Originally posted by kevinatest
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Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View PostCheck this out....... The helthe organisations say make less nicotin and Tar in cigaret well you might thing it is very good i thougt it as well but there is a problem if before smokers had one tipe of cancer now they have another but what thay gained it is when smokes are lighter then you use them more and it cost more money for you and Taxes are spesily high that you will pay to whooooooooooo ? To Goverment who is awinner <?????? Goverment but GOD PEPLE SAY TO YOU THAT IT IS FOR YOU HEALTH ?" Bull Shit if it is for your health then why good people from EU ban snus but not cig hahahaahahahahahaahahahaah becose less Taxes get it Brother?
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View PostCheck this out....... The helthe organisations say make less nicotin and Tar in cigaret well you might thing it is very good i thougt it as well but there is a problem if before smokers had one tipe of cancer now they have another but what thay gained it is when smokes are lighter then you use them more and it cost more money for you and Taxes are spesily high that you will pay to whooooooooooo ? To Goverment who is awinner <?????? Goverment but GOD PEPLE SAY TO YOU THAT IT IS FOR YOU HEALTH ?" Bull Shit if it is for your health then why good people from EU ban snus but not cig hahahaahahahahahaahahahaah becose less Taxes get it Brother?
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View PostMy Family has with medicine to do i know litle about medicin what is important is to get natural stuff natural tomatos meat cucumbre not chemical sh***** for example to make less tar in cig do you know what is needed to do ??? Lots of Sh**** which in the end is much more harmfull
Originally posted by StuKlu View PostDear Mr. GN, you had said earlier in this thread not to freeze the Extreme Loose. I have a roll coming that will probably take me a couple months to finish. I should not freeze this? Why not?
Originally posted by Frosted View PostA Brit living in Sweden came to our work yesterday. I showed him my Odens which he recognised straight away.
He said it was great stuff and that the Swedes regularly double and triple barrel.
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABNo I call Chockey can Extreme can and Olde Viking as well............... all other cans is old cans but with in 2 weeks we relise In totaly new cans
Odens Extreme Portion
Odens Extreme Loose
Olde ------------------------------- ?
Odens Original Portion
Odens 69 White dry portion
AND.................................................... ....................................................... ......................????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????
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