OSX Falls First - PwnToOwn

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by devilock76 View Post
    That is like saying that because your car doesn't move it is ok that your bumper is made of play-dough? Is that how you ration paying twice what most of the market pays for computing?


    No you guys can talk circles around the issue all you want but that fact is that not all consumers want the same thing. There is a reason why I use mac products for certain things and why windows is better for others. For my personal computer I prefer mac because their interface is generally more to my liking and because I just have less issues with it. Plain and ****ing simple, less issues, not as slow as PC's that have to constantly run background scans for viruses and shit, etc etc.

    The reason people pay a lot for Apple is because it is a qualiy product that has more attention to detail. I bought my MacBook at the same time as my mother bought a brand new Windows laptop. Hers got slow and started having issues after a few months and she had to send it in to fix the keys on the keyboard because the whole thing was just very mass produced and of a very low quality.

    Apple at least pretends to care about it's customers. Their products work out-of-the-box with little to no effort, while you may enjoy endlessly tinkering with your computer there is an entire world of people out there who do not. It is manufactured to higher quality standards and is more durable and long lasting than PC's in my opinion/experience.

    I pay more for a Mac for the same reason why people pay more for Mercedes than they do for a Pinto; It's just higher quality worksmanship and works right out of the box, it's sleek, durable, easy to operate and powerfull.

    There is a time and a place for windows, but you must realize that not every customer fits the techie PC demographic, some people like ease of use and quality + less maintenance, other like having the "freedom" that windows has, but I am not that customer. For programming or gaming I would say get a PC, for those who are more casual computer users, MAC just makes more sense plain and simple.

    To all: Please stop acting like there is only 1 product for everyone's needs/tastes. You guys must have a field day when you go to restaurants, do you argue with the other customers about how they should order the same food item as you because your choice is superior to their's? The world is bigger than just YOU. Different people have different needs.


    • captncaveman
      • Jul 2008
      • 924

      I'm not a fan of apple just because its well over priced. An OS is an OS. When i say i hate apple i am speaking of their hardware. If anyone thinks apple is leading the way in design and all OS's are copying them should really take a hard look at the many moders/tweakers/hackers/designers/soft devs/theme designers ect from the past 20 years and you would really understand what community is really driving this not apple, not the many unix/linux companies/distros, not microsoft its the end user that just wants more its the end user with a background in design and or programming knowledge that isn't afraid to mess shit up.

      Most companies (Microsoft, Apple) contract designers/programmers, design firms ect to come up with a better GUI or better functions. They integrate different "consultants" into new project or play in the "sandbox" Yes they have in house devs, but alot of them are patching and fixing bugs or finishing off other projects . That leaves them short handed. Plus its always nice to have billions of dollars so you can just acquire the firm/consultant you hired (Many have worked each side of the fence the Mac/Unix side and the Pc/MS side).

      Same thing happens with game studios. Are you going to tell me that every FPS is just a rip off of Wolfenstien? Since the Wolf' was the grandfather of the FPS and everyone that followed are lame? (note i do understand that Maze War was the first FPS, but ID got it write with Wolf 3d and basically MADE the genre what it is today)

      Every company has to follow the trends to stay competitive.


      • captncaveman
        • Jul 2008
        • 924

        I'm a Gentoo and Backtrack fan boy. I like to get my hands dirty. I like f%cking shit up. I love hacking the kernels. I love kernel development. I enjoy compiling source code. I LOVE the fact that my OS is my OS and no one in the world has the exact distro that i have. Everything i run is customized by me for me, thats my idea of a good Saturday night hacking away. I think LFS (linux from scratch) is an awesome project and that everyone should do it at least once in their lives... i do warn you If you find it fun say good bye to all your free time.


        • internope
          • Oct 2010
          • 215

          Originally posted by captncaveman View Post
          If anyone thinks apple is leading the way in design and all OS's are copying them should really take a hard look at the many moders/tweakers/hackers/designers/soft devs/theme designers ect from the past 20 years and you would really understand what community is really driving this not apple, not the many unix/linux companies/distros, not microsoft its the end user that just wants more its the end user with a background in design and or programming knowledge that isn't afraid to mess shit up.
          OS X's lineage goes straight back to NeXTSTEP. NeXT was the company that Job's founded after he left Apple in 1984. When Jobs came back to Apple he brought in the NeXT devs to create OSX. Check out the first few minutes of this video from 1992 and compare NeXT to what anyone else was shipping at the time and what everyone else is doing ten years later:


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923

            Awesome vid man! The Doc is Awesome! Steve Job> Bill Gates


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by internope
              OS X's lineage goes straight back to NeXTSTEP. NeXT was the company that Job's founded after he left Apple in 1984. When Jobs came back to Apple he brought in the NeXT devs to create OSX. Check out the first few minutes of this video from 1992 and compare NeXT to what anyone else was shipping at the time and what everyone else is doing ten years later:
              Very impressive for the time :^)


              • captncaveman
                • Jul 2008
                • 924

                From next-step to now there has been alot of progress. But i still can't say Apple/Mac Jobs continues making the "Standard" for OS design and usability. Take a look at win 3.0 and 3.1, or the BeOS they are all very similar but yet with differences.. that now each have incorporated into their os's today.

                So ... chicken or egg?


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Originally posted by captncaveman View Post
                  From next-step to now there has been alot of progress. But i still can't say Apple/Mac Jobs continues making the "Standard" for OS design and usability. Take a look at win 3.0 and 3.1, or the BeOS they are all very similar but yet with differences.. that now each have incorporated into their os's today.

                  So ... chicken or egg?
                  Look at release dates and thn theirs no need for Chicken or eggs in this argument........


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Isn't jobs sick and going to die soon, with cancer or something? APple was shit after he left and until he came back, and without him I don't know what they are going to do without him.


                    • captncaveman
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 924

                      Microsoft perfected the "task bar" apple/next-step/openStep started the dock , BeOS (the first release was with Be inc in the early 80's) first stable release was in 1990,1991. Sure they are a bit apart but it does take years to design and develop... so if one was copying the other it would set them back even further due to the "water fall" development process that was so damn popular. So yeah Chicken or egg does apply.... its the same argument on who discovered electricity.


                      • captncaveman
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 924

                        one had a more stable version to push out before the other.


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