Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"

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  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    OK for those that need to know the difference between tasteful and tasteless please review the following pictures on this thread - post 2951 is suggestive and definitely showing skin but it is not really demeaning. It also portrays this lady in whole and in a positive manner. Yes she is sexy but she is also a person. This would pass the somewhat tasteful test. Post 3444 is showing nothing but a single body part in a very demeaning way. This reduces that woman to nothing but a single body part that should be used. Truly tasteless.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Originally posted by timholian View Post
      Jesus, who brought the wet blanket?

      I understand your point GV but we can't all save the world. It is as much on the offendeds shoulders to me as the offenders.... Expecting others to bend to your will seems just as offending as making a statement that could offend.

      People get offended by anything you can imagine..... But just because they are offended doesn't give them anymore or less rights overall.

      My ¢2

      Ps the women in most of the pics posted made money from the pic.... They subjected themselves to such behavior.
      Ahhh so it's fine to use people like that so long as they are paid for it? No, we are not our to save the world just our forum. I will agree that it is almost impossible to come up with a photo that won't offend anyone but it is very possible to post pics that won't offend most everyone.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        As this fascinating debate on Ethics and Propriety continues…………. let me just add my two cents:

        This is an adult site………………it is not a vulgar site

        We can be one without becoming the other

        That said……….. In the spirit of open discussion and mutual respect…………… please know that I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts about this policy

        As you do so let me personally assure you that…….regardless of which side of the debate you are on………..as long as you

        1) agree with me


        2) your post has
        nothing vulgar
        nothing explicit
        nothing illegal
        nothing naked
        and nothing everywhere on the site
        Your sick ass will not get banned

        Carry on

        (Dogie hump #631b)
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • timholian
          • Apr 2010
          • 1448

          Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
          Ahhh so it's fine to use people like that so long as they are paid for it? No, we are not our to save the world just our forum. I will agree that it is almost impossible to come up with a photo that won't offend anyone but it is very possible to post pics that won't offend most everyone.
          If you are old enough to make your own decision and draw your own lines I don't care what you do as long as everyone involved is of the same.

          So, please, for the love of snus, can we let those who of sound body and mind do what they want? And move on?



          Nothing personal I swear.


          • timholian
            • Apr 2010
            • 1448

            Dog has a point....... I guess if there is a problem the mods should be notified instead of highjacking a highjacked thread. Wait what :/


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Originally posted by timholian View Post
              Dog has a point....... I guess if there is a problem the mods should be notified instead of highjacking a highjacked thread. Wait what :/
              I am not hijacking a thread only bringing up a point. This thread was a lot of fun when it first got started. I love the fact that GN is on here interacting with his customers and being open to their ideas in a playful way. Somewhere along the line the thread itself lost direction and became focused on posting pictures that were over the line of decency and common sense. Some of these images perpetuate abuse and portray women as objects. If you can't differentiate between a photo that shows women as beautiful or women as mere objects, I can't help you. These are things you will need to learn as you go along in life. There are a lot of women who read this forum and would find many of those photos offensive. Perhaps they are just too nice to say anything about it or they ignore this thread entirely. No, I don't need to notify a mod whenever I have an issue. I am more than happy to bring it up on my own. You are suggesting that I want to ban any photo that shows any hint of a body part. Quite the opposite is true. I just think that the photos posted should show women in a somewhat respectful manner. I really don't think this should be that difficult to do. It would also be different, though still not right, if I was in a forum that focused on showing it's members pornography. I would expect it to be there. There are a lot of forums out there that specialize in just that. Feel free to post away there.

              I am sorry that you don't get the difference between a photo showing a woman in a bikini at the beach and one showing nothing but her arse while is is being slapped or fondled.


              • timholian
                • Apr 2010
                • 1448

                Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                I am not hijacking a thread only bringing up a point. This thread was a lot of fun when it first got started. I love the fact that GN is on here interacting with his customers and being open to their ideas in a playful way. Somewhere along the line the thread itself lost direction and became focused on posting pictures that were over the line of decency and common sense. Some of these images perpetuate abuse and portray women as objects. If you can't differentiate between a photo that shows women as beautiful or women as mere objects, I can't help you. These are things you will need to learn as you go along in life. There are a lot of women who read this forum and would find many of those photos offensive. Perhaps they are just too nice to say anything about it or they ignore this thread entirely. No, I don't need to notify a mod whenever I have an issue. I am more than happy to bring it up on my own. You are suggesting that I want to ban any photo that shows any hint of a body part. Quite the opposite is true. I just think that the photos posted should show women in a somewhat respectful manner. I really don't think this should be that difficult to do. It would also be different, though still not right, if I was in a forum that focused on showing it's members pornography. I would expect it to be there. There are a lot of forums out there that specialize in just that. Feel free to post away there.

                I am sorry that you don't get the difference between a photo showing a woman in a bikini at the beach and one showing nothing but her arse while is is being slapped or fondled.
                LOL Whatever, dude. Sadly, I agree with you for the most part. If you go back and look at my posts in this thread you will see I only post maybe a handful of pics. The ones I did post were either of Vida or of whatever I could find in a short search.

                You just come off as soooooo self righteous I couldnt help but argue with you. I am certain I didnt come off any better.

                I agree that Odens and GN should probably be removed from the title.....

                I agree there should be less pics.

                I will stop on that.


                • sirloot
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 2607


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798



                    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 7035

                      Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                      Showing picture of women in a demeaning way is fun and a good way to make friends? What kind of friends are you hoping to attract here? Some of those pictures show absolutely nothing but an ass with a string around it and yet you say it wouldn't offend you if your mom or sister were in those pictures? You do great video reviews, please keep posting those instead.

                      GN I love what you are doing for snus but not for the status of women. Many of whom are treated like crap already.
                      Dear GoVegan you do well understand that what you saying about moms and doughtars to C.Nash it is not appriciated of many here as well))) Not that you saying wrong , but how you say ? I agree with you in most what you saying about thread --do not forget the mens pictures as well )))) But is it the place where we should learn others how to behave them selfs ???? And about your feelings about GN and ladys treatment on this thread ))) We love ladys we respect ladys and i ´do not thing that you can make your oppinion on GN thru others postings in this thread)))) it is first and just becouse you let your self to give sugestions i will let my self do sugest you as well ---- your much more nicer and sharper when you are in good humor we just love the sense of your humor it is just a sagestion sorry that i expressed it i hope you are ok with it and my english will not offend many people here )))))


                      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 7035

                        And one more thing if any one has a quastion to us please wright it to ask gn thread, and if we have any thing to say we will wright it in ask gn thread))) We will not participate anylonger on this thread Thank you ))))


                        • Christi
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 2104

                          Originally posted by timholian View Post
                          Frosted was telling me that his wife just bought him a new thong...... I bet it was for Wednesday. : )

                          Dog, I have been asking for hints for forever...... good luck.

                          Where is Christi????? Just beat them till the white meat shows Christi! lmao
                          I am here..yesterday I chilled and tried to veg-out some.

                          The Oden's helped me deal. Such a life saver that Oden's Extreme.

                          Guess I should have totally caught up before I posted. Wow, just wow.


                          • Fazer
                            • May 2011
                            • 663

                            Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                            I see women in here with icons of them sucking on a banana so who knows?
                            and .... she has a really sexy blog, you should take a look but i don't think that's Christi in the icon

                            Link to adult content removed.

                            PS: Back on the thread topic ... I love my Odens extreme los


                            • bill77.017
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 2279

                              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                              And one more thing if any one has a quastion to us please wright it to ask gn thread, and if we have any thing to say we will wright it in ask gn thread))) We will not participate anylonger on this thread Thank you ))))
                              GN my brother, i,ve just caught up with whats been said. And i,d just like to say this, your contribution to Snuson and this thread has been amazing, please don,t let something like this upset you, and make you want to stop posting. You,ve made many friends here brother, and each one of us care about you, so please reconsider. I would hate to see this thread end in this way.


                              • Frosted
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 5798

                                Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                                And one more thing if any one has a quastion to us please wright it to ask gn thread, and if we have any thing to say we will wright it in ask gn thread))) We will not participate anylonger on this thread Thank you ))))

                                If GN ain't posting - I ain't posting.

                                This was an awesome thread - and still could be.


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