I haven't seen a coffee related thread here but I know that like 95% of the people here drink coffee on a daily basis.
What is your daily consumption?
What is your favorite coffee?
I drink at least one per day. Can't have breakfast without a cup of coffee. Usually I will have on after lunch or dinner as well.
The brand I most use is "Gevalia". I think it's getting pretty popular in the US as well now although it's a Swedish brand, so many of you are maybe familiar with the name.

I love "Zoegas" as well. A little stronger than Gevalia.
I exclusively make my coffee with a coffee press at home:

It's tastes much, much better than it does in a coffee maker. If you haven't got a coffee press and are very fond of coffee: get one now. They are pretty cheap as well.
I would love to drink more coffee than I do, but I easily get nervous and worried when having to much caffeine. Not actually by it self but when combined with a lot of nicotine through out the day. I guess it's a psychological thing since I had problems with anxiety before and now associate too much caffeine with bad feelings.
I love coffee though, and the combination of a snus and coffee is priceless.
What is your daily consumption?
What is your favorite coffee?
I drink at least one per day. Can't have breakfast without a cup of coffee. Usually I will have on after lunch or dinner as well.
The brand I most use is "Gevalia". I think it's getting pretty popular in the US as well now although it's a Swedish brand, so many of you are maybe familiar with the name.

I love "Zoegas" as well. A little stronger than Gevalia.
I exclusively make my coffee with a coffee press at home:

It's tastes much, much better than it does in a coffee maker. If you haven't got a coffee press and are very fond of coffee: get one now. They are pretty cheap as well.
I would love to drink more coffee than I do, but I easily get nervous and worried when having to much caffeine. Not actually by it self but when combined with a lot of nicotine through out the day. I guess it's a psychological thing since I had problems with anxiety before and now associate too much caffeine with bad feelings.
I love coffee though, and the combination of a snus and coffee is priceless.