You sick bastard! Now I have to go post in the shit my pants thread again! There is coffee all over everything, again! If you do not stop I am going to have to increase my heart pills to two. Frosted changed his name to "chilly" and is now hanging out on the Camel snus board! ahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahah!
You are a bed Boy!
That infidel Frosted listen Leon Heart did you see what i have done hahahahaah on now you are next wih KANAl BY WHALLEN
Whallen , C. Nash , Chad did i promised that to day i send you new can ? Now on 1 pic. you see side design of our new cans etikek for odens extreme portion , on kanel version going to be writen Kanal by Whallen on it can blow your mind part, the second is the can it will be lack , on 3 it is can , on 4 is top etiket were should be warning label as well now what do you want more Assssssssssssssssesssss on avatar or???????????????
Is that true? EU only? you guays are going to use Northerner in USA? RUT RO! Maybe no more Kanel for Whalen? Makes sense from a distribution standpoint. Perfect sense! But Maryland Govenor say he will put Whalen in jail if he calls or writes or emails Northerner! Jail people try to use Whalen as Fleshlight! Jail people make Whalen use "Minty" Snus! Whalen Sad.........................
No Whallen, in Marilend it will be in storese then or we will see .....................
These Days You can order from Northerner but never get what you ordered and payed for..
By the time they get in what was holding your order up even though it said when you ordered it was in stock, they will be out of something else.
So your order gets held up again.
Then when that come in they are out of something else. Not a very customer satisfaction situation for me. They don't even answer emails until a week later.
If I ever get what I have paid for I will remember Northerner . Then remember their service.
GN, What about Canada? no PACT laws here! would ship here eventually?
BTW, those are nice cans! big upgrade from those other ones.
Thank you for quastion Canada we leave on PP i am joking
Dear SIR we do not want to have internet store- the reason why we have oppened is becouse our EU brothers and sisters will not go back to cigarrets and have our GN produkts and i am not lieing honestly if tomorow ban will be lifted then will be cloused, what we going to have in a future is office in diferent parts of the world and in Canada as well and going to sell to stores in Canada i am, sorry to tell you that. but if we will see that It will be problem any how for customers we might change our minds concerning webshop