Well since they did not let this thing go for referendum, All I can do is act out against the state for this. After all its always about the money with them. I am going to withhold as much as possible, Maryland is a high tax state already! Besides, it is the right thing to do!
I have an order backlogged from Northerner, as much as I hated to deal with them, and it was placed three weeks ago and I expect them to cancel it tomorrow. Could be worse, only reason I WENT to them is for Pioneer los, and Extreme los is better. I was only trying to get some Odens original portions, before the ban, I have been a long time user of the Kanel, but believe it or not I have never had an original Odens portion. All of my freezer Snus are getting long in the tooth, although they still seem fine, I think I just was looking for the illusion of a fresh can of Snus to enjoy. I will just have to bother my friends more now to order stuff for me.Just a pain in the butt all around. Just stays in the back of my mind that I am being hounded by all these nanny creeps. Do be a good bee, don't be a bad bee! Right, Suck my................!
I've got a week to work next week Mon - Fri days 12 hours a day. After that I'm free for a week - I can post you some Original then GN sent me if you're in difficulty.
I've got a week to work next week Mon - Fri days 12 hours a day. After that I'm free for a week - I can post you some Original then GN sent me if you're in difficulty.
It's soooo good it's GOT to be shared.
I have extreme portions and Viking original from Dear Mr. GN if you need some. PM me.
I'll gladly ship it to you if you cut my toenails for me.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I thought snuson was getting slow - it's my computer.
Just spent all night cleaning it up - and cleaning up quite a few tins of Carlsberg whilst listening to some good sounds on Spotify.
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
If any thing From our produkts you Will not get just one info and you Will get it From GN
Gn, You have been the kindest and most generous friend. I do apprecheate all you do here! You have helped so many who have been affected by the EU ban, and they love your courage! You are the Lion Heart!
I will snap out of it and all will be OK! Thank you for your generous offer. This is my own personal EU ban. I am just mad about the whole thing. Your words have been a comfort, and they do help take the strain off my heart.
This tobacco nanny nonsense has been growing here, and this is the third Law passed that has made things very difficult. I am not a criminal, I am a sick man who is just trying to use a safer alternative product. Of course I am preaching to the choir! Sorry, Its just so sad..................
I've got a week to work next week Mon - Fri days 12 hours a day. After that I'm free for a week - I can post you some Original then GN sent me if you're in difficulty.
It's soooo good it's GOT to be shared.
Frosted,Your to kind, like GN, Parrots et all. I have snus and will be fine, I just tried my best to take care of my needs on my own. And Northerner offered to help. It is just ironic that I tried my best to avoid any help and get myself squared away, and My last order was delayed three weeks and will not be coming in time. If I had used a service that skirted the Pact act, I would have had my SNUS. So it is a case of best laid plans of mice and men!
But thanks Frosted! You are going to need them worse than me I am afraid. GN has set me up smartly with Extreme loose, and it is the best SNUS made............... So I will cope well. Thanks for bareing with me, or not, this SNUS journey has taken a very dark turn and for the life of me I still have a hard time when I start to look at the "WHY" of it. It's because of Government Pinheads. That's the part that gets me mad as Hell, And frankly I don't want to take it any more!
I popped in tonight to let you all know I am drinking and snus'n. This should be a wonderful night. I will be back tomorrow to do my job, sorry dog, I took the day off, but it looks like everyone chipped in and made the thread look the way it should
Whalen - I sincerely hope you're sorted for snus - and yep - GN is the greatest. He is remarkable.
True that! Yes I am sitting here grilling a great big steak and drinking my Home brew, and it is, I might say, an Extremely good Abbey ale with a pronounced kick in the Arse!
I am well sorted for snus. No worries. I just wanted to buy some Odens original with my own money while I had the chance. I have never had it. And it is in stock but Northerner is out of something else and just screwed the pooch! My pooch is not the only one lately, and I had hoped they would straighten this out quickly. They could not ship their way out of a wet paper bag! Then they get all "you don't understand us" on us, well they are right! I don't understand it.
I popped in tonight to let you all know I am drinking and snus'n. This should be a wonderful night. I will be back tomorrow to do my job, sorry dog, I took the day off, but it looks like everyone chipped in and made the thread look the way it should
It has been like a year in Folsum Prison without You in here to brighten things up.