Would you vote for this man?

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Would you vote for this man?

    What do you guys think of this dude? I just heard about him but I would vote for him for sure. What do you guys think, especially those of you on the right?

    Former NM Gov and Pres. candidate Gary Johnson (R) favors legalizing pot, supports abortion rights, and opposes the wars. Oh, and he doesn't go to church. "I don't think you'll ever hear me invoking God in anything I do."
  • CreteCoater
    • Feb 2011
    • 304

    Ron Paul has my vote already


    • fishmeat
      • Feb 2011
      • 767

      Having been an advocate of a sensible marijuana laws for years now I can say that when it comes to marijuana law reform Gary Richardson is our man. Ron Paul is a good man as well, but when it comes to Mr. Paul's ideas and thought on decentralizing government, he won't make the cut. When looking to whom to vote for as president I look for numerous virtues and qualities, marijuana law reform being one of those. I can say that the marijuana laws in this nation have tarnished my life as I have to carry around a charge for 0.01g of pot. Thats one hundredth of a gram, something you really can't even put a price on. And now because of that charge I am barred from federal aid to go back to school, I face discrimination by potential employers, and have that stigma that anytime I get pulled over I end up being searched.

      Our next president shouldn't just be for marijuana law reform, but for other issues at heart. This economy is in the crapper still, millions of American are without healthcare in any shape or form, we still have thousands without jobs that could be made. Sure, I am pro-pot...but lets not just jump at the first drop of the hat when a politician tells us they are for change when it comes to marijuana. Obama flip flopped and laughed it off, then to save face says that it needs to be approached as a public health issue. Yet hundreds of thousands of Americans this year will be arrested for a non-violent crime for possession of marijuana. I can see us surpassing 1M arrest this year at the rate we have been going.

      I'm not say Gary Richardson isn't and can't be the one for us next year...I'm just saying lets tep back and look beyond the fact that he too is pro-pot. What does he plan to do about the status of this country.


      • Experimental Monkey
        • Mar 2010
        • 795

        Does he realise he is NOT a republican and theres no way the party would support him enough to get past primaries?


        • Experimental Monkey
          • Mar 2010
          • 795

          Oh yeah, another thing: I want Jesse Ventura to run. A real stand up guy. Someone you could actually trust and get behind.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by CreteCoater View Post
            Ron Paul has my vote already

            I'm pretty sure he has a lot of our votes but last I heard he hadn't decided to run yet has he? If he does than he has my vote for sure.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
              Does he realise he is NOT a republican and theres no way the party would support him enough to get past primaries?

              Don't you see, this is the path to success in 2012. The country has always been mainly republicans (at least based on our voting record), but lately the republicans have been really getting crazy and have frankly started to verge on becoming the fascist party. There are lots of people who have always voted republican and will never vote for a dem but don't have anyone who isn't crazy to vote for. This will allow tens of millions of embarrassed republicans an outlet, it will also draw the youth vote with his pro-abortion, anti-war and pro-marijuana platform. I think he has more of a chance than people think, republican voters are disenfranchised after the republicans took the house back and then started making things worse and completely doing the 100% exact opposite of what they were elected to do, ESPECIALLY the tea party candidates. Republicans will get a chance to save face with this guy, and I think a lot of people would vote for this guy over Obama simply because they are republicans.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by fishmeat View Post
                Having been an advocate of a sensible marijuana laws for years now I can say that when it comes to marijuana law reform Gary Richardson is our man. Ron Paul is a good man as well, but when it comes to Mr. Paul's ideas and thought on decentralizing government, he won't make the cut. When looking to whom to vote for as president I look for numerous virtues and qualities, marijuana law reform being one of those. I can say that the marijuana laws in this nation have tarnished my life as I have to carry around a charge for 0.01g of pot. Thats one hundredth of a gram, something you really can't even put a price on. And now because of that charge I am barred from federal aid to go back to school, I face discrimination by potential employers, and have that stigma that anytime I get pulled over I end up being searched.

                Our next president shouldn't just be for marijuana law reform, but for other issues at heart. This economy is in the crapper still, millions of American are without healthcare in any shape or form, we still have thousands without jobs that could be made. Sure, I am pro-pot...but lets not just jump at the first drop of the hat when a politician tells us they are for change when it comes to marijuana. Obama flip flopped and laughed it off, then to save face says that it needs to be approached as a public health issue. Yet hundreds of thousands of Americans this year will be arrested for a non-violent crime for possession of marijuana. I can see us surpassing 1M arrest this year at the rate we have been going.

                I'm not say Gary Richardson isn't and can't be the one for us next year...I'm just saying lets tep back and look beyond the fact that he too is pro-pot. What does he plan to do about the status of this country.

                I don't know, I personally just heard about him tonight and have not done my research so I do not know much about him. I don't really care about his pro-pot stance at all as much as the rest of the stuff, but I do agree with his stance on legalization or AT THE BARE MINIMUM decriminalization like we have done here in califronia. Because of Arnold Schawrzenneger getting busted with some pot just means the equivalent of a parking ticket, you mail them the fine and go about your life. I hope that once enough states do this and bring the medicinal marijuana thing on-board ( I think it's like 15 states now) we will see the president will be forced to address it and the blatant waste of resources we expend to try and stop adults from smoking plants. We have so much other shit going on I just don't see how we can justify the expense any longer. Especially in light of the recent announcement that the ATF actually supplied many of the guns being used in the mexican drug war, I mean this shit's just getting out of hand now, we are arming foreign drug lords and shit for what, to an American from picking up a gram of weed? What a ****ing waste.


                • truthwolf1
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 2696

                  Nope. Not that I am a conservative but do seem to lean that way.

                  With the few things I do agree with him there are a many like the open southern border/slashing of social security/medicare that just dont sound very good to me.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                    Nope. Not that I am a conservative but do seem to lean that way.

                    With the few things I do agree with him there are a many like the open southern border/slashing of social security/medicare that just dont sound very good to me.
                    Unfortunately, as can be clearly seen here, defense spending, medicare and social security are by far the biggest parts of the budget, eclipsing everything else by several magnitudes. There is simply no way to continue without cutting all of them, and that is a sad truth that will affect many people including those close to me, but it just cannot continue. Defense should go long before social spending if you ask me, considering there are no credible threats to our country at the moment.

                    And I am not going to be a stickler on 1 or 2 issues because frankly if we do that we are going to get Obama again, and I think everyone from the left and the right can agree that he is only slightly better than bush and even that is stretching it.


                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      For the past two months I have really seen a big push in the mainstream networks about slashing/re-visiting the social security/medicare isssue and it is really stricking a nerve. This guy seems to be on that "group think idea" and I really think if we are going to screw the working people who have paid their entire lives into this program we really should be slashing close to everything else before even talking about doing so.


                      • captncaveman
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 924

                        If I was an American Mr. Paul would get my vote. I don't think he raised nearly enough money at his Tea Party to even consider running. The Cannabis laws in the sates are CRAZY!!!!!! I have a script right now for Sativex (thc spray extracted from cannabis) and my Doc has endorsed my med papers for usage of Cannabis (once this clears i am applying to grow as well).

                        Funny thing, i was pulled over for speeding a few months ago, the officer smelt my weed. It was quite over powering. He reached for his holster.. asked me to step out. I then told him where it was. It was half ounce. He told me to keep it in my trunk. Then gave me a warning for speeding LOL Good old Canada! We can't get snus cheap but if you stay out of Conservative country (southern alberta) not many cops don't give two shits about dope.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                          For the past two months I have really seen a big push in the mainstream networks about slashing/re-visiting the social security/medicare isssue and it is really stricking a nerve. This guy seems to be on that "group think idea" and I really think if we are going to screw the working people who have paid their entire lives into this program we really should be slashing close to everything else before even talking about doing so.

                          But thinking like that is part of the problem. The fact is that the programs are a giant ****ing disaster that have become frankenstein monsters of unsustainability and bankruptcy and there just IS NO GETTING AROUND the fact that it has to happen. Even if they slashed EVERY SINGLE THING on the federal budget other than defense, it would still be a HUGE liability in and of itself. Defense, SSI & Medicare ARE the federal budget almost entirely.

                          I agree entirely that it is ****ing the working man, I too have paid into this, but we all have known for years that that money was gone man, if we keep allowing this than by the time we are old enough to retire the entire nation will be working just to pay the interest on the debt we would have to acquire to pay for the SSI benefits. We need to have a safety net but it needs to be rethought, or we need to find a way to fund this one in a more responsible way, but we cannot just let them continue on the devastating path they are on. Trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. Give the government the finger, tell them your going to keep your SSI and medicare deduction and that they can cancel their obligation to you going forward.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by captncaveman View Post
                            If I was an American Mr. Paul would get my vote. I don't think he raised nearly enough money at his Tea Party to even consider running. The Cannabis laws in the sates are CRAZY!!!!!! I have a script right now for Sativex (thc spray extracted from cannabis) and my Doc has endorsed my med papers for usage of Cannabis (once this clears i am applying to grow as well).

                            Funny thing, i was pulled over for speeding a few months ago, the officer smelt my weed. It was quite over powering. He reached for his holster.. asked me to step out. I then told him where it was. It was half ounce. He told me to keep it in my trunk. Then gave me a warning for speeding LOL Good old Canada! We can't get snus cheap but if you stay out of Conservative country (southern alberta) not many cops don't give two shits about dope.
                            Yah there are about 15 states in America like that, I live in one of them (California) and it's chill, i could even grow 100 plants if I wanted to and can even sell it for profit to my local dispensery. They have decriminalized it here and no one really cares any more, the cops sure as hell don't, but employers do still drug test pretty much everywhere.


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              Tighten down and make a cast system of retirement/medical benefits. The more years you have documented the better your benefits and medical. If you rode the system benefits and sat on your ass then you sit at the back of the bus.

                              Although we own it now since we broke it is time for someone like a Paul to come in and do a verified audit of the military industrial complex.

                              long over due.

