Post office is usually slow here. But you never know, I was thinking about going to the Post Office and ask for my package this way, maybe that will work LMAO
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
Let me explain you Northerner is sellin in US to stores ,and only that has notherner and one month thay going to have odens extreme portion and los available only at norterner wen it comes to other internet stores will be with in 1 monthe BUT US stores only Northerne
Ok good deal. So 1 more month before I can sample some of this greatness
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABView Post
Good Morning Wallen hoppe you hade nice dreams and hope PP don't read your comments last 4 words I have an anounsment to do to make life, at list snus life, happier- We at GN would Like to send new snus portions to our brothers and sisters to see what do you think of that taste- everybody will recive one can with Oden's Extreme Creme Whintergreenso if you will send us on this thred your acseptans of that can, then we going to send it as soon it is ready , but only please send it to this thread you can right "i want" or whatever it will take 1 to 2 months to do that