Incident in Norway. People stop drinking coke.

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  • Kstolen23
    • Feb 2011
    • 281

    Incident in Norway. People stop drinking coke.

    Basically, I was invited to this 'event' on facebook where people are going to stop drinking coca-cola products for two weeks because they are supposedly affiliated with a murderer. Here is the link if you're interested.

    What is your take on the situation?

    If you're on here regularly you probably would've noticed my lack of Snus related threads and I apologize and hope this doesn't inconvenience you.
  • Kstolen23
    • Feb 2011
    • 281

    Of course it is sad that some one was murdered but the approach to the situation seemed to aggravate me resulting in some lengthy posts on the wall which received mixed reactions.


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      well I don't like many here participate in facebook and can't view what you linked. If you could copy the text and post it I might have n opinion. Oh and BTW don't worry about posting off topic, I for one think that's what makes this site interesting.........


      • Kstolen23
        • Feb 2011
        • 281

        MORE THAN 40.000 NOW! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT SO FAR! FOR THOSE WHO HAS NOT SIGNED UP YET, PLEASE SHOW US YOUR SUPPORT AND JOIN OUR MOVEMENT FOR JUSTICE: We don't want Coca-Cola to do business with a person hiding an internationally wanted suspect in the rape and murder case of Norwegian student Martine Vik Magnussen.

        WE WILL NOT PURCHASE ANY COCA-COLA PRODUCTS FOR TWO WEEKS FROM MARCH 1ST! A message from all of us telling the Coca-Cola Company that we want you to care, and do something now! We have currently a good dialogue with Coca-Cola about this and if two weeks is not enough, then we will continue to expand this campaign.

        JOIN US NOW:
        You need to register if you are not a member and remember to UPVOTE if you like the article.

        We have for a long time tried almost everything within the legal frames, without help. We want the Farouk and his family to do the right thing, sooner rather than later, but instead they seem to use every "trick in the book" to stay away. Now is the time for everyone – young and old - to act and show support. Invite ALL of your friends and everyone else to this event! See also

        MARCH 1st is the date!! Hopefully we'll have a solution with The Coca-Cola company by then! Or with the family of the suspect.

        WHY COCA-COLA:
        Our message to the Coca-Cola Company: We wish to be happy consumers and to drink Coca-Cola with a good conscience. But we can in no way be associated with you if you continue to be associated closely with Shaher Abdulhak in EGYPT, LIBYA AND YEMEN. He is hiding a person wanted as a suspect in a rape and murder case, which makes him a criminal as well (according to British law). We have tried everything without look and now we appeal to you to do something about this - please! And we will be more happy with you than before, and so will everyone we tell! Just look at Mercedes Benz. We hope you will consider the above, and thus contribute in our movement for justice and a safer and better world for all! Until then: No Coca-Cola, no Fanta, no Sprite, and none of your other 3,300 beverages (view full list here:

        We refer to Coca-Cola Sustainability Review by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Muhtar Kent:

        “Transparency - Commitment is meaningless without accountability. The scrutiny we face from a global audience is high, and the need for increased transparency continues to grow beyond the requests of our critics to those of our customers and partners. We value an open and honest dialogue with our stakeholders, and we are prepared to advance the conversation.” (

        Getting away with murder? The death of Martine Vik Magnussen
        “When a vivacious Norwegian woman was found raped and strangled in the basement of a London flat, suspicion fell on a fellow student. But two years on, the case remains unsolved. We reconstruct her last night from interviews and previously unseen pictures, and speak to her father about his campaign to find justice for Martine Vik Magnussen”

        Also see The Telegraph: See below for more information.

        PÃ… NORSK (In Norwegian):
        Nå har vi ventet lenge nok! Tiden er inne til å handle , dvs. legge press på faren til Farouk, Shaher Abdulhak, ved å sende ham en klar beskjed: Sønnen din er mistenkt for voldtekt og mord, etterlyst gjennom Interpol. Han kommer til å bli tatt før eller senere og utlevert til Scotland Yard for en rettferdig rettergang. Gjør det rette og gjør det nå!

        Vi trenger alle dere 136.000+ facebooksympatisører - og mange flere - til å sende invitasjoner til alle deres venner til denne eventen! SÅ BIDRAR DU TIL Å LØSE DENNE SAKEN PÅ BEST MULIG MÅTE AKKURAT NÅ!!

        The main point here is dialogue. Our goal is to have a healthy dialogue with the Coca-Cola Company telling them we are 136.000+ consumers who see it as our duty to not accept this kind of behavior in 2011.

        This is not using our power as consumers to boycott. We want a better dialogue between consumers and corporate businesses! In return the multinational companies will get more, better and happy customers. And right now we simply don't want Coca-Cola to have anything to do with this person claimed to help hiding a suspected criminal! He needs to contribute in the release of his son for a fair trial in the UK. Our global world in 2010 is simply not big enough to hide grave offenses behind national borders Join us! Help us by inviting ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS TO THIS EVENT! And try in any case to understand us and our means to see this through!

        The Coca-Cola Company's response in Norway:

        "- Vi har medfølelse med de pårørende og er opptatt av at saken skal oppklares, sier kommunikasjonsdirektør i Coca Cola i Norge, Stein Rømmerud til VG. Han sier at selskapet nettopp har blitt kjent med brevet fra Stortinget, men at det er internasjonalt og lokalt politi sin oppgave å prioritere at saken blir løst. - Mener dere at å ha forretningsforbindelser til Shaher Abdulhak er i samsvar med Coca Colas etiske regler?
        - Vi har ingen forbindelse til den mistenkte, og den mistenktes far er kun indirekte involvert i Coca Cola ved å være en av aksjonærene i selskapet som produserer og distribuerer Coca Cola i Jemen, Libya og Egypt. Men vi er like opptatt som alle andre av at denne saken skal oppklares."

        Summary in English: We have no connection with the suspect, and the supect's father is only indirectly involved in Coca-Cola. But we are just as dedicated as everyone else in helping to solve this case.

        Shaher Abdulhak owns 100% Coca-Cola distribution rights in Egypt, Libya, Sudan and Yemen. He even has a big company for making the bottles he need: Glass Container Manufacturing.



        Norwegian newspaper: (In Norwegian)

        The Observer:
        VG: (In Norwegian)
        Interview with Martine's father: (In Norwegian)



        THANK YOU!


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          Somebody short version this?
          I don't feel like reading all that


          • Kstolen23
            • Feb 2011
            • 281

            I guess the initial post has enough info. . . Yeah, In a nutshell.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Maybe I overlooked it, but what is Coke's connection?


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                Maybe I overlooked it, but what is Coke's connection?

                "Summary in English: We have no connection with the suspect, and the supect's father is only indirectly involved in Coca-Cola. But we are just as dedicated as everyone else in helping to solve this case.

                Shaher Abdulhak [the father] owns 100% Coca-Cola distribution rights in Egypt, Libya, Sudan and Yemen. He even has a big company for making the bottles he need: Glass Container Manufacturing."


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Ah, ok. I think I'm with Coke on this one. Individual distributors are only tangentially related to the parent company which has no legal authority to do anything. They should be targeting the appropriate government for extradition,, or hiring a hit man :^D


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Yep. Coke will remain in my daily intake. Now if the article had read something like: Man's liver pureed and mixed with large world-wide distribution of Coca-Cola" Then I'd stop drinking it for long enough for the recall to be effective


                    • BNSFsnusHauler
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 542

                      I don´t think the Coca Cola Company is to blame in this case. It´s a case on a government /diplomatic level. If any should be boycott it is Mr. Abdulhak not Coca Cola world wide. By the way, I´m already boycotting - I never buying any things from Egypt, Libya, Sudan or Yemen


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        This isn't really coke's problem. I see where everyone is coming from, and I think we can all agree that Coca Cola isn't generally the most ethical company on the planet, but not drinking coke for 2 weeks wont do anything. A few people abstaining from making a purchase of coke for 2 weeks is pennies to Coca Cola, and really they have no power or authority to affect the kind of change the protestors are seeking.


                        • Crow
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 4312

                          I won't stop drinking Coke over this... The company had nothing to do with the crime.
                          Words of Wisdom

                          Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                          Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                          Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                          Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                          Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                          Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                          Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                          Frosted: lucky twat
                          Frosted: Aussie slags
                          Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                          • fishmeat
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 767

                            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                            This isn't really coke's problem. I see where everyone is coming from, and I think we can all agree that Coca Cola isn't generally the most ethical company on the planet, but not drinking coke for 2 weeks wont do anything. A few people abstaining from making a purchase of coke for 2 weeks is pennies to Coca Cola, and really they have no power or authority to affect the kind of change the protestors are seeking.
                            ...kinda like, "Lets not buy gas for a day". To the point, Coca-Cola doesn't care about a group of thousands of people not buying/drinking their product...especially when you have millions of people elsewhere that will.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by fishmeat View Post
                              ...kinda like, "Lets not buy gas for a day". To the point, Coca-Cola doesn't care about a group of thousands of people not buying/drinking their product...especially when you have millions of people elsewhere that will.
                              It's not quite /that/ bad. The "don't buy gas for a day" movements are the paragon of retardation. You'll be buying gas sometime unless you sell your car. Not buying Coke /might/ be felt on some level, but postponing fuel purchases does nothing.


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