Originally posted by timholian
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they had whalen...........
they had Frosted................
which was fine.................
but they also had the room key for Helga...........
GN girl #142...........
I lept into action.................
Pulling out a pint of my favorite English ale (just in from my mate and long time snuson Mod Pris) I drank it right down..............with a grimace
The suits from SM were not impressed.................
Whalen's frog...............was..............well...........stew ...............
I condoned the helpless onlookers ...........................and suggesting SM add a bit more Hungarian smoked paprika to the broth................
And then I..........................
LEPT><><>><>><<>>INTO ACTION
I whipped out my mammoth Tally Hoe.....................and pissed the boys from SM right back to company HQs
The girls.................GN...............and a guy named Walter......................
were so thankful...............they took me down to the pub to buy me a pint of my favorite English ale.
While sitting at the bar discussing the migrational patterns of the Mishubit Japanese Bettle................suddenly the bar maid...............her mother..................and a guy named Walter...........................
burst into flames..................
I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LEPT INTO ACTION......................