Just curious of everyone's thoughts. I would like to get views from both the married side and happily unmarried side.
I have been with my girlfriend for 11 years now. We have talked about getting married, she is more into it than i am though. Let me be clear, it has nothing to do with my feelings for her, I love her more than anything, but i honestly just don't want to get married.
Through some of my postings i believe i have made my position on 'god' clear, i don't believe. That is my first issue with marriage. I see it as a christian institution first and foremost. That bugs the hell out of me. I would be completely uncomfortable during the whole ceremony standing in front of a priest that i don't believe i single word of what comes out of his mouth. I neither want nor need my relationship or love confirmed or sanctioned by 'god'.
Second is i don't see why the government has to be involved. To me, marriage should be left to the two people involved. I don't understand why being sanctioned by the government as a couple should have any weight to it. Relationships get messy when god and the government get involved. That is what marriage is to me; a religious ceremony sanctioned by the government.
Third is i believe people in committed relationships that choose not to get married and later have a falling out, are more likely to continue a relationship on some level. Once you get married, from my point of view, you are restrained. I wouldn't want to get a divorce. I'd more than likely be miserable trying to save the relationship if for nothing else to avoid a divorce. If you have issues with your partner, lawyers, money, and possessions all get involved and there seems to be a lot more bitterness and or contempt between the couple as a result and they won't want anything to do with one another once it is finished.
Am i completely off base here?
I already consider her to be my wife. Being officially married wouldn't add anything to our relationship as i see it.
I have been with my girlfriend for 11 years now. We have talked about getting married, she is more into it than i am though. Let me be clear, it has nothing to do with my feelings for her, I love her more than anything, but i honestly just don't want to get married.
Through some of my postings i believe i have made my position on 'god' clear, i don't believe. That is my first issue with marriage. I see it as a christian institution first and foremost. That bugs the hell out of me. I would be completely uncomfortable during the whole ceremony standing in front of a priest that i don't believe i single word of what comes out of his mouth. I neither want nor need my relationship or love confirmed or sanctioned by 'god'.
Second is i don't see why the government has to be involved. To me, marriage should be left to the two people involved. I don't understand why being sanctioned by the government as a couple should have any weight to it. Relationships get messy when god and the government get involved. That is what marriage is to me; a religious ceremony sanctioned by the government.
Third is i believe people in committed relationships that choose not to get married and later have a falling out, are more likely to continue a relationship on some level. Once you get married, from my point of view, you are restrained. I wouldn't want to get a divorce. I'd more than likely be miserable trying to save the relationship if for nothing else to avoid a divorce. If you have issues with your partner, lawyers, money, and possessions all get involved and there seems to be a lot more bitterness and or contempt between the couple as a result and they won't want anything to do with one another once it is finished.
Am i completely off base here?
I already consider her to be my wife. Being officially married wouldn't add anything to our relationship as i see it.