"whats a snooze"

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  • gentlemanly
    Banned Users
    • Mar 2008
    • 247

    I am the only one I know that uses, but I am trying to get my brother to quit smoking and use the snus.


    • eli
      • Apr 2008
      • 243

      I know one guy (the guy who first told me about snus) who was using the Camel snus to quit smoking, he turned me onto it, and I dove headfirst, found the Swedish stuff and never looked back. Haven't seen my other snusing friend in a while, wonder how he's doing..


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        I don't know anyone who's ever heard of snus either, and have not been exposed to any of the American test market stuff.

        I only learned about snus after a friend of mine suggested using Copenhagen to quit/cut down smoking. I did not like the toxicity and the spitting, so I just began googling terms like "smokeless tobacco delivery system" etc. I think I was looking for variants of Oliver Twist, which I had heard of, and eventually found Northerner, then BuySnus, then here.

        I'm trying to encourage smokers I know to give it a shot, and a few people have tried it, but have yet to see anyone become enthusiastic about snus in the way that I have. But people are interested, because everyone who knows me thinks of me as the last person on earth who would give up smoking, and are amazed that I haven't had a cigarette in 2ยฝ months. What really blows my mind is that with snus, I don't miss smoking at all. Not even a little bit.


        • PrisMaster
          • May 2007
          • 208

          I got some friends who are ski jumpers are very good at it. They are on the US Ski Team. One of them was actually in the last winter Olympics. They learned about snus when they were in Europe for a ski tournament. They brought some back to the US and thats actually where I first heard about it, but thats not when I started. I started about a year after when I saw a show on tobacco on the discovery channel and it reminded me of snus so I ordered some and then thats when I got hooked. My friends still snus, so I know about 8-10 people around my area that snus. I also actually just got a friends interested in buying some oliver twists the other day so he can quit using American chew.


          • Scott64a
            • May 2008
            • 27

            I heard about snus from a co-worker who occasionally enjoys whiskey flavored Probe. Aside from him, I don't think anyone here knows about it though many dip, especially at the fire staion.

            The fire fighters made a face when I mentioned it, and how I had even figured out how to not spit using Cope portions. I laugh inwardly, and when they ask if I'm dipping, I'll just nod. Who cares if they know the difference?

            Americans can be so damn uncultured and ignorant, but then, there are ignoramuses everywhere in the world.

            "Never a shortage of assholes.", as my graanddad used to say.


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              Originally posted by Scott64a
              Americans can be so damn uncultured and ignorant, but then, there are ignoramuses everywhere in the world.
              Most people here in Germany even don't know, that any form of smokeless tobacco still is produced. Snus, chewing tobacco and dip (yeah, we also have a few dippers here) are consumed by a a small, 'informed' subculture. Don't blame it on ignorancy but on doctors who have been telling since decades "smoke and die or quit". Smokeless tobacco hasn't been in the media here since the eighties and some 'well meaning' medics at that time said that "it's more dangerous than to smoke". :roll:



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