Originally posted by c.nash
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Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
You guays have any ideas what we should do without GN here to Swenglish us to death? I mean yeah, I could go back and spend forever trying to figure out exactly what it is he said, but who has that kind of attention span with all that Primo ass in the way! I'm thinking of becoming a Mormon myself! Or getting my fishing license! Sad that!wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Originally posted by Frosted View PostWell I hope they are cause if GN replies saying that its different tobacco I'll look a right chopper.
But Original and Extreme are as alike as.................well................. Whalen and Chad
(no call here..........I love them both................but they are different.............one has got that whole frog thing going.............the other..........well.............PP asked me not to say anything)
Original tastes like Phantom Brown with a bit of Eucalyptus added to it
Extreme...........Pioneer on steroids
Original.............lighter airy sweet (but not in a candy or added sugar way)
Extreem...........dark earthy herbal
Now I realize that both of us cannot be right on this.................so............................sinc e this is my post......................I declare myself................. the WINNER
Haha.................take that succa.......................how ya like dem chips...........................oh yea.................that's the bootie...............shake it baby...... shake itWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
The moderators of snuson would like to apologies for Mr. S. Dog’s most recent post. We find it juvenile and unacceptable for Mr. Dog as a moderator of this forum to refer to the uncouth practice of shaking-- and we quote--- “my most luscious bootie”.
To all our members, visitors, and constituents we sincerely affirm our deep regret at Mr. Dog’s behavior and wish to insure you that a tranquilizer guns have been deployed.
To our dear friends at GN Tobacco please accept our heart felt anguish that your illustrious product has been subjected to this rogue treatment. Rest assured that we find the egregious and flagrant misrepresentation of Extreme los unacceptable. We can only beg your mercy and remind you that Frosted is a Brit and therefore has the gastronomic sophistication of a walnut negotiating its way out of a Rhino’s bum.
Yours Truly
Communications Director and Complaints Dept. Snuson.com
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by RattlesnakeThat is good to hear, Mr GN sent me some Classic Original so I get the Extreme taste without the heart attack!!!! YEAH
Thanks Mr GN
Originally posted by whalenAh! The coverup Begins with clarifications, misdirection, and no Bootay presented to bolster his defense! What say the jury?
he's a witch................burn her!!!!!
But how do you know he's a witch?
his eyes are red
......they're made of snus cans
.....he turned me into a noote..............no................ Whalen's frog
burn her anyway..............When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
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