Any coffee drinkers here (dumbest question ever maybe)?

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    Any coffee drinkers here (dumbest question ever maybe)?

    I haven't seen a coffee related thread here but I know that like 95% of the people here drink coffee on a daily basis.

    What is your daily consumption?

    What is your favorite coffee?

    I drink at least one per day. Can't have breakfast without a cup of coffee. Usually I will have on after lunch or dinner as well.

    The brand I most use is "Gevalia". I think it's getting pretty popular in the US as well now although it's a Swedish brand, so many of you are maybe familiar with the name.

    I love "Zoegas" as well. A little stronger than Gevalia.

    I exclusively make my coffee with a coffee press at home:

    It's tastes much, much better than it does in a coffee maker. If you haven't got a coffee press and are very fond of coffee: get one now. They are pretty cheap as well.

    I would love to drink more coffee than I do, but I easily get nervous and worried when having to much caffeine. Not actually by it self but when combined with a lot of nicotine through out the day. I guess it's a psychological thing since I had problems with anxiety before and now associate too much caffeine with bad feelings.

    I love coffee though, and the combination of a snus and coffee is priceless.
  • xrt
    • Jun 2010
    • 374

    I drink coffee all the time, no special brand or anything.
    But we have a perfect coffee maker, I use creamer though, no sugar.

    Oh and about 2 cups per. day, always with a snus in.. perfect combo indeed 8)


    • BNSFsnusHauler
      • Jan 2011
      • 542

      I´m a coffeeholic - i´ll think about 25 cups a day.

      Gevalia and Zoega are good, but i´ll drink whatever coffee i get.


      • Crow
        • Oct 2010
        • 4312

        You can't go wrong with a good 'Seattle speedball' in the morning.
        Words of Wisdom

        Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
        Crow: Of course, that's a given.
        Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
        Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
        Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
        Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
        Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
        Frosted: lucky twat
        Frosted: Aussie slags
        Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Originally posted by BNSFsnusHauler View Post
          I´m a coffeeholic - i´ll think about 25 cups a day.

          Gevalia and Zoega are good, but i´ll drink whatever coffee i get.
          25 cups a day!? Holy shit.
          You must be like a Duracell rabbit all day long.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I used to drink 2 12 cup pots of coffee per day. I've cut way back due to money issues, and now have about 10 cups per day, with tea as a fill in. My preferred coffee is 8 O'Clock French roast. What I have now is Aldi store brand, and it's amazingly good. It isn't exceptional in any way; just a good solid, average cup of coffee like you might get in a diner somewhere. It's really the first discount coffee I've had that was drinkable. The last discount brand I got was Acme store brand French roast. That was a little unusual due to it tasting much better cold than hot. Really strange. It's actually worth a purchase if you like iced coffee, or cold coffee in general.

            I always drink it black, no sugar. The only exception to that, is when I make cappuccino for my daughter. I have one with her, and I make it with a little bit of sugar, and frothed milk. My preferred maker is French press, and my preferred easy maker is electric perc. I'm currently using an autodrip, and it satisfactory, for the ease and quantity it makes.


            • Connavar
              • Jan 2011
              • 237

              i too used to be about a 2 pot a day drinker, i have since cut back to maybe 4 or so cups a day and hot tea, 8 O'Clock dark italian roast is my preferred cup o joe. i will either use my cuisinart grinder/brewer or if i just want a cup i will grind up a bit and put it through my old sensao machine.


              • ratcheer
                • Jul 2010
                • 621

                I love coffee, too. I drink about two mugs (approx. 4 cups) per day. I like it best with half and half, but sometimes I enjoy it black. I cannot drink it after early afternoon or I will be awake the following night.

                I have a French press, too. I love the coffee I make in it, but my wife brews large pots of coffee in a drip maker every morning, so I only get to have French press coffee occasionally.

                We freshly grind whole beans every morning. My current three favorite kinds are Gevalia Traditional Roast, to which we have subscribed for around 20 years or more, and two we get at Costco - a Jamaican Blue Mountain blend and Don Pablo 100% Columbian.


                • muddyfunkstar
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 967

                  I used to be a coffee fiend - 10+ cups of strong black coffee a day, but nowadays I have only 1 or 2 cups a day, with lots of milk, and 1 or 2 cups of tea.

                  I don't really have a huge preference of what my coffee is, but I try to stick to milder blends these days. I prefer kenyan to columbian these days.


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    4-6 cups
                    Any Breakfast Blend. Dunkin has become the new folgers.

                    Interesting article if you have any cholesterol issues.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      I drinking some Trader joe's blend with mint. Delicious. It's all about the dunkin donuts cofee though.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885

                        i'm going to quit using coffee....

                        and start using coffe/vanilla portions instead

                        THANKS PP !


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          About two cups a day. Mostly just Folgers Dark. It's the "best part of waking up...."


                          • devilock76
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1737

                            I just switched to a french press myself. They are awesome, I just now need to start grinding my own beans.



                            • enojy
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 150

                              Ahh, yes! Coffee!

                              I've always been a big fan of coffee. I drink probably around 4 cups worth a day; lots of cream (milk,) lots of sugar. Although, whenever trying a new coffee out, I do first have to try it black. I always brew with a percolator, and am partial to Latin American coffees (the nuttier the better!) Guatemalan and Mexican coffees being my absolute favorite. Kona coffees from Hawaii are also really good if you have a sweet tooth, but the cost is a little prohibitive for me.

                              On that note... I've never tried that "cat-shit" coffee made popular in the movie The Bucket List, and really don't care to.


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