreams, I can make a lightswitch work. I can also make the lightswitch turn off the universe. The only thing I can't seem to control is that I can never read printed words in a dream, such as a newspaper. Your mind will try to fill in the blanks of your dream reality with whatever your sub-conscious feeds it with, but for some reason it can't properly populate text on a page of print. No idea why this is, may have to do with the inner workings of the brain and how we identify symbols or something.


                      • Premium Parrots
                        Super Moderators
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 9759

                        Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                        When i was young, I always had crazy dreams. Dreams of flying, etc etc. My father took interest this, and sought to teach me what he knew about lucid dreaming.

                        If you want to lucid dream, it can be done by anyone, on command. Once lucid, you can practice and learn to alter everythign in your dream like a holodeck. I have refined it down to a science, I can raise my hand to the sky and change the weather, I can alter objects from a distance using my mind, I can fly etc. It is really cool and I highly recommend practicing with it for anyone who wants ot make their dreams much cooler. Also works great if you have bad dreams, as obtaining the ability to control them can make them go from bad to good.

                        Here's the technique, it's simple but I guarantee it works.

                        Throughout your day, look at the palm of your hands every so often. Look at them, recognize them, know what they look like. They are your hands. Every time you think about it, remember to look at your hands. Every time something seems a little off, look at your hands.

                        Once you are asleep, you will have programmed your body to look at your hands periodically, therefore at certian intervals your mind will prompt itself to look at your hands to "make sure your not dreaming". If you are dreaming, as soon as you look at your hands they will seem foriegn (you will notice something wrong about them), and instantly you wil be made lucid to the fact that you are dreaming. With some practice, one can use this to their advntage.

                        At first, when i would look at my hands, I would realize I was in a dream and would wake up. After some practice, as soon as I look at my hands and realize I am in a dream, it gives me full control to alter it to my liking.

                        Trust me, I cannot be more serious about this. Anyone who wants to have an extremely fun time manipulating their dreams like a holodeck from star trek should use this technique, I have used it since I was young (much less in recent years though). Once you train yourself, looking at your hands will be the catalyst for lucid dreaming, and you will be able to do it on command. The weird part comes in when you are going about your day as normal, looking at your hands every so often, and then suddenly you look at your hands one time and realize you are in a dream. Lots of fun.

                        EDIT: If you wanna really take this experience to the next level, after you have practiced the above technique, go online and find a website that sells legal drugs/herbs. Find one (i forget the exact name) that is called dream herb or something. It's an old indian herb that once taken will give you the most amazingly lucid dreams EVER. I took it once before i went to sleep, and was trapped in a scenario I can only equate to that movie inception. I was in a dream, but then would wake up and be in another dream, spend a few days there, then wake up and be in another dream. Over and over, it was insane, and impossible to wake up! But so extremely vivid, there could be no distinction from real life and the dream.
                        damit sgreger.....WAKE UP!!

                        you're starting to embarass yourself......again
                        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                        I've been wrong lots of times.Ā  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                        • Snus Boost
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 640

                          Originally posted by Hanske View Post
                          I don't wanna try it... I read about a Norwegian guy killing himself after trying lucid dreaming. He didn't know what was reality and what was fiction. He was in mental hospital for three years, and on strong medications. He also developed schizofrenia, and found himself almost killing a guy. It was then he shot himself. When I read about it, I thought of the movie "shutter island".
                          That Psycho Jared Loughner the AZ shooter listed his favorite thing to do as "lucid dreaming" I don't think I have any concern that doing this would make me do anything like him, however dreaming is your subconscience mind working through issues from the events of the day. I don't think I want to mess with my mind getting itself straightened out. It does sound like fun though.


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            sgregor is right, it is a cultural thing. Some tribes in the jungles still believe you are taking their souls with cameras too. Many people believe if you die in a dream you die in life. I have died thousands of times in dreams and just wake up. Knowledge is a powerful thing (and lack of it dangerous).

                            I have done Lucid Dreaming a lot in my life and Astral Projection as well (almost the same thing with subtle differences).


                            • snusgetter
                              • May 2010
                              • 10903

                              Jared Lee Loughner and Lucid Dreams:

                              Did Alleged Arizona Shooter Think he was Dreaming During the Attack?

                              When Jared Lee Loughner allegedly pulled the trigger outside a Tucson Safeway Saturday morning, killing six people and injuring 14 others, is it possible that he thought he was dreaming?

                              According to friends, Loughner was particularly interested in something called lucid dreaming, when people try to take control of their own dreams to manipulate them.

                              "Lucid dreaming is when a person has not only very vivid dreams, very clear dreams, but they are consciously aware that they are dreaming, and they are able to influence the dreams," said Dr. Gary Schwartz, a professor of psychology and neurology at the University of Arizona.

                              It's a concept straight out of movies like "The Matrix" and last summer's "Inception," in which characters live out superhuman lives in their sleep.
                              Bryce Tierney, a friend of Loughner's, told Mother Jones magazine that the alleged shooter kept a journal of his dreams, and Tierney saw it.

                              "That's the golden piece of evidence," Tierney told the magazine. "You want to know what goes on in Jared Loughner's mind, there's a dream journal that will tell you everything."

                              But Tierney told Mother Jones that his friend got in too deep. Like the characters in the movie "Inception," his dream life became more vivid to him than his waking life, which psychologists say is a very real risk.

                              "For individuals who become not just gifted lucid dreamers but become obsessed with lucid dreaming and prefer lucid dreaming more than regular life, it becomes potentially dangerous to them and society," said Schwartz.

                              Loughner's YouTube posts do seem to suggest that he may have thought his waking life was actually a dream.

                              "All conscience dreaming at this moment is asleep. Jared Loughner is conscience dreaming at this moment. Thus, Jared Loughner is asleep," he wrote in his YouTube video, seeming to refer to conscious or lucid dreams. "In a few days, you know I'm conscience [sic] dreaming!"

                              So, could Loughner have believed he was dreaming when he allegedly attacked?

                              "Of course nobody knows for sure," said Schwartz, "but it is certainly possible that this is very much like what he had dreamt before."

                              It might just be possible that on Saturday, Loughner's dark dreams became a nightmare for an Arizona community and the nation as well.

                              Defense strategy?? Will insanity be alluded to?

                              Will sgreger be called upon to testify??


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