Help Japan!

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  • Hanske
    • Jan 2011
    • 425

    Help Japan!

    Please, watch this video, and buy these T-shirts.

    Fra: ghostofmatsubara | Opprettet: 15. mars 2011

    Buy a T-shirt to support the relief effort:

    Red Cross donation page:
  • EricHill78
    • Jun 2010
    • 4253

    I wonder how much Japan donated for hurricane Katrina relief


    • Hanske
      • Jan 2011
      • 425

      To be honest, America's not done much themselves for New Orleans. I saw a Norwegian show. They were there 14 months after the hurricane, and the city was absolutely trashed. I'm sorry, but there's something wrong in America, when there are so many poor people in such a rich country.

      There are now 11 000 dead in Japan. 600 000 are evacuated.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by Hanske View Post
        I'm sorry, but there's something wrong in America, when there are so many poor people in such a rich country.

        Where are these poor people I keep hearing about? Poor by what standard? America's poor live better than most of the world middle class. You would have to be an idiot to manage to starve here with all of our programs and the term "poor" mainly just means that you only make a few thousand $$ a month. Even our immegrant laborers live better off of our scraps in America than they can with full time work in Mexico, and our bums make more annually than a large percentage of the world population.

        Right off the bat anyone who makes under like 30,000 a year is eligible for food stamps (which will feed you pretty well). Our poor also get free or low medical services as well as pretty fat welfare checks. FACT: every poor person is eligible for welfare or some type of check from the gov. These checks pay more than 1,000 a month when all combined.

        So we give our poor free or low cost healthcare, we give them free food and a thousand or more a month in cash money, then we also give them special discount housing that is usually 50-75% cheaper than a regular apartment and offer employment training services and other benefits to help them become employed. I just don't see how anyone is truly poor in this country. Poor relative to what, the poor people in Africa? Our poor live like kings compared to most of the rest of the world's middle class. I really don't see what else we can do to assist them.

        Katrina was more about how we are a big beurocracy and therefore slow to react, slow to move, and everything we do becomes overly expensive. It wasn't that we didn't try to help but more like we werent prepared and failed pretty badly.

        But Eric is right, I am curious how much other countries gave to America when we had this problem, because I don't recall it being very much. What I don't like though is pretending that one loss of human life is more relevant than another. The fake boundaries we draw between nations are no more binding than the chalk they are drawn in. Even if my neighbor watched my house burn down last year, I will help him put out the fire in his house this year simply because I know what it's like to have your house burn down. Help these people in Japan out guys, I odn't have much to give but i'll give a few bucks.


        • Hanske
          • Jan 2011
          • 425

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
          Where are these poor people I keep hearing about? Poor by what standard? America's poor live better than most of the world middle class. You would have to be an idiot to manage to starve here with all of our programs and the term "poor" mainly just means that you only make a few thousand $$ a month. Even our immegrant laborers live better off of our scraps in America than they can with full time work in Mexico, and our bums make more annually than a large percentage of the world population.

          Right off the bat anyone who makes under like 30,000 a year is eligible for food stamps (which will feed you pretty well). Our poor also get free or low medical services as well as pretty fat welfare checks. FACT: every poor person is eligible for welfare or some type of check from the gov. These checks pay more than 1,000 a month when all combined.

          So we give our poor free or low cost healthcare, we give them free food and a thousand or more a month in cash money, then we also give them special discount housing that is usually 50-75% cheaper than a regular apartment and offer employment training services and other benefits to help them become employed. I just don't see how anyone is truly poor in this country. Poor relative to what, the poor people in Africa? Our poor live like kings compared to most of the rest of the world's middle class. I really don't see what else we can do to assist them.

          Katrina was more about how we are a big beurocracy and therefore slow to react, slow to move, and everything we do becomes overly expensive. It wasn't that we didn't try to help but more like we werent prepared and failed pretty badly.

          But Eric is right, I am curious how much other countries gave to America when we had this problem, because I don't recall it being very much. What I don't like though is pretending that one loss of human life is more relevant than another. The fake boundaries we draw between nations are no more binding than the chalk they are drawn in. Even if my neighbor watched my house burn down last year, I will help him put out the fire in his house this year simply because I know what it's like to have your house burn down. Help these people in Japan out guys, I odn't have much to give but i'll give a few bucks.
          Then explain this to me. I'll make up a story.

          Jeremy lived a happy life with a wife and two children, in a lower middle class area in Michigan. One day his doctor tells him he has a tumor on his brain. As he can't work anymore, his employer sacks him, and he loses his health insurance that his employer payed for him. As you have to pay for hospital treatment in the US, he sells his car and house, and buys a small flat in a bad area. This will get him enough money to get treatment for 8-12 months.

          After his money's spent, he's not cured, and he has to sell his new flat. He ends up in the street. His children and wife disapear, so he's all alone. Eventually he dies.


          And then the Norwegian version.

          Morten lived a happy life with a wife and two children, in a middle class area in Akershus. One day his doctor tells him he has a tumor on his brain. As he can't work anymore, the government gives him "sykepenger", which equals about 80% of what he earned before. He can still live in his house, and if neccesary, the government will pay for his wife's salary as well, so she can stay at home to treat him. The hospital is free, as Norwegian taxes actually are spent on something, so he gets all the treatment he needs, at Radiumhospitalet in Oslo. If he dies, his life couldn't be saved anyway.


          • frazz
            • Mar 2011
            • 46

            On a side note, Does Japan help the US with military support in our fight on the war on terror?


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Google it, turds:


              The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it would provide $200,000 to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also identified needs in affected regions via the U.S. government and provided up to $1,000,000 in emergency supplies such as tents, blankets and power generators if they receive requests from the U.S. for such assistance. Private and corporate donations totaled over $13,000,000.[33] One Japanese individual, Takashi Endo, donated USD $1,000,000 from his personal funds to Katrina relief efforts.[15]

              sgreger, the poor in the US "live like kings" compared to the middle class in most of the world? Are you going by income levels? The cost of goods and services in other countries relative to income? Or is it contempt for our own welfare services? Or contempt for the rest of the world? What kind of countries are you talking about here? You did say "most of the rest of the world's middle class". Just hoping you would explain that one. What you're saying is insulting to the standard of living for middle-income residents of Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Shanghai, Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Novosibirsk, Almaty, Baku, Manchester, Sevilla ... Or maybe as a Californian you are just focused on Mexico?


              • Hanske
                • Jan 2011
                • 425

                Originally posted by frazz View Post
                On a side note, Does Japan help the US with military support in our fight on the war on terror?
                Most of the world believe the war on terror is rubbish. Pure stupidity. Norway's only there because NATO tells them to.

                Originally posted by Roo View Post
                Google it, turds:


                The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it would provide $200,000 to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also identified needs in affected regions via the U.S. government and provided up to $1,000,000 in emergency supplies such as tents, blankets and power generators if they receive requests from the U.S. for such assistance. Private and corporate donations totaled over $13,000,000.[33] One Japanese individual, Takashi Endo, donated USD $1,000,000 from his personal funds to Katrina relief efforts.[15]

                sgreger, the poor in the US "live like kings" compared to the middle class in most of the world? Are you going by income levels? The cost of goods and services in other countries relative to income? Or is it contempt for our own welfare services? Or contempt for the rest of the world? What kind of countries are you talking about here? You did say "most of the rest of the world's middle class". Just hoping you would explain that one. What you're saying is insulting to the standard of living for middle-income residents of Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Shanghai, Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Novosibirsk, Almaty, Baku, Manchester, Sevilla ... Or maybe as a Californian you are just focused on Mexico?
                Thanks, mate!


                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  That sykepenger sounds like a wonderful program. The American medical system is horrid.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Roo I was going to say thank you for the info you didn't have to refer to me as a turd. I'm in the hospital now didn't occur to me douche.


                    • Hanske
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 425

                      Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                      That sykepenger sounds like a wonderful program. The American medical system is horrid.
                      "Syk" means "ill" and "penger" is "money". It would mean something like "money because you're ill", but that sounded stupid.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                        Roo I was going to say thank you for the info you didn't have to refer to me as a turd. I'm in the hospital now didn't occur to me douche.
                        LOL I'm sorry Eric. Get well soon bud.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          It's alright bro lol, when I visit Seattle one day if you buy me a beer we'll call it even


                          • Premium Parrots
                            Super Moderators
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 9759

                            crap you are STILL in the hospital? that sucks. hurry up and get better mate.
                            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                            • frazz
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 46

                              Originally posted by Hanske View Post
                              Most of the world believe the war on terror is rubbish. Pure stupidity. Norway's only there because NATO tells them to.

                              Thanks, mate!
                              Yea, tell the 3000 people that died on 9/11 that the war is rubbish. Just curious, are you a member of the Westboro Baptist Church? You seem to share similar views.


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