Not using car signals. Not paying attention to lane endings, and turn only lanes. Not taking the shopping cart back to the depot when finished. Putting the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle, while the fat ass peruses the potato chip selection, blocking off all passage. Littering.
People who say "Finna" and "ig'nant", not particularly in that order, but it generally tends to be so.
And amberlamps.
Most American driver's piss me off... the impatience. lxskllr pretty much summed it up. Also Asian drivers. Where I live they make up roughly 50% of the population. Women Asian drivers have to be the worst, it amazes me how some of these people get their drivers license.
Drivers that come to a complete stop before turning !! even though the oncoming lane is clear and move to the far right as to make it you so you cannot go around them
Drivers in the fast lane keeping pace with the slow lane
Fish that video brought a tear to my eye... shit was funny as hell. The best part about it is that it is completely true.
For even more lawlz...I say that on the highway before changing lanes WITH my turn signal on...everyone in the truck thinks I'm nuts, those that have seen that episode know and get a kick out of it.
Another thing that gets me is "stupid IT proxy filtering"...sure I can't look at Ebay because its shopping related, but I can browse Amazon all I want. I can get to about half of the online snus shops and this site...that is until they get wise and ban this too. Thats when I bust out the netbook and leech off the wifi.
People who drive slow in the fast lane, even when there is no one in the slow lane. I want to invent a covert led light system for the side(or back) of my car that lets me flash words at them explaining how I really feel.
People who let there kids destroy everything on the table at a restaurant. When I was a child I would have been beaten silly if I threw my pancakes at the waitress at Dennys. No I don't work at Dennys, but with this economy I might be soon. So watch your kids or I will spit in their pancakes.
My upstairs neighbor who doesn't understand the concept of hardwood floors in an upper apartment setting. You can take off your high heels when you get home dude! Yeah I said dude. Maybe I should by him a rug.
But most of all here in Louisville people have evidently never been instructed on the subtle nuances of the four way stop. I swear its always either everyone running through one side like cattle, or everyone staring at all the other drivers wondering who gets to go.