Soft drink of choice?

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Dr. Pepper :^) & 7UP

    and of course Coca Cola but don't have them very often....


    • ratcheer
      • Jul 2010
      • 621

      I probably drink regular Coca Cola more than any other soft drink. But there are many others that I enjoy, occasionally. Dr. Pepper, Barq's root beer, Fanta grape, 7 Up (not nearly as good as it used to be, though), Canada Dry ginger ale, etc, etc...



      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
        I probably drink regular Coca Cola more than any other soft drink. But there are many others that I enjoy, occasionally. Dr. Pepper, Barq's root beer, Fanta grape, 7 Up (not nearly as good as it used to be, though), Canada Dry ginger ale, etc, etc...

        fanta grape is awesome.... haven't seen it around for a while though...


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          Originally posted by Snus Boost View Post
          I remember that. I was just thinking about that when I saw this thread and the post about pepsi vanilla being gone. A friend of mine's grandfather worked for Pepsi and gave us some Crystal Pepsi a month before it came out.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432




            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432



              • Speedoape
                • Nov 2010
                • 311

                Coke Zero but I do go with Diet Big Red on occasion.


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  Originally posted by timoteo View Post
                  Anyone remember Crystal Pepsi, that stuff was really neat..
                  That stuff was so good! I don't drink a lot of soda, but when I do I prefer Pepsi over Coke, Mr. Pibb over Dr. Pepper, and Mello Yello over Mountain Dew.


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Originally posted by TommyGunBC View Post
                    I don't really like soda anymore ,not with the use of high fructose corn syrup which is nasty for the human body , if I have a soda it is always either Mexican Coca cola made with real sugar still although it costs more than beer lol , and I also like the Dr Pepper throwback with sugar , and the odd Jones soda , other than that I drink water over anything else and the obligatory morning coffee , and the weekend Beers

                    HFCS leaves me with a nasty aftertaste. The regional Moxie is the only soda I've been drinking regularly for years but because of their insistent use of HFCS that's no longer viable for me.

                    I've picked up some Jones recently but they're really nothing more than a 'parlor trick' beverage, although they do use cane sugar instead of HFCS.

                    I find the original Izzi Sparkling Juices to be very good. But since they were taken over by Pepsi their newer 'Izzi Esque' beverages leave a lot to be desired.

                    As far as 'real' sodas go I'm pretty much hooked on Hansen's Natural Cane Sodas; their Creamy Root Beer reminds me the most of root beer of yesteryear.

                    My grandson gave me a SodaStream Home Soda Maker kit for Xmas but I've yet to unbox it. I had stocked up on Izzis when they were on sale so I need to use up most of them before I embark on a new adventure.

                    Besides, coffee has always been my beverage of choice forever and these days I've been sampling a variety of coffees. Especially anxious to try the Buddy Brew Coffees (from Tampa FL) that Monkey has told me about.

                    One more thing: As good as plain water is for you, I'll usually
                    only drink it if I can add a good natural flavor to it!!


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by snusgetter View Post

                      One more thing: As good as plain water is for you, I'll usually
                      only drink it if I can add a good natural flavor to it!!
                      You ever drink flavored seltzer water? I like them a good bit. They give the burn and flavor of soda, without the sugar. My favorite was Strathmore from Scotland, but I haven't seen that in a long time. In general, the store brands are very good, and the price is pretty decent on them. For plain water, I like Gerolsteiner a lot. I get it from BigLots when hey get it in. Otherwise, it costs a bit too much to drink regularly.

                      An alternative to plain water is to add extracts to them. Peppermint is my favorite, but I also like lemon and anis. I haven't made them in awhile, but going from memory it's 1/4tsp per liter for a decent flavor.


                      • gentlemanly
                        Banned Users
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 247

                        I used to love Green River soda, they used to sell it all over Washington in little Mom and Pop marts


                        • snusgetter
                          • May 2010
                          • 10903

                          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                          You ever drink flavored seltzer water? I like them a good bit. They give the burn and flavor of soda, without the sugar. My favorite was Strathmore from Scotland, but I haven't seen that in a long time. In general, the store brands are very good, and the price is pretty decent on them. For plain water, I like Gerolsteiner a lot. I get it from BigLots when hey get it in. Otherwise, it costs a bit too much to drink regularly.

                          An alternative to plain water is to add extracts to them. Peppermint is my favorite, but I also like lemon and anis. I haven't made them in awhile, but going from memory it's 1/4tsp per liter for a decent flavor.
                          Basically, the SodaStream makes seltzer water that you add flavors to.

                          SodaStream Features
                          • Makes 1 liter of soda in less than 30 seconds
                          • Makes plain seltzer, flavored sparkling water and more than 20 regular and diet soda flavors -- even an energy drink (flavors sold separately)
                          • No high-fructose corn syrup in regular flavors
                          • No aspartame in diet flavors
                          • Eliminates cans and bottles--reduces weight in RV, saves storage space on the road or at home
                          • Eliminates disposal of cans and bottles in landfills, saving the environment
                          • Use it anywhere--no batteries, no electricity, no clean-up!

                          All of their original flavors contain Sucralose; their non-diet flavors contain cane sugar along with the Sucralose!?!

                          Aside from the kit samples, I plan to forgo their flavors and use faerie's finest Extracts and Drops along with some Stevia Drops for sweetening. I'll let you know how that works out when I finally get around to it.

                          Stop the Presses -- This just in... SodaStream will introduce this spring: Sparkling Naturals
                          "Made from all-natural ingredients, new SodaStream Sparkling Naturals make great-tasting "better for you" sodas. Sparkling Naturals contain no artificial flavors, no artificial colors and no artificial sweeteners, and do not contain any preservatives."

                          And they also have MyWater Essence Flavors, "an unsweetened, all-natural flavor essence for making lightly flavored seltzer or sparkling water."

                          I may end up setting this up sooner than I had planned!!

                          FYI: IZZE® Sparkling Juice is an all-natural blend of pure fruit juice and sparkling water, and is free of caffeine, refined sugars and artificial ingredients. IZZE Sparkling Juice is naturally sweetened with fruit juice only.

                          In 2006, IZZE Beverage Company was acquired by PepsiCo, but continues to operate independently out of Boulder, CO. I corrected my earlier post where I mentioned Coke.


                          • Crow
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 4312

                            Originally posted by TommyGunBC View Post
                            if I have a soda it is always either Mexican Coca cola made with real sugar still although it costs more than beer lol , and I also like the Dr Pepper throwback with sugar
                            I almost forgot that Dr. Pepper released a Throwback version recently. I've tried that one too... Like the other 'Throwback' sodas, it's a whole lot better than their corn shit counterpart. It finishes clean (no syrupy after-taste). Once you try a soda that's made with real sugar, you won't want to go back.

                            They also sell the Mexican Coke here in glass bottles, and there's Kosher Coke (for Passover).

                            Originally posted by gentlemanly View Post
                            I used to love Green River soda, they used to sell it all over Washington in little Mom and Pop marts
                            It's been years since I've seen a bottle of that stuff. I remember enjoying it.

                            Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                            Basically, the SodaStream makes seltzer water that you add flavors to.
                            I've seen those before, and I've always wanted one... The appliance looks like a penguin.

                            Words of Wisdom

                            Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                            Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                            Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                            Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                            Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                            Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                            Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                            Frosted: lucky twat
                            Frosted: Aussie slags
                            Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                            • snusgetter
                              • May 2010
                              • 10903

                              Originally posted by The Seattleite View Post
                              Originally Posted by snusgetter
                              Basically, the SodaStream makes seltzer water that you add flavors to.
                              I've seen those before, and I've always wanted one... The appliance looks like a penguin.

                              I found that Bed, Bath & Beyond has one of the better deals if you use their 20% off coupon that they mail every month; ignore the use by date -- they're good forever.

                              BBnB also has the cartridge exchange program (60L Exchange and Spare Carbonators) where you can get a replacement cartridge for ½ price (it seems most places don't have the cartridge return program).


                              • Wrath
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 143

                                I don't drink much soda these days. I gave that up years ago when I started getting stomach ulcers from drinking it. Once in a while I still indulge in a bottle of Squirt though. Oh and I don't know if many people have heard of it outside of Pennsylvania and Ohio but I used to love Cherokee Red. It was a kick ass cherry soda. Now, if I have a craving for soda I tend to get some of that Sam's Choice soda water from Walmart. I tend to stick to iced tea and good ole H20


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