Snusers of Advanced Age

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Snusers of Advanced Age

    Snusers of Advanced Age

    How's that for being diplomatic?

    Wicked posed the question in another thread and it piqued my curiosity:
    Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
    Are there many 70 year old snusers in Sweden? I've often wondered about that.
    As I advance in age, and those 'senior moments' (sometimes referred to as 'moving chads') seem to become more frequent, I have to wonder (while I still can) how snus and aging co-exist.

    Know any old-timers who snus? Say 55+ or better (AARP membership not required), anywhere in the world but especially in Sweden, the avowed homeland of snus.

    And/or, how about long-time snusers? Anyone who has used snus for something like 10+ years?

    Still-inquiring minds want to know.
  • ratcheer
    • Jul 2010
    • 621

    Until I quit in late December, I was a 59 year old snuser. I enjoyed the hell out of it.



    • heders
      • Jan 2011
      • 2227

      As I wrote in the other thread, Ingvar Kamprad - 84 year old, a General Loose (I'm pretty certain) snus user for over 60 years.

      I have also seen a group of senior regulars at a pub with a can each on the table. They were 60-70 years old all of them I think. Although I haven't spoken to them.

      If I find more I will post.


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        Nicely put Getter.

        I buy cars based on what I see on the road. Crown Vics are my choice 'cos they're easy to fix, big as tanks, and you can easily and cheaply put a quarter million miles on them...and with an eight cylinder they still get about 22mpg (if there's enough highway). I wanted to look at snus the same way. I mean we all know that smoking will hasten your demise. My thoughts are that if there's a ton of elder snusers then we'd probably be ok riding this all the way out.

        I'm also curious as to the percentage of Swedes that use snus to use snus rather than to quit smoking. In the US, at least for us here it's largely touted as a reduced harm product. To me, it's a stand alone product. Yeah, I used it to get off dip but I could have just as easily started snus instead of dip at the time had it been available in the B&M stores.

        I hope the European members can shed some light on this for us.


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Erik Lallerstedt, a famous, 65 years old cook uses snus.

          Sven Wollter, a famous Swedish actor - 77 years of age, uses snus.

          Leif GW Persson, famous writer and criminologist, 65 years (Grovsnus portion I think).

          Peter Haber, famous Swedish actor, 58 years old.

          Lars Lagerbäck, a famous football trainer, 63 years old.

          Jan Guillou, famous writer and journalist, 67 years old.

          A few of them may have been smokers and switched to snus, but most I think have snused pretty much their whole life. I have no details about that though.


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
            Snusers of Advanced Age

            How's that for being diplomatic?

            Wicked posed the question in another thread and it piqued my curiosity:

            As I advance in age, and those 'senior moments' (sometimes referred to as 'moving chads') seem to become more frequent, I have to wonder (while I still can) how snus and aging co-exist.

            Know any old-timers who snus? Say 55+ or better (AARP membership not required), anywhere in the world but especially in Sweden, the avowed homeland of snus.

            And/or, how about long-time snusers? Anyone who has used snus for something like 10+ years?

            Still-inquiring minds want to know.

            I think the PC term now is Young Challenged.


            • nachowayne
              • Nov 2008
              • 316

              Originally posted by heders View Post
              Erik Lallerstedt, a famous, 65 years old cock uses snus.
              Little bit harsh don't you think? I don't even know the guy but there is no need to start calling him names just because he's old.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by nachowayne View Post
                Little bit harsh don't you think? I don't even know the guy but there is no need to start calling him names just because he's old.

                The one lip cancer report I know of was from a 90 year old snuser. He had been snusing for 70 years. They lasered the cancer, and he was good as new :^)


                • heders
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 2227

                  Originally posted by nachowayne View Post
                  Little bit harsh don't you think? I don't even know the guy but there is no need to start calling him names just because he's old.
                  Hahahaha oh my god... "Cook"'*****


                  • nachowayne
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 316

                    Originally posted by heders View Post
                    Hahahaha oh my god... "Cook"'*****
                    LOL! Yeah I looked him up before I posted. I just couldn't resist.


                    • heders
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 2227

                      Originally posted by nachowayne View Post
                      LOL! Yeah I looked him up before I posted. I just couldn't resist.
                      Made my day!


                      • snusgetter
                        • May 2010
                        • 10903

                        Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                        I think the PC term now is Young Challenged.
                        Now that you mention it...

                        I just returned from the grocery store ..... alright already, today it was Walmart .....
                        and I realized the term is now Senior Citizens (or Seniors).

                        I usually don't acknowledge such terms unless it involves a discount... such as
                        Senior Day Discount Tuesdays; 10% Senior Discount everyday at Papa Gino's; etc.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          haha.. well at least it's better for the health ...

                          I remember .. my granpa' used to smoke all his life until like 73' and stopped because he could barely breathe or hold the cigarette... he always was spitting and snorting his nose.....

                          I soon realized he was dipping tobacco in his mouth and up his nose, lol

                          died when he was 89 or something....

                          god rest him in peace.

                          (I just sent in 2 tins of different sample snus to two of my relatives, they seniors now ..... I'm still waiting to see if they like it)

                          Might have some customers lol


                          • Snuts
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 157

                            Lars Lagerbäck was the coach of Sweden National team I think. He's the only one I know from that list. Didn't knew he was a snuser. Great.

                            I have a friend who loves Opeth (swedish metal band) but he hates and jokes about snus. If only one band member of Opeth was a snus user I would shuv it in his face.
                            Maybe he would change his mind..


                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              Ok, well here's the other end of the question. I think it was Heders who said that his brother uses Knox and is 12. (The whole family uses Knox. A snusing-family is a concept that amazes me being from the US) I might not have been him, I'd have to go to another thread and look but what age do most Swedes begin using snus, and what's the average duration of use (agewise)?


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