"whats a snooze"

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  • skruf_mcgruff
    • Mar 2008
    • 267

    "whats a snooze"

    For all of you outside of sweden/norway and any other country where snus is popular, do you know anyone else who uses snus?

    I live in new york and so far the popular response to someone seeing my snus is "what the hell is a snoosz" :lol:
  • TropicalBob
    • Feb 2008
    • 316

    I'll second that. I've never met anyone -- outside of this forum -- who knew was a snus was.


    • CWC
      • Mar 2008
      • 114

      I'll third it as well, but then I have been to Sweden several times and to be honest with you I had no idea what snus was until I found the Camel snus at the gas station


      • snoosiphant
        • Feb 2008
        • 175

        I'm the only snuser I know. I had read about it on tobacco forums, but probably wouldn't have started myself if my area hadn't been a test market for triumph. After going through a couple of cans of triumph I order some of the real thing from northerner (no affiliation, ymmv, etc, etc, ad nauseam).


        • scratchybadger
          New Member
          • Mar 2008
          • 13

          I'm the only person around here that I know uses snus and everyone I have spoken to wonder wtf it is.


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772

            None of my close friends use snus exclusively. My friend uses it sometimes and almost managed to quit smoking with it, but he wussed out and caved after two weeks. His girlfriend will make him quit sooner or later. She hates cigarette smoke.

            I've given out the occasional portion when hanging out with groups of friends. Some are curious about the real Swedish product, having tried the Camel snus that is sold here in convenience stores. A lot of people I know who smoke refuse to try it because they think it will give them oral cancer, regardless of what evidence I present them with. I don't really understand this reasoning. Some of them smoke up to a pack and a half per day. The health risks of heavy smoking are well documented and they are completely aware of this. And yet when I present them with numerous studies proving that snus is essentially the safest form of tobacco, they refuse to believe it and refuse to try snus. But oh well. Their loss (of a lung, perhaps?)

            I like being a minority on this one. When I'm sitting in a restaurant and the eternal rain of Portland is raging outside, I watch people going outside to smoke in the cold and smile to myself as I sit in the warmth of the indoors and throw in a portion while I wait for my food. They may think snus is disgusting. But coming back inside from a pre-meal cigarette, soaking wet with rain and reeking of smoke... snus more disgusting than this? I think not.


            • TropicalBob
              • Feb 2008
              • 316

              Snusing will have an image problem with many, many people if it's associated with loose tobacco.

              Dip ain't cool anymore. Loose means dip to many folks. I can't change the look on their faces.

              Another problem is the language. It's almost like a comedy routine.

              "Rhymes with snooze, does it?"
              "That's right."
              "How does one snooze?"
              "Well, first you must learn to bake a pris."
              "What the hell's a pre? Don't sound very 'merican to me. It ain't some French thing, is it?"
              "It's Swedish. A pris is a chunk of tobacco."
              "So you bake it in the oven. How long?"
              "No. Bake means roll."
              "Then why don't you say roll a chunk of tobacco, smartass? You roll a chunk of tobacco and then what?"
              "You put the baked pris under your upper lip."
              "You're got to be kidding? Where it'll show when you grin?"
              "Er, ah, yes."

              See the problem. Don't wonder why the big American companies introduced only discreet portions as a market test. Note too that Skoal doesn't even use the word "snus". It's "Tobacco packs" for their dry snus portions. I say this with sarcasm, hoping you'll understand my point on American marketing: A real man might use a tobacco pack when he'd never bake a pris.


              • mwood72

                I'm the only Snuser I know outside of this board.

                I wouldn't fancy explaining what Snus is and the health benefits over cigarettes to anyone when I'm out and about. I doubt they'd get it or beleive me.

                I'm sure I get some funny looks sometimes when I have a bump under my lip but hey I'd rather that than lung cancer.

                My girlfriend is still a chainsmoker and I can't even convert her!

                I echo what Soft Morning City said - It's a nice feeling to be sitting inside in the warm with a nice portion in whilst watching smokers stand outside in the cold and rain


                • eli
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 243

                  I was talking to a friend of mine (ex-smoker himself) about snus and the idea of "harm-reduction" last night and I was able to make a great comparison, with three things found in most people's kitchen.

                  I pulled out a bottle of Wine, a jug of grape juice and a bottle of vinegar.

                  All three of these things start with the same basic ingredients the only difference is oh they are processed and the end results are dramaticly different and the effect they'd have on you if you drank a heap of them would be just as different, and the effects on ones health would be different as well.

                  The point: Processing does matter.


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    All the guys I work with that chew call it "snoosie" and say it in a lisping voice with a limp wrist. :lol:

                    I guess it just isnt as manly as spitting all over the place :roll:

                    I left my snus at home this past Tuesday and one of the guys tossed me a can of Grizzly Straight. Went through the entire can that day (7AM-10PM). It was sooooo nice finally getting home to a nice pris of General. 3 days later my lower lip still feels like it has 3rd degree chemical burns on it.


                    • eli
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 243

                      Interesting... don't know how they can rationalize that, you're both sticking shredded tobacco under your lips.. just one of you isn't spitting out the resultant liquid...


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        They are just poking fun. They've all tried it atleast once since I switched from dip to snus.


                        • slatter
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 84

                          i am lucky enough to have some very open minded co workers i have gotten 2 on the snus waggon so far


                          • lappakinderi
                            New Member
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 9

                            Well, in Finland almost everyone knows what snus is (the finnish word is nuuska)
                            So I don't really have that kind of problem.


                            • eli
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 243

                              I'm pretty careful about my pronunciation, it's closer to snoose (like noose with an "s" in front of it) than snooze. I find it somewhat fortunate that no one around my office knows about it, if they notice a slight buldge in my lip i just tell them it's a "stop smoking aid" and they let it go.

