Originally posted by whalen
Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
Originally posted by StuKluWhat about overseas? They aren't bound by these laws I would assume since even after PACT we can still get snuff from UK and Snus from Sweden.
Okay..I have to run. Have a meeting with a tobacco wholesaler in a little while. Hang in there guys...I'm working on solutions for the "banned" states.
DEAR GN! MY SAMPLE(SSS) OF ODEN'S EXTREME ARRIVED TODAY.. I JUST WANTED TO POST THIS MESSAGE TO THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! ONE THOUSAND TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try this snus tonight and write a review/feedback tomorrow night!
YOU ARE AWESOME, LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW: content description on the package was mainly in Swedish with a few English words mixed in.. like "gift" which makes an (un)intentional pun 'cause GIFT means POISON in Swedish (it also means marriage actually but that's no coincidence because this is what marriage often is....)
Originally posted by whalen View PostI again thank you for your efforts! I honestly feel this will end badly for everyone in the United States. They will shut down all the Illicit foreign shipments, then the FDA will make some rulings to make you sell just 5 different plain snus. But by then they will have reducated us to the dangers of using any of it! John Galt Snus anyone?
Originally posted by Jan View PostDEAR GN! MY SAMPLE(SSS) OF ODEN'S EXTREME ARRIVED TODAY.. I JUST WANTED TO POST THIS MESSAGE TO THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! ONE THOUSAND TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try this snus tonight and write a review/feedback tomorrow night!
YOU ARE AWESOME, LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW: content description on the package was mainly in Swedish with a few English words mixed in.. like "gift" which makes an (un)intentional pun 'cause GIFT means POISON in Swedish (it also means marriage actually but that's no coincidence because this is what marriage often is....)
Good moanin dear friends. I certainly hope everybody is happy today.
Congratulations Dear Mr. GN on learning how to post photos.
BTW, the extreme portions make a very nice "wake up" snus with my morning coffee. thanks again old man.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Premium Parrots View PostGood moanin dear friends. I certainly hope everybody is happy today.
Congratulations Dear Mr. GN on learning how to post photos.
BTW, the extreme portions make a very nice "wake up" snus with my morning coffee. thanks again old man.
Originally posted by Jan View PostYes!!!!! I had a laugh too!
Why does it say "chewing tobacco" on the package instead of snus.. do you know anything we don't know yet.. are we safe and alright? Are you safe and alright?Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Jan View PostDEAR GN! MY SAMPLE(SSS) OF ODEN'S EXTREME ARRIVED TODAY.. I JUST WANTED TO POST THIS MESSAGE TO THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! ONE THOUSAND TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try this snus tonight and write a review/feedback tomorrow night!
YOU ARE AWESOME, LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW: content description on the package was mainly in Swedish with a few English words mixed in.. like "gift" which makes an (un)intentional pun 'cause GIFT means POISON in Swedish (it also means marriage actually but that's no coincidence because this is what marriage often is....)
Enjoy it, it is special.
Originally posted by Jan View PostIf GN sprinkled their snus like this along the Baltic coast... you would not notice in the end that you have come to Sweden.... I speak for myself but I think we all share the same feelings towards Mr. GN and his snus.
Originally posted by StuKlu View PostJust made another prilla of Extreme. Can't wait for the portions to arrive 'cause I love this snusGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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