Originally posted by Frosted
Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Hey Monkey - I just stuck in a review for Odens Original - new type - go and read it. I wanted to wait until I was absoloutely sure what I was talking about first as I've had this stuff a while.
I don't think you can buy this stuff yet and I've given some tins away (I'm not giving any more away - postage is costing a fortune) so I hope to hear reviews from them as well.
BTW you guys I posted the tins to - I posted them today. Give it two weeks.
This stuff is incredible. No snus on the market today touches this. This is all a completely new direction for Odens driven by GN Tobacco. I'm starting to get the bigger picture now. This stuff is going to take over the snus market - and if you're laughing - you won't be once you taste it. It's very exciting stuff.
Originally posted by RooFrosted, this Odens Original you speak of... Different than my beloved Odens ES Original that's been on the market for a couple years I presume?
There was some confusion over this earlier and I couldn't work it out. But this stuff is brand new.
I hope - or I'll look a right d***head.
OK every one I have an important announcement to make
Most of you know the big GN commercial shoot is coming up next week
from here on out I am going to have to ask each of you to comply with the following rules:
First, I will be representing Frosted here on the forum (hitherto referred to as "Frosted")
all royalties, gratuities and international copyright entitlements will be sub-abrogated to MR S.Dog INC at 25% of yield except in
Finland where Frosted, Mr. Frosted and the Frosted Brand (TM) have all been baned outright due to the potential threat to
children and the endangered mag-fly (our legal team is looking into that last one)
Therefore and forthwith may it be so noted that all participants of the said forum (DBA) Snuson, sic Snuson.com, sic whoseyadaddynowlarry.com, together with its membership, administrators, and collateral associates are to post any posts that they would like to post to MR Frosted (TM) to MR S. Dog (Esquire) and per Mr. S. Dog's approval those posts will then be reposted to MR Frosted. whereupon and under no legal obligation MR Frosted (TM) may upon his discretion post his response in a post to Mr. S Dog who will then repost Mr Frosted's (sic Frosted's) post to you.
Also due to the delicate nature and the multinational scope of Mr. Frosted's comments Christi and LOG will be assisting Mr S Dog. However, due to the Geneva Convention code 147.39b they will not be allowed to wear any clothing while doing so. It is unfortunate but my hands are tied..................I'm also blindfolded and smothered in raspberry jam.........but I digress
Let me be the first to thank you for your full cooperation in this matter and to assure you that Mr Frosted (TM) considers each of you a valued friend and colleague
Should you have any questions or comments................rest assured that our armed staff of security.................err.............customer service representatives will be glad to help you see why you are wrong.
you now owe me $4.25 for reading this post. Please paypal said amount to Frosted LTD c/o S.Dog@doggiehump.comWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
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