I feel your pain nash. I don't actually FEEL anything from any snus, including extreme. I just feel satisfied that my blood nicotine levels are where they should be. I will say though that on the occasion that I smoke a cig I get buzzed big time, especially if I have been drinking. So I guess the occasional smoke is where I get my buzz from, snus just keeps me sane...mostly.
Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
Originally posted by BrianC View PostI feel your pain nash. I don't actually FEEL anything from any snus, including extreme. I just feel satisfied that my blood nicotine levels are where they should be. I will say though that on the occasion that I smoke a cig I get buzzed big time, especially if I have been drinking. So I guess the occasional smoke is where I get my buzz from, snus just keeps me sane...mostly.
Originally posted by c.nash View PostI don't get a buzz from cigs. It makes my mouth taste terrible and after about an hour or so after that I start hating that I smoked because the ****ing taste won't leave.
Yeah - that puts me right off smoking which is a good thing. That aftertaste is gross.
An 8mg kicked my ass this morning and you know I'm a sterk user. I guess it just depends on something which we know nothing about. At other times I won't even feel an extra sterk.
Sent some portions of Extreme to work with my husband to give to one of the cooks he works with, he dips and smokes. I hope he likes it. He has used American snus and didn't like it. Last time he was here for a poker party, he wouldn't try Swedish snus due to his reaction of the American snus.
I think he will love Extreme and I will have a convert on my hands!
Originally posted by StuKlu View PostG'Morning everyone
We're fast approaching 5,000 posts in this thread, LOLGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Christi View PostHowdy Tim. Life is good, I have my Oden's Extreme! How are you?
My nephew had his surgery yesterday and it turns out it was a little worse than they thought. He shattered the bone at the tip of his finger and that may frack with his growth plate in that location. Good news is they reattached the tendon and the nerves with no trouble.
So, the little fellow will have a shit summer but should be okay in the big picture.
Originally posted by timholian View PostI can't complain.... I mean I could but it wouldn't do any good.
My nephew had his surgery yesterday and it turns out it was a little worse than they thought. He shattered the bone at the tip of his finger and that may frack with his growth plate in that location. Good news is they reattached the tendon and the nerves with no trouble.
So, the little fellow will have a shit summer but should be okay in the big picture.
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Posti did not understand the thing with the finger totaly but what i get is that thay sewed the finger right and nervs is ok right and we at gn are very hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappyyyyyyyyyyy yyyy))))))))))))))))))))
Originally posted by timholian View PostYes, we are very happy. We only hope the tip of his finger grows correctly. Thank you for your support GN, sincerely.
I hope the nerves connect propery and work. Hes a tough lil dude.
I'll just put this here for Dear Whalens and my sake.........
dark vanilla, coffe/vanilla, chocloate coffe or any combinationGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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