I thought while I'm waiting for my sample of extreme, I'll go ahead and make my own home-made Oden's extreme. I'll try to put two Oden's lakrits ES under my lip tonight, let's see what happens. After having tried Makla Ifrikia I should be able to deal with any kind of snus
Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
Hmm, well i'm not good at reviews but it's a top quality snus as far as i'm concerned. I love the tin it comes in. I was dubious about trying it because of the strength as i thought i may get a headache but it's been in a while now and it's all good. As for the taste it's not the same as other portions i've had but is a tobacco like flavour... so hard to describe a taste when i can't compare it to anything. For me this is a wake up with a bang snus for the morning and throughout the day when i want to blast any nicotine cravings into oblivion and enjoy snussing.