Lucid dreaming

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  • Monkey
    by Monkey
    I sleep with a snus in my lip 99% of the time. I have napped without snus and that is not a problem but I can not seem to stay asleep the whole night...
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  • bondzai
    Nicotine Dreams
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  • skyline142
    Snus and dreaming
    by skyline142
    So, has anyone fell asleep with a snus in? Or snused RIGHT before going to bed? Well, goddamn. I am having the most crazy dreams, just as crazy as my...
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  • sofarsogood
    My God, the Dreams!
    by sofarsogood
    So I was looking at the thread on here related to snus and dreams and decided to try using a portion before going to bed. Half of the wild dreams have...
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  • wa3zrm
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