Guys, need some legal advice

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451


    I won. I ****ing won. Turns out the police lied to me, my bike wasn't thrown off a truck and found on the side of the road. What actually happened, was that my brother in law sold it for drugs (like I knew but couldn't prove), he sold it to the neighbor 2 houses down. Check this out, he told the guy that the bike was broken and that he could have it for 1,000 if he was willing to fix it. This being the ghetto and all, dude paid the 1,000 and accepted ownership of the bike with no title. So the guy buys my bike, carts it over to his house, FIXES ALL THE SHIT THAT WAS BROKEN ON IT, and then drives it around until he is eventually stopped by the police.

    Now the guy is willing to testify against my brother in law, and say that he sold it and pretended to be the owner of the bike. I can finally PROVE it was my brother in law who sold it. I ****ing knew it.

    Also, the cops apologized for the BLATANT MISHANDLING OF THE CASE on their end (such as not contacting me untill 3 weeks into the investigation), they are waiving all the fees and will even kindly hold it there for me until I can pick it up at my convenience.

    And best of all, my broken ass bike that has been sitting in the garage for months has been fixed free of charge by the guy who bought it. LOLOOLOL, now I can sell it and recoup almost all of the 10k I own on it. I can sell it for at least 8 assuming everything is working still.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      Awesome!!!!!!! Celebrate that shit....


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        So Much Win!


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          That's like a fantasy movie. There's no way that could have happened! Tell us the truth greger :^P


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
            That's like a fantasy movie. There's no way that could have happened! Tell us the truth greger :^P
            Lol, no i'm not shitting you, it really happened like that. I feel like a million pounds of weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I still have to call the franchise tax board so they can clear up their paperwork problem, but the cops waved all of the fees and shit so as soon as I fix the paperwork error I can go pick it up.

            I bet a bunch of these mass shooters wouldn't shoot up IRS buildings and stuff if soemone just talked nice to them or listened to their complaint. The cop called me, asked to hear my side, ACTUALLY LISTENED TO WHAT I HAD TO SAY, then made the executive decision that I wasn't at fault and signed the waiver.

            THAT.FREAKING.SIMPLE. Not sure why every other person I talked to could not have handled it so professionally. Instead I got assholes slamming books and yelling. I wish more people like this police officer worked in our government. It was almost like he was genuinely trying to help someone who was just the victim of a crime or something.


            • SmokedEuro
              • Aug 2010
              • 280

              Good for you Sgregor1!!!!


              • Monkey
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2009
                • 3290

                Police help the victim of a crime? Won't see that on the news....


                • Jwalker
                  • May 2010
                  • 1067

                  Cool, I think most police are decent people. On the other hand Bureaucrats and a lot of people in charge of regulation are different.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by Jwalker View Post
                    Cool, I think most police are decent people. On the other hand Bureaucrats and a lot of people in charge of regulation are different.
                    Most cops ive met have been legit. Ive never been roughed up or treated too unfairly for the most part (then again, i'm not black). I think cops for the most part are doing good for the community, but about 10% of them are bad apples, and they of course get the most publicity. Still I think the percentage who are bad apples is too high, but not sure if it's even humanly possible to stop that from happening. I think it's just human nature.

                    Bureaucrats are of course a different story.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Cool! I am glad that worked out.


                      • Hanske
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 425

                        Originally posted by blotgode View Post
                        hmm, is it possible that you are related to Petter Northug....
                        If you believe in Adam and Eve, then yes I am.


                        • snusgetter
                          • May 2010
                          • 10903

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          Guys, need some legal advice

                          sgreger1...... what you really need is an agent.

                          Great script for that Special Victims Unit (?) show!!!
                          Or change the locale to Hawaii (5-O).

                          This could also be a helluva Muppets Special.


                          • GiantsNut57
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 108

                            It's gotta be your avatar duder It says it all!


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              So let me give a brief explanation of how my saga ended. It was not good.

                              Prety much last I posted here, they signed a waiver saying I don't have to pay any of the impound fees, but told me I still had to wait for them to take the hold off the bike so I can pick it up. Well the impound lot sold it while I was waiting, so now my bike has been sold to cover an $800 impound fee that was waived by the police, so they sold it to cover a debt that nobody owed.

                              So now I owe all 10k and they sold the bike. Tlaked to the bank and they say too bad. DMV placed a hold on it and said I couldn't pick it up, then turned around and took the hold off so the impound yard could sell it. The reason for the sale was that I "abandoned it, and di not try to pick it up", which is patently false as I had been actively trying to get them to sign the release this whole time.

                              So I was right, it was a scam run by the city, they pick up your vehicle, tell you you can't pick it up, then sell it because you couldn't pick it up. I am going to talk to a lawyer later today about this new problema nd see if there is anyhting that can be done, but from my research so far everything was done legally. It is legal for the impound to sell it after 30 days, and the police aren't responsible if they forcibly stop you from getting it out of impound during that 30 days. It's a giant racket.


                              • fishmeat
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 767

                                Sounds fishy...considering the jack around job you got before, I see you winning in court, having the local PD end up covering your attorney's fees etc etc and having to pay you back for what I would hit them with is MSRP on the bike...or even worse "sticker" price.


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