I haven't really drank beer in awhile, but I'll go with Guinness. That was the first beer I had that I truly enjoyed, so it's still special to me; well, the memory is anyway. The extra stout used to come from Ireland, but now it's made by LaBatt in Canada. I noticed a distinct change when it switched, and it isn't nearly as good as it was :^(
Never had true Irish Guinness but really had a thing about Guinness & Murphys about 10 yrs ago, my work collegues got me onto it and when our US boss came over to visit us he used to lap it up
I think my favorite beer is Beck's Oktoberfest. Sam Adams is a close second (also Oktoberfest). Every time I'm in Ireland though it's Guinness all the way. Guinness consists of 100% of my drinking in the Emerald Isle and probably more than 50% of all fluids consumed...after all, I'm always on holiday there and always with the in-laws.
I like lots of kinds of beer. Right now, and for the past few months, I have really been enjoying Negra Modelo. It has a pronounced malt flavor, but it is still very crisp and clean tasting.
I just read in another thread of people liking this sort of beer yet getting hangovers (I've gotten those too from Hoegaarden white beer but they were...
Include all beers if you like but I normally drink Pilsner (standard U.S. macro beers). Although I do have a taste for the home brew and a good Sierra...