Samuel Adams Boston Lager is my all time favorite. Miller High Life is my "economy" beer. I also enjoy Pabst Blue Ribbon and I still haven't figured out why PBR has such a terrible reputation. Maybe, it's just me. I also enjoy Guinness, Boddington's Pub Ale and Stella Artois.
Weihenstephaner if I feel like a different tasting beer.
Pretty much most Lagers and some Pilseners.
Oetingger is good and like like Heineken.
When I was in Norway I found myself drinking Ringnes (or something like that), it was the cheepest beer at 4 bucks a can but it tasted much better than most of the other cheep cheers.
There's a few local breweries that do some nice (different) beers around here too but I only buy those if I'm looking for something special.
Oooo, a fine brewery is New Glarius. Spotted Cow is their staple beer. It is quite expensive compared to your six pack bottles of budwiser. But I can drink an entire 6 back to myself of Bud or some cheap 'chug beer' and catch a little buzz, while three New Glarius beers and I gotta call it.
I forgot one. There was a rogue batch of Murphys draught stout that tasted awesome. It tasted like burnt currants. After 6 months or so, it went back to usual. Still good, but not like the odd batch.
In no particular order: Young's Double Chocolate Stout, Rogue Shakespeare Stout, Lost Coast 8-Ball Stout, Guinness Extra Stout, Anchor Porter... The list goes on and on. I prefer beers that I can not see through, but I will occasionally make way for a nice IPA like Dogfishhead 60 (but preferably 90 or 120 min).
I just read in another thread of people liking this sort of beer yet getting hangovers (I've gotten those too from Hoegaarden white beer but they were...
Include all beers if you like but I normally drink Pilsner (standard U.S. macro beers). Although I do have a taste for the home brew and a good Sierra...